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Showing posts with label Devine Matthews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devine Matthews. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

New Book On Dating by Devine Matthews - Things You Don't Know About Dating & Marriage That Could Hurt You

ST.  CLAIR SHORES, MI.— In light of all the news about domestic abuse, senseless murders related to abuse, author, Devine Matthews sensed an urgency to move forward with publishing a book. This book was passed onto her by her dearly beloved friend, Pastor Mary Crawford, before she died.
Pastor Crawford had a community organization called "Beyond the Abuse." She was very passionate about helping and educating women about domestic violence. It is because of the tragic loss of those that were very dear to her, she set out to help as many women as possible throughout her lifetime.
"It truly breaks my heart and I am disheartened every time I see or hear news about young girls and women who have been physically abused or killed due to domestic abuse," Matthews said. "This book contains rich and valuable information that I believe will be life-saving for many!" She continues, "This book is dedicated to Mary and all those who have lost their lives due to domestic violence."
Things You Don't Know About Dating & Marriage That Could Hurt You is a book that contains practical and spiritual insights, references on dating and powerful advice in the area of marriage success. Pertinent information is shared with regard to warning signs/ red flags to be aware of when considering a partner.  A domestic abuse survivor shares her story, a 40-year-old virgin shares her testimony and Devine who has been married for 25 years shares her advice on how to have a successful marriage.

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Amazon Review

Format: Kindle Edition
My friend Devine Matthews writes lucidly and bravely on a topic that has been long ignored by the church. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the US. One in four members of the faith community are victims or survivors of this epidemic. All of the information is there: How to help, where to go for resources, plus lots of compassion for those who have been caught in the grip of a violent relationship. What I like most about this book is that the author gives instructions on what to look out for before the relationship becomes serious. Is he possessive? Does he expect her to give him an account for all of her time? This book speaks to several issues and provides a great deal of insight and direction.
The Bible has much to say on the marriage responsibilities of both the man and the woman, but some in our culture cite only those verses that require women to submit to their husbands, even during abuse. But men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church--his role is to protect her and not harm her or attempt to take away her life. This book's greatest strength is the presentation of how women can avoid getting into an abusive relationship, but if it occurs then she can (and should) walk away. It is easy to read, straightforward, yet sensitive to those trying to make a decision about leaving an abusive relationship. I would highly recommend it to anyone considering marriage or is in an abusive situation. It is a true breath of fresh air for those who are being abused and wonder how they can leave and still honor God.

About the Author

Devine Matthews is an author, freelance writer, director, producer, songwriter, television and radio host, screenwriter, playwright and evangelist. Devine's devotion in helping others has led to featured articles in the Detroit Free Press, Christian Examiner, Inland Valley News, PRWeb, A Woman’s World and A Christian Place Magazine. She was contributing writer for the book about family life titled, “Happy Wife, Happy Life.” Devine wrote, directed and produced a powerful and compelling short film titled, "Reach Your Dream,’’ that was selected for premiere screening review at the Kingdomwood Christian Film Festival in Atlanta, Georgia. She also successfully produced two popular television shows, Youth Unlimited Show and Gospel TV that aired on Time Warner Cable Television for six years.