Summary: Judy Wingate is a new mom and hot on the trail in
an attempt to solve the murder of Esme Espe Along the way she learns lessons of
forgiveness and becomes BFF with Olivia Hargrove again. Judy accuses Olivia’s
future husband Adam Ray of being a murderer, only to discover that he’s a hero
waiting to be acknowledged.
The School’s fifth and sixth grades classrooms are condemned
and must be held across town in the high school’s library. Judy handles all
this while being a devoted mother and wife.
Purpose: To create a good, clean Christian mystery and
suspense novel
Themes: 1. Forgiveness, 2. Love of others, 3. Family
reconciliation, 4. Treasure hunt, 5. Handling disappointment
Thesis: Things aren’t always what they seem; never accuse
someone until you’re 100% sure
Great story I really love reading Mrs. Lickel’s books.
A Wakulla Book Review by Booker T.