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Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Book Awards

I'm excited to tell you about the launch of a brand new Christian Book Award - The Grace Awards. This is a totally reader based award, where YOU, the reader, can vote for your favorite books of 2010 in a number of categories.

What do you have to do? As long as you have an individual social networking page, (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning etc ... ) that has been up and running for three months prior to the opening of voting, you can nominate your favorite book of the year. It's that simple.

Individuals can vote from Jan 21 - Mar 15, 2011 by email to: and the subject line should read: '2010 Voting'. Include the Grace Awards novel category (ie, Contemporary Romance/Historical Romance), the title of the book being voted for and its author, a link to the individual voter's social networking page, the  individual voter's online name, and a 15-45 word summary/review/reason for voting for the novel. (Don't just copy the back cover blurb. We'll check!) Please vote ONLY for novels you have read.   

Novels must be submitted to the correct category, or they will not be counted. The Board makes all decisions on what votes will be accepted, but it is not our aim to exclude or disqualify a vote or voter, but rather to be inclusive.An individual can vote for only one novel per category in one submission. Multiple submissions will not be accepted. Please be sure you've voted in all the categories you wish the first time you submit. More than one submission can disqualify your voting. Of course authors can vote, but not for their own book(s). This is a reader-based awards and readers will pick the finalists in each category. 

·         Women's Fiction
·         Contemporary Romance/Historical Romance
·         Suspense/Thriller/Mystery/Romantic Suspense/ Detective Novel Series  
·         Speculative (SciFi/fantasy/horror, etc.)
·         Action Adventure/Western/Historic Epic Fiction
·         Young Adult 

for more information and included categories: 


Friday, January 14, 2011

Review of Delia latham's book DESTINY'S DREAM

As a pre-cursor to Delia Latham's book launch, I'd like to post my review of her book.

DESTINY’S DREAM by Delia Latham has it all. There’s romance, mystery and action – all very skillfully woven together into a well told and satisfying story. Add to that a solid presentation of the gospel using real and believable characters, and you have a recipe for a great Christian romance novel. These elements on their own are enough to make this book worth reading, but Latham has taken her story telling to another whole level. There were so many unique things about this book that I’m not sure where to begin. First of all, the set up where the two main characters meet is pretty unusual. Destiny May and Clay Gallagher meet at her mother’s funeral. Yeah, that’s right – a funeral! Hardly the makings for a ‘happy beginning’, yet Latham manages to make this scene quite humorous without becoming irreverent. Also, Destiny’s profession is atypical, to say the least. She runs a dating service for Christians and sees it as a ministry that God has called her to. Rather than coming across as shallow, Latham manages to present both the heroine and her aspirations in such a way that it seems totally plausible – even inspiring. In fact, one of the things that impressed me most was the matter of fact way Destiny’s deep spirituality was dealt with in the book. There were plenty of references to the gospel message, redemption, prayer, and even some topics that other authors might shy away from such as angelic visitations, the use of anointing oil, and prophetic messages from God. Yet, Latham weaves all of these elements into the story in such a skillful and unobtrusive way that never once does the reader feel like they are being preached at or ‘taught’. This is good story telling at its finest. There are lots of solid Biblical principles, well rounded and sympathetic characters, and enough plot twists and turns to keep you on your toes – all put together so that in the end all you are left with is the satisfaction of a story well told.   

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Photo credit: kconnors from

A Tree has Roots,
That grow deep inside the Ground
Which hold firmly the tree in place.
The Wind blows,
The tree Stands,
The rain Pours,
The tree Stands.

The tree has beautiful leaves and fruits
Providing a full covering.

As a human being,
The spirit is willing.
But our flesh is so weak
And when trouble comes.
We fall on our knees,
And ask God to come
And fill us with his comforting word of encouragement.

God is not a small God but a very big God
That helps us in times of need.
Tree, Strength, Roots, Word and Fruits.
We are like a tree planted in the word of God
That produces fruits in good season.
Never withering as the Lord waters us
Through the refreshing river of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Brand your name, don’t promote your book

That’s a strong statement, I know, but I wanted to capture your attention.

Stephen King, J. K. Rowling, Dean Koontz, Nora Roberts, Michael Crichton, James Patterson, Anne Rice, Mary Higgins Clark…we all know those names or at least a good portion of them. So what’s my point? Just that…we know their names; we don’t all remember the names of their books.

Your fans are not going to always be able to spout off the titles of all your books, but if they like your work and if you’ve become popular, they will remember your name. If they know your name, they can easily find you online or in the bookstores. When they find your website, then they can look up your books. When they go to the bookstores, they can find your specific titles.

As an author, hopefully you will continually be writing more books. Your readers may not always know your current works, but they’ll keep track of what you’re working on and when your new releases come out. So, how do you (and me), as up and coming authors waiting for the day you’ll be on the best seller lists, brand your name and market yourselves as authors?

That question being put out there, you still, of course, need to work hard on marketing each of your books, but the way to really become popular is to market your name.

One of the best ways to brand yourself is to have a website. You always need to have an online presence; that includes branding yourself in the social media networks. Another good idea is that you should always try to write articles in your trade, and post them in free online writing networks. Usually, you just need to register and then you can begin posting articles; sometimes certain sites will need to review your articles first. These sites will allow readers to link to your profile, where they can follow a link to your website. Other online article posting sites allow you to list a byline with a direct link to your website.

You must remember that you are your greatest fan and you need to take advantage of that fact and promote yourself wherever you go. Of course, some people may feel this is taking you down to ego-land, but there are ways to promote yourself and your work without seeming to be overbearing. I don’t usually like to be in the center of attention, but as my husband mentioned the other day, I’m an author now and I’d better get used to it.

Join writers groups and other writing associations and always attach your byline in everything that you write and have your “elevator speech” prepared and ready to use at all times. So what’s an elevator speech? It’s a short pitch on something you’re trying to market and since you’re trying to market yourself, be prepared to tell people that you are an author and when your next book is going to be released. Be ready to hand out a business card or at least be able to give out your website.

Blogging is another way to brand your name. You always want your readers, potential readers and the press to go to your website. You can do this by offering them something. How do you do that? You need to provide good content that is always updated. That’s why it’s good to have a blog directly on your website or if you have it through another online service, to at least have the blog link prominently displayed on your site. You can even create a newsletter. This will be a bit more time consuming than writing a daily or weekly blog, but it is something that you can think about as you get farther along in your writing career.

Don’t forget to keep on promoting your name. You are your biggest fan! Make your marketing count!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lorilyn Roberts on Atlanta's 57 WATC TV

Lorilyn shares her testimony, faith, talks about her book Children of Dreams, her family's appearance on Animal Planet's "Monsters Inside Me," adoption, parenting, and more.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Hi Folks,

It's time for another giveaway of a box of books. Some of them are new and some are gently used. All you have to do is to have signed up on this post or the previous three posts in December. There will be only one entry so you don't need to sign up for each post - just one of them.

Christmas is around the corner and I hope that each and every one of my followers have a great time during the season. Christmas can also be a sad and lonely time for different reasons - the loss of a loved one, depression, going through a divorce, being lonely. Please remember that this too shall pass and the New Year can bring better things your way. I know because I have spent more than one sad Christmas season.

Anyway, just be a follower or sign up as a new follower and leave a post with your email and you will be entered into the drawing. I'm on my way to 200 followers and hope to make it some time in 2011. Thank you for all of your support over the past couple of years.

Your friend,
Deborah (Debbie)

PS - I meant to post this on my blog Butterfly Journey but since it is here then come on over and sign up for the Box of Books!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Let's remember those who do not have a home at Christmas.
Let's remember those who do not have a coat and a thick blanket to keep them warm.
Let's remember those who do not have any money to buy food or a hot drink to fill their bellies.
Let's remember those who do not have a hot shower to clean themselves;
Let's remember those who do not have any clothes to keep them warm.
Let's remember those who do not have a friend to encourage them to carry on.
Let's remember those who do not have a family to wish them "merry Christmas and happy new year".

Jesus can help the homeless through your generosity and your gratefulness.

Let's be grateful to God that we have a job, even if it is a part-time job,
Let's be grateful to God that we have a home, food on the table and a warm bed.
Let's be grateful to God that we have a family to support us and help us in times of needs;
Let's be grateful to God that we would be celebrating Christmas with our loved ones.
Most importantly, let's be grateful that we know Jesus, that he cares and loves us by giving us
all of those things above.

When you see a homeless person that is hungry, buy them some food, even if it is a sandwich or a pack of
crisps, that will give them a meal.
When you see a homeless person that is thirsty, buy them a drink who will quench their thirst or a hot drink to
keep them warm.

<< Matthew 25 >>
New American Standard Bible
35‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
41“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44“Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ 45“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

I'm not a person that do all those things all the times, but, I can only try our best. It is a good feeling when we help those people in need because we give thanks to God for what he has given us. It is Christmas time and a good time to remember those who will die of cold and hunger because we turned our backs on them. We all have a sinful past so let us stop our selfishness and our silly judgement. Let us give to the homeless without judgement, in the name of Jesus. That is called doing the work of God.

God bless you all and Merry Christmas.

Sana Edoja

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Inspirational Jewels

Listen to internet radio with Inspirational Jewels on Blog Talk Radio

April Gardner discusses Wounded Spirits, an Amazon Best-Seller, the John 3:16 Marketing Network, and More

I would like to introduce April Gardner. April is a gifted writer with a wonderful personality that shines through in her writing. I met April on Facebook and approached her shortly after starting the John 3:16 Marketing Network. It was with much fear and trepidation that I initially asked people to join. Luckily for me, April took me up on my offer; and for that I am grateful. She has been a tremendous asset to the John 3:16 Marketing Network, paving the way for others to follow in her footsteps. I share this short interview with April, which speaks to our hearts as each of us longs to write a best-seller on Amazon.

1    What motivated you to become a writer?

There was a story that needed to be told. I came across the lives of the Creek Indians and the McGirths on the pages of history books and felt a burning need to know these people better, to understand how they might have reacted and dealt with the circumstances thrust upon them. There’s a certain mysterious and regal quality to our country’s Natives that lures me in. They had nearly perfected the true sense of community, selflessness, and passion. I just needed to live in their moccasins for a while.

2    How do you write fiction -- do you outline or fly by the spirit? Do you pick your characters out of thin air, or base them on people you know? And how did you create the historical setting of Wounded Spirits? Did you have to do lots of research or are you a history buff?

I tried writing “by the seat of my pants.” Once. Nope, it’s not for me. I’m a detailed plotter. I build my characters based on what I need them to accomplish in the plot. Adela, for instance, needed to find it relatively easy to forgive some pretty unforgiveable deeds. So I made her a people-pleaser. When a wrong was done against her, she automatically found a way it might have been her own fault. The historical setting for Wounded Sprits was practically created for me. Pickett’s History of Alabama is one of the most interesting history books you’ll ever read. It’s almost written in story-form. Since Pickett interviewed many survivors of the Creek War, he was able to color the pages with amazing descriptions of the people and places found in Wounded Spirits. He made my research rather easy. Thank you Mr. Pickett!

3    You reached number one status in Christian fiction as a brand-new author on the day of your public launch. Please share with others how you accomplished such an incredible feat!

All the glory goes to God. He worked out the details and brought everything together at the last minute. Until a month ago I really didn’t understand the premise behind the John 3:16 Marketing Network. Looking back, it’s simple. Get everyone you can to buy the book on one certain day and the book’s Amazon ranking will rise—to #1, Lord willing. Offering e-gifts to everyone buying the book was key, which is why gathering supporters willing to donate a gift is so vital. At the John 3:16 Marketing Network, the support system is already in place. All an author has to do is ask for help and it’s there.

To make it seem less overwhelming, consider this. It doesn’t take much to start rising in rank. Four (known) sales the evening before the launch took Wounded Spirits from #800,000 (in Amazon Books) to #62,000. Creating specific subcategories for a book is essential. (“Historical” under “Christian fiction” under “fiction,” for example.) In the historical fiction category, Wounded Spirits competed against a much smaller number than under “fiction” which is what my book was originally categorized under. By 10am, Wounded Spirits had reached #1 in that sub-subcategory. A few hours later, the book reached #1 in Christian fiction which is a larger subcategory but not as large as “fiction.” It reached #2096 in books, which is excellent. One thousand more would have been even better, but I’m not complaining. J

I have no idea how many books actually sold, but does it matter? Not really, because the goal was “best seller status” not “X number of copies sold.”

Two days later I’m still rather numb. It was certainly the highlight of my career so far. Yes, I now possess the title Best-Selling Author, but it was the incredible show of support from people who loved me and were rooting for me that brings tears to my eyes, even now. Acquaintances old and new turned out in droves to buy the book and cheer me on. It’s THEM I have to thank for my new title; and the Lord who somehow, amazingly, found me worthy of it.

I cannot say enough for the John 3:16 Marketing Network. It was a concept I struggled with for a good while, but once it clicked, I knew it would work. Its founder, Lorilyn Roberts, is amazing. She was there for me every step of the way, guiding me and cheering me on. Joining is free, so I encourage any author wanting to see their book sales go further to hop on board and see if this might not be the place for them. I’m betting it is!

4. Can you give us just a tiny peek into your upcoming next book?

            The next book, Warring Spirits, picks up four years after the war. The Creek are struggling to get back on their feet after being nearly decimated, and Lillian McGirth finds herself confronted with her own horrible life choices. To quote my editor “it’s a love pentagon” you won’t want to miss. The war for land might be over, but the war in their spirits has just begun!

Anyone wishing to learn more about or join the John 3:16 Marketing Network should visit You need to hurry, though. New memberships will close on December 12 and won’t reopen again until the spring.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Cards from the DRIVEN Gang

Thanks to Amazon's latest ebook offer, you can gift an ebook to anyone who has an email address. And they do NOT have to own a kindle to read the book. Amazon has offered a variety of FREE reading apps for use with their ebooks. What a great and inexpensive way to gift books! Here's the thing. I love to gift wrap a little something and set it under the tree for my family and friends even if it's a gift card. But, how do you wrap an ebook?

Well, you can't really, but here's a fun work-a-round. If you purchase an ebook of DRIVEN or pre-order the paperback before December 18, 2010, I'll send you (or the person you are giving the book to) a Christmas card from the DRIVEN gang. Just click on the Christmas Card page and fill out the information survey. Now, you'll have something to put under that tree.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Wounded Spirits
By April W. Gardner
Tuesday, December  7

Forbidden love during war! Historical setting!
“The characters will grip your heart; the story will seize your mind...”

Rosanna White
Christian Review of Books

Lives molded by the course of history, can these Wounded Spirits learn to rely on God's grace during one of the bloodiest conflicts in the South?


Every buyer receives a PDF of the first chapter of the sequel Warring Spirits PLUS a signed book plate mailed straight to you.

April Gardner has been a military brat, missionary's kid, and military spouse. After 21 years in various countries overseas, April happily resides in Georgia with her USAF husband. A homeschool mom, she fills her mornings talking fractions and phonics with her two sweet kiddos. In her free time, April enjoys reading, gardening, and DIY. In no particular order, she dreams of owning a horse, visiting all the national parks, and speaking Italian.

Librarian, reviewer, and avid reader, April adores anything books. She writes a weekly column for the joint blog, Reflections in Hindsight, and is the founder and senior editor of the website, Clash of the Titles.

April loves to hear from her readers at:


“This is a solid debut from Ms. Gardner, one that demonstrates not only her skill with words, but her insight into the human condition. The characters will grip your heart, the story will seize your mind, and the hope at the end will leave you with the surety that your God is bigger than any human troubles.”
Rosanna White
Christian Review of Books

"Historical fiction, if done right, has the ability to slip a reader into another time and another place. In Wounded Spirits, April Gardner has skillfully blended research with fiction to create a story that entertains and educates. Main character Adela McGirth finds herself straddling two worlds—one as a dutiful daughter, the other as a woman in love with the man who saved her life—a Native American. Wounded Spirits has something for everyone: forbidden love and romance, brutal war scenes, sacrificial love, history of the 19th century, and a faith that triumphs over adversity. This is a debut novel to remember.”
Suzanne Woods Fisher
Bestselling Author of The Choice


1. Faith and Temperaments by author Ray Lincoln. Pdf adapted and expanded from Ray W. Lincoln’s next book, The Real You -- Your Blueprint to Excellence.

2. The Donkey and the King, an eBook by author Lorilyn Roberts. A Christian redemption story where a donkey named Baruch longs for an easier life beyond the stable. He dreams of a life with no heavy burdens and no one to tell him what to do. Children will love looking for the hidden word “good” on every page!

3. Two Small Fish children’s greeting cards. Set of nine.

All these gifts (and much more!) will be yours by purchasing Wounded Spirits on Tuesday, December 7, from More details to follow.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Faith, Football and a Season to Believe.........

Review : Remember Why you Play ? Faith, Football and a Season to Believe- David Thomas - October 2010

Who enjoys films like Gridiron Gang , Forever Strong , The Longest Yard and TV Shows like Friday Night Lights ? . Remember Why you Play ? is for all those fans of the above inspirational though Longest Yard is a tad more comical movies. Remember Why you Play? takes us on a journey back to the year November 2008 when Faith Christian School opened their hearts and home base up to the lives of those at Gainesville State School - a maxi security correctional facility.
As we know by watching the movies , it starts with a coach at the correctional facility trying to give their boys something to work for and a rewarding experience of working as a team.  In November 2008, the season of Football was finishing up , when Kris Hogan of Faith Christian School had an idea , why not invite the Gainesville Correctional school to play against their team the Tornadoes. For Gainesville , they had never ever won a game or scored rarely a touchdown and in this final game , they scored two touchdowns. Though this isn't what makes Remember Why you Play? such a touching story that in the end had my eyes watering. It was the fact that the coach Kris Hogan had organised half of his Tornadoes families and fans to sit on the benches for the team of Gainesville and cheer for them. For most of the kids on the team, they had never had anyone encourage them or praise them using their own names , some never had any encouragement.
This tale is so inspiring and it goes to show that a little effort can make a huge difference in somebody else's life even if we don't realise the huge impact.
Review Copy obtained from Tyndale Publishers

Monday, November 15, 2010



Holiday Membership Drive
FREE Christmas Gift Basket of Books
VALUE $100!
November 16 to December 13 ONLY

(see picture below)



The John 3:16 Marketing Network is hosting its first
Christmas Basket of Books Membership Drawing

What do I do to enter?

Check out the John 3:16 Marketing Network blog TODAY. Anyone who FOLLOWS us at
 will be entered in a drawing for THREE FREE BOOKS displayed in a uniquely-made, hand-crafted basket!
If you are only following us and not joining us, please email me your name after following us at I want to make sure I receive your name to enter you into the drawing. If you JOIN, please also follow us so you can be entered twice.

 “What do I have to do to become a member?”

The Only Requirements Are:

You believe in John 3:16
You have a blog or website
You read the John 3:16 Marketing Network information at


The John 3:16 Marketing Network currently has over seventy members and we expect to hit two hundred when word gets out about our success. We have revolutionized an old marketing strategy and given it a Christian spin.


Don’t have an author platform? We can help. Want to be called a best-selling author on Amazon? No problem. Prefer Barnes & Noble. We’ve got you covered. Want your book blasted on dozens of social networking sites? We do that. Want your book advertised on Twitter and Facebook dozens of times? That’s easy. Want an interview of yourself discussing your book—featured on multiple guest blogs? Just let us know. Want your book quickly reviewed and reviews posted on Amazon and other websites? We love doing that. Want your book announced via email to hundreds? Want to see your rankings soar? Want your book exposed to thousands of potential buyers? Want to give your potential buyer a reason to buy your book TODAY and not tomorrow or never? Want to be able to give free e-gifts with your book for added value? Want to share your excitement with other authors? You have come to the right place. The secret to launching best-selling books—we know how to make it happen!



How much do you think you would pay to get all of this exposure on your own? THOUSANDS! How much does it cost if you are a member of the John 3:16 Marketing Network? Absolutely nothing! What does it cost to join? Zilch!

Have questions? Don’t believe me?

But Wait! There is More! And It’s FREE!



Baskets by Monica has donated the wooden, hand-made specialty basket to beautifully display our author books for the drawing. Visit
to see Christmas gift baskets extravaganza! Have an unusual idea for that special person in your life – Baskets by Monica creates unique, one-of-a-kind baskets that can’t be found anywhere else!


Select Books For Our First Free Gift Basket

Paradise Grows, by Dr. Robert E. McGinnis
Enjoy Your Money, by J. Steve Miller
Children of Dreams, by Lorilyn Roberts


Dr. Robert E. McGinnis
Paradise Grows
Kids read so much garbage these days, how about a YA book with clean language, no sex, or extreme violence. This book has adventures galore, and teaches values for life. The newest series that both parents and kids will love! Joy Roberts calls Dr. McGinnis’ Books “Fun and Thrilling to Read!”
Don't miss this chance to get your free copy in our
Christmas Gift Basket Drawing!

J. Steve Miller
Enjoy Your Money!
Learn about famous people and how they succeeded or failed with their careers and money, such as the manager for LED ZEPPELIN, MARK TWAIN, THOMAS JEFFERSON, SAM WALTON, and football coach JOE GIBBS!
Don't miss this chance to get your free copy in our
Christmas Gift Basket Drawing!

Lorilyn Roberts
Children of Dreams
Part confession, part adventure, and part memoir, Lorilyn weaves a masterful story of love and forgiveness. If you want inspiration, Children of Dreams will not disappoint.
Don't miss this chance to get your free copy in our
Christmas Gift Basket Drawing!


Last chance to join until next membership drive in April of next year! 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Book Launch of Knowing God, by Sana Edoja, from Friday to Sunday 10am EST

Knowing God

Sana Edoja

Don’t forget, Friday, November 5, is the big day to order Knowing God and receive lots of free gifts. To purchase your copy on Friday, click or paste this link on your browser:
To receive you free gift after you have purchased your book, please email your order number from amazon to the following email address:

Biography of Sana Edoja:
Born in the south of France, the eldest of a family of five children, my origins are French and Moroccan. From the age of thirteen, my favourite hobby was writing French poems and songs.
I initially pursued a degree in business administration, but a few years later developed a strong desire to sing.  Unfortunately, circumstances didn’t allow me to pursue this promising career.
In 1995, I came to the United Kingdom to improve my English. Struggling to make a living while in the UK, my life turned around when I believed and was baptized into Christ Jesus, confessing Him as my Lord and Saviour. I saw the power of God at work in my life.
It was this experience that motivated me to write my first book “Knowing God”, which I believe will help those who are seeking God to get a better understanding of the riches of the Kingdom of God.

To see all the free e-gifts you will receive click on the link below:
“Knowing God” can be very challenging in the world we are living in today, especially with the circumstances of life shown to us by the media.
I have written this book with the clear intention and determination to help those who are looking for the truth to have a better understanding of God as the Bible intends.
There is nothing more beautiful and exciting than having a wonderful relationship with our loving God.  His powerful Word promises us that if we seek Him, we will find Him.
“You will seek Me and find Me; when you seek Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).
My personal experience with God motivated me to share with you what God has revealed to me about His character.
I will also share with you how you can develop a personal relationship with a wonderful Saviour; how your needs can be met and how you can live in righteousness through the power of the Word of God in a practical and conventional way.
I pray that this book will be a source of encouragement and enlightenment to those who are seeking God and want to know Him in a much deeper way.
May God bless you all forever and ever.
Sana Edoja
Help me achieve best-seller status by buying from on November 5.

Reviewed By: Janice S Ramkissoon from Write2Shine:
“Knowing God” is a collection of articles, forming an introductory-style, Bible study guide. The author’s aim is to help others understand that “There is nothing more beautiful and exciting than having a wonderful relationship with a loving God.” And in order to bring this point across, Sana Edoja has chosen topics that are likely to affect individuals who haven’t yet come into a relationship with Christ.
The book is broken down into different headings, based on the title of the articles. The reader can, therefore, choose topics of interest and be able to have easy access to Bible references dealing with that particular aspect of his life.  Sana also urges readers to heed Paul’s advice according to Acts 17:11 as they study this book: “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures everyday to see if what Paul said was true.”
I believe the message that the author would most like to drive home is found in article 17, in its title: “We have authority and victory over the enemy through Christ.” In this article, Sana reminds us to focus on Christ. Using the scene of Matthew 4:6, she reminds her readers that the devil also knows Scriptures and that “there is no greater lie than one that’s mixed with truth.” For this reason she urges readers to Focus on God, for “when we know the word of God like Jesus did (2000 years ago) and confess the Scriptures throughout our life, using them to combat the lies of Satan…” We will win the battle.
The author shares her experience in little bite sizes particularly, in article 33: “God has given us free will,” and others such as “Overcoming Temptation” and “Sexual Immorality” relating the practical side of what takes place when one does not focus on Christ.  Having found Christ we are now responsible; so article 40 is fitting towards the end of the book as she asks the question: “Are you fit to be God’s disciple?” 

Sana once enjoyed “clubbing on weekends”.  Having found Christ, she lost interest both in that hobby as well as in the music. “I found that clubbing and worldly music were doorways for sin…” listing a few of these sins as “lust, violence, drugs, sex and alcohol” and points out that “they don’t satisfy the craving needs of our souls for love.” And so it is important to not conform to the ways of this world as article 41 highlights.
My recommendations, in order to get the best out of this book, would be to treat it as a reference guide rather than a book you sit down and read from cover to cover.  It would be a great gift for a new-born believer, to help towards spiritual growth.
KNOWING GOD by Christian author SANA EDOJA:  A 5-Star review for this 144-page, encouraging and enlightening book; well- presented content and context, with a well defined cover. A book to consider when gift buying – in any season. Top marks to this very able author, Sana. God bless.
Review contributed by Eliza Earsman, author of Days of Elijah (Revised): A True Story (232 pages) and also A Collection of Verse – 108 pages nonfiction.

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