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Showing posts with label Lilting Laments of a Looney Lass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lilting Laments of a Looney Lass. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wakulla Book Review: Lilting Laments of a Looney Lass by Dana Rongione

A very, very good devotional book.  Yes, it was very humorous at times.  But for every time you smiled at what you were reading, there was another big wham coming at you.  And you didn't even see it coming.  Our Lord gave Ms. Rongione plenty of help to go with the elements of the book. 

If one should take the time to read the table of contents by itself, you could sit and think about another story from your own life that would fit right into the scheme of things that she wrote about.
A good smattering of saucy humor.  The major problem here is that I personally can totally understand the stories that she wrote about.  And that really scares me.
I was raised on a farm in upstate New York in the 40's and 50's.  There were a lot of the things that she said in the book that were right out there in the open.  Including the God part of the book.
An excellent undertaking.

Wakulla Book Review by Bob L.


I want to personally thank all the men who are reviewing the books written by JOHN 3:16 AUTHORS. I am thankful that we are able to bless them and appreciate the encouragement given to us by their reviews. 

Each WEEK (usually on Tuesday), we are posting reviews from 
Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. 

Inmates are loving the new books from John 3:16 authors. 
Chaplain Steve Fox is adding the new books to the prison library in this initiative to "change lives to ensure a safer Florida."