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Showing posts with label S.E. Gregg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S.E. Gregg. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2016

Wakulla Book Review: Christian Olympics by S.E. Gregg

“The Christian Olympics” by author S.E.Gregg is a pretty good read.The book covers a wide variety of issues confronting Christians. 

The book is interesting and thought provoking in its analogy of a Christian's life being like the Olympics. Struggles with life's little problems are broken down into categories such as competition, preparation, and exercise.

In reading this book, I was encouraged to realize that my struggles in life can be likened to a race where I can do better through diligent training, spiritual exercise, and a commitment to overcoming adversity. 

I enjoyed the book as a father because it addresses parenting and related subjects helpful to anyone with teenagers. 

Finally,the book is well written with reasonable scriptural references. I especially enjoyed the presentation of the material in an uplifting and meaningful manner as opposed to  some books whose authors are more dogmatic or demotional view to express their points.

I would suggest new Christians, newly married, and new parents read this book - and yes, athletes too!

Wakulla Book Review by Richard P.


I want to personally thank all the men who are reviewing the books written by JOHN 3:16 AUTHORS. I am thankful that we are able to bless them and appreciate the encouragement given to us by their reviews. 

Each WEEK (usually on Tuesday), we are posting reviews from 
Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. 

Inmates are loving the new books from John 3:16 authors. 
Chaplain Steve Fox is adding the new books to the prison library in this initiative to "change lives to ensure a safer Florida."