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Showing posts with label YA. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

New Book Release - Gripped Part 4: Smoke & Mirrors, by Stacy Padula - Book Review



In the fourth installment of Stacy Padula’s Gripped Book Series, the stakes are higher as Taylor Dunkin struggles to save himself and protect the ones he loves. He never knew that a slippery slope could cause him to fall into such a pit of despair. As he tries to pull himself out, however, he begins to realize that he may not be able to escape the mess of his own creation.


Taylor’s two younger brothers, Jordan and Marc have been at odds for years, but they are drawn together to try to decipher the mysterious clues Taylor is leaving for his whereabouts. As secrets are revealed, the relationships between the Dunkin boys may change forever, and their town of Montgomery Lake along with them.

Stacy Padula’s masterful control of a bifurcated storyline keeps the reader intrigued in two chronologies of events. The characters grow richer with each passing novel, and the depth of the relationship between them approaches reality. 

A five-star review for Gripped 4: Smoke and Mirrors.

- Mackenzie Wells, University of Georgia 

To purchase a Smoke & Mirrors from Amazon, click here.

To learn more about Stacy Padula, visit her Amazon Page by clicking here

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Book Review by Lorilyn Roberts of Book Three in the Montgomery Lake High Series, The Aftermath, by Stacy A. Padula

The Aftermath, Book 3 in the Montgomery Lake High Series, continues with the same cast of characters and delves deeper into the lives of the protagonists, including the good and the bad that ranges from hope to despair. 

I've developed a sense of who these teens are as people and how God is working in their lives in a deep and personal way - when the coming-of-age young adults are willing. 

Montgomery Lake High Series is realistic and meaningful and something that all teens who are searching for truth and meaning in today's chaotic world would greatly enjoy. I look forward to the next book in the series.

To purchase from Amazon click here

Monday, August 5, 2019

Book Review of "The Right Person" in the Montgomery Lake High Series by Stacy A. Padula

Book Review by Lorilyn Roberts

The Right Person, Book 1 in the Montgomery Lake High Series by Stacy Padula, is a great read for teens and especially teens that struggle with self-worth. The Right Person introduces several young ladies and young men who are freshmen in high school, and they are caught in the crosshairs of coming-of-age and figuring out who they are in relationship to each other and to God as Christians—at least those who attend a church youth group.

If you are a young person and you are struggling to integrate your faith with friends, both male and female, this is the book for you. You will easily relate to the characters in the Montgomery Lake High Series.

Although I am way past my teenage years, I enjoyed reminiscing about those days long ago, and I would have enjoyed reading this as a young adult. I would have learned some things early on rather than the hard way later, and it would have reassured me that many of my insecurities were natural and common, especially when it came to dating.

Author Stacy Padula does a great job understanding the difficulties that teenagers face, and I particularly liked the upbeat ending of The Right Person. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the Montgomery Lake High Series.


Friday, February 1, 2019

Creation Seeker series by William Burt

The Lake Lights (The Creation Seekers Book 1) by [Burt, William D.]

Young Adult religious fiction
Ebook $4.99
Print $13.95
Buy on Amazon US

A list of reviews and other information including resources can be found on

About the Book
What are the mysterious lights flitting above Oregon's Oswego Lake on moonlit nights? Marsh gas? Ball lightning? Holdovers from the dawn of Creation? Or not-so-mythical creatures slinking in the shadows of half-remembered Scottish legends?

When young Jonathan Oliver makes it his personal project to track down the source of the elusive Lake Lights, his search takes him to Iron Mountain’s abandoned Prosser Mine and its whispered, age-old secrets. After his brilliant physicist father is kidnapped by Taliban insurgents in the wilds of Afghanistan, a grieving Jon is left to decode a cryptic message leading to yet more mysteries and a remarkable, game-changing invention.

While Jon and his grandfather concoct their own contraption to explore the Prosser Mine, they must also match wits with a devious, unscrupulous scientist who will stop at nothing to steal the device Jon has found and sell it to a shadowy criminal organization. Jon’s dual discoveries not only help him to deliver his city from total annihilation but also ultimately rock the scientific world to its very foundations.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Two John 3:16 Authors Are Readers' Favorite Award Winners - SUSAN MIURA and LORILYN ROBERTS

Religious Fiction for Young Adults

Reviewed by Gail Kamer for Readers' Favorite
“Inside my head, I see his broken parts. Inside my head, I feel his pain.” Those words hooked me immediately. Healer by Susan Miura shares the story of a young girl named Shilo coming to terms with the gift of healing. She’s different. Why? Is she a freak? 
Shilo struggles with her spiritual powers. When to use them? How to keep the world from using them and using her? Should she keep them secret? How to just be a normal person? Will her boyfriend understand? In addition, Shilo becomes involved when a drug gang’s transaction places loved ones in danger. A favorite aunt has cancer but Shilo can’t heal her. What good is the gift if she can’t heal someone she loves? In addition to that, Shilo can’t mend her own broken heart.

Healer by Susan Miura is one of the best Christian young adult books I have ever read. Ms. Miura keeps the reader guessing what will happen next and how in the world the main character will solve the problem. 
The pace is fast. The writing is active. The story line is amazing. She’s made connections with today’s young adult world. Healer is a wonderful story to restore your belief in God’s good in the world and would make a great book club read for young adults. The reader bonds with the characters and, of course, wants more. That’s good since this is volume I. Hurry, Ms. Miura and get volume II out. I’m ready to see what happens next.
To learn more about Susan Miura visit her website at 



    Religious Fiction for Young Adults


    Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Seventh Dimension - The Prescience: A Young Adult Fantasy by Lorilyn Roberts is the fifth book in the Seventh Dimension series that has a very unique take on time travel. Daniel and Shale, a recently engaged (betrothed) couple, found a lost orphan girl in Jerusalem and try to save her from the devastated city. From there, they embark on God’s plan and return to the first century and search for Daniel’s father who has gone missing. Finding his father could be the first step in unraveling the mystery of a tragedy that is waiting to happen. 
However, it is proving to be more dangerous and difficult than both of them ever thought. There are far too many enemies and dangers awaiting them, and all they can do is fight them together. But can they? 

With religious themes mixed with coming of age, the novel is definitely very different and the author seems to be in her element here. I enjoyed the time travel, how the two main characters fought the odds together and came out victorious at the end. Although I have not read the previous novels in the series, I still enjoyed it and caught up with the story really quickly. The story was fast paced and entertaining. 
Right from the beginning, the story gripped my attention. The chemistry between Shale and Daniel was perfect; they respected each other with an intensity and worked together as a team. The element of time travel was spot on; the author ensured that the characters, the dialogues and even the environment were time appropriate. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the novel! A really entertaining coming of age story.
To learn more about Lorilyn Roberts, visit her website at 

Friday, October 26, 2018

YA Bible Adventure series The Walls of Jericho


The Wall s of Jericho, a Christopher Cyprus Bible Adventure by RJ Peck
$2.99 Ebook
$7.95 Print
Released from Fox Ridge Publications, Sept 28, 2018
Buy on Amazon US
Amazon AU
Amazon Canada

Christopher Cyprus, aged twelve, has stepped into his grandfather's shoes as God's Secret Agent and Legacy Holder. When Chris is sent back in time to help Rahab and the Spies, he learns he must fight the forces of evil as well as the king of Jericho’s soldiers. Chris must rely on the Whole of Armor of God and a scarlet cord to fulfill his mission.

Reviewed by Martin Roth
Another Fine Book in a Great Series

October 12, 2018
This is the third mission for 12-year-old Christopher Cyprus, a secret agent working for God. In each book he is sent back in time to the biblical era, in order to help the Israelites. As the title suggests, his mission this time is to help the Israelites in their efforts to enter the promised land of Canaan. In particular, he is to aid Rahab and the Israelite spies. This is another fine book in an excellent series.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Am I Okay, God, by Lorilyn Roberts - Six Print Copies Being Given Away

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Am I Okay, God? by Lorilyn Roberts

Am I Okay, God?

by Lorilyn Roberts

Giveaway ends February 28, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Taste of Friday: Emma Right, Keeper of Reign

Emma, is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

I want to empower young readers with the message, that if they seek the truth (the Ancient Books in Keeper of Reign) they will find wisdom and answers to life's problems. It doesn't mean the answers are going to come easy, but persistence will pay off. So seek wisdom and it will help each person to live triumphantly; in essence, to reign in life.

Watch the trailer:

Here are three short excerpts from Keeper of Reign:
Excerpt 1:

Jules said, “We need a plan. Let’s check what’s missing.” He rushed to the hearth and pried the loose brick to the side. He reached his arm deep and thought he felt the soft nap of the pouch but then he jerked his hand back out and sucked on his finger.” Ouch!” 

Ralston said, “We can’t afford to lose your pouch—maybe the only way to buy things if we have to look for Mom or Dad.” 

Jules glared at him. 

Ralston said, “What’s wrong?” 

Jules reached back into the hole, this time less enthusiastically. “Something sharp.” When he pulled it out he stared at the shard of glass in his hand. “Hold this, Rals.” 

Ralston held the sharp edge gingerly. “Is it yours?” 

“Would I put something sharp like that to cut myself up?” Jules then brought out his pouch, and sighed. He gave its contents a quick peek and slipped the soft pouch into his cloak pocket. 

“It’s a good thing the burglars missed that,” Ralston said. “Should we toss this?” He passed the shard to Jules who turned it over. 

“Some words here.” He read, “‘—ook within.’ What’s that mean?”

Excerpt 2

A blood-curdling scream pierced through the cold evening air and all five children jerked and stared at each other. The scream appeared to have come from the dark forest. Was someone in trouble? Or was it just some- one trying to scare them?

“Wh-–at was that?” Bitha grabbed Tippy’s hand and tugged at her, but the little girl, her face indignant, squirmed and pulled away.

“No–o!” A series of ear splitting protests came from Tippy and she shook her head vigorously. Her eyes, the rims red, locked with Jules. “I want the gem! It’s mine!”

Arms on her hips, Tst Tst said, in a sinister whisper, “If we don’t leave now, Gehzurolle will kill us!”

Tippy slumped her shoulders, let out a sob and opened her mouth as if wanting to protest but at the last minute she only stepped aside. “All wight!”

“We’ll give the stone another try. Ralston, you wedge it with that stick and I’ll pull.” Jules glanced at the sky and thought he saw a dark blob in the blue far away. Must get away quickly. The meadow is too bare for a good hiding spot.

Nausea swelled up from the pit of his stomach and a shiver crept up his back. The last time he had such a feeling was right before his grandpa left on that trip. “Rals, hurry! Pull!”

Excerpt 3:

In the yonder forest, perched on a cypress, Whisperer watched the group with what could qualify as disappointment on his crooked face with his crooked lips. His efforts had failed. This sort of fowl tactics worked umpteen times before when his master ordered him on some mission.

Now he considered other prongs of attacks. The ifs and what-ifs, the whisperings, he could float in the wind. Whisperings that wafted down and instilled fear to all who heard him. This was one assignment he could not afford to blunder. Too much was at stake.

He debated over his options, his heavily lidded eyes darting from tree to tree. For a second he determined to strike the bumbling boy again, but he decided against this. He would wait for Beta and re-evaluate the problem with the latest update.

Whisperer pursed his crooked lips, his breath a gray tube of smoke that swirled toward its goal: the clouds. First softly, then more intensely, he blew. But his gaze never wavered from the struggling, lanky lad with his sister on his back.

Beta had better find that Book, or he would find a suitable punishment for the servant.

About the Author:

Emma Right is a happy wife and homeschool mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a Long-haired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. She loves the Lord and His Word deeply, and when she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get theirs in one.

Emma worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.

Visit Emma Right at her home site and sign for her blog feed and newsletter and blog for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and author helps from self-publishing to book marketing. For the latest events. Follow Google Plus  and Twitter. She'd love to hear from her readers.

Buy the book:
 Amazon Link

Connect with Emma:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fearless Friday - meet our Fearless Leader, Lorilyn Roberts!

Lorilyn Roberts, author, mother, broadcast captioner, follower of Jesus Christ – in very random order

What makes me content?  A Starbuck’s Vanilla Latte, Grande, extra-hot, half-caf, just two teaspoons of vanilla, not four, with my Kindle, under an umbrella, lying on a beach.

Sixteen very random facts about me that most people do not know:

1.      I was almost kidnapped when I was six. A man tried to coax me into his car with candy.

2.      When I was four, on the way to see the lighting of the tree in downtown New York, we got stuck inside a burning car when it became engulfed in flames.

3.      I drank poison when I was two. The only reason I lived is because I ate ice cream for lunch and it coated my stomach (it must have been vanilla).

4.      I know what it’s like to throw up forty feet under water. 

5.      When I took a genetics course in high school, I was the last person standing – I had more recessive traits than anyone else in the class – blonde hair, green eyes, can’t roll my tongue, can’t make a hitchhiker’s thumb, am left-handed, don’t have a widow’s peak, and something about an ear lobe – forgot what that one was. Now, how many of you reading this have just tried to roll your tongue?

6.      Had a positive pregnancy test twice on the way to surgery – really, I did question for one second if I was the second immaculate conception – and was terrified! (The machine was broken.)

7.      I was accused by a teacher in fifth grade of plagiarizing a report (I wonder today if that was prophetic).

8.      My first awareness of the existence of God came when I was four.

9.      My first awareness of God’s love came through a stray dog.

10.  My desire for God’s presence in my life came through Jewish classmates.

11.  My salvation came through reading the Gospel of Matthew.

12.  Charles Dickens and I had the same beginnings – we both started out as court reporters.

13.  I am a descendant of Anne Bradstreet (1600s), the first poet and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published.

14.  Can write over 300 words per minute (on my stenograph machine).

15.  I am an introvert, love chocolate, and would rather read a good book than watch TV or a movie.

16.  Studied classical guitar as a teenager and performed at many events.

                                  Lorilyn with her daughters in Colorado Springs, August 2012.

Check out her latest book, Seventh Dimension - The Door at Amazon:   Print version Kindle version

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