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Showing posts with label Montgomery Lake High series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Montgomery Lake High series. Show all posts

Monday, August 5, 2019

Book Review of "The Right Person" in the Montgomery Lake High Series by Stacy A. Padula

Book Review by Lorilyn Roberts

The Right Person, Book 1 in the Montgomery Lake High Series by Stacy Padula, is a great read for teens and especially teens that struggle with self-worth. The Right Person introduces several young ladies and young men who are freshmen in high school, and they are caught in the crosshairs of coming-of-age and figuring out who they are in relationship to each other and to God as Christians—at least those who attend a church youth group.

If you are a young person and you are struggling to integrate your faith with friends, both male and female, this is the book for you. You will easily relate to the characters in the Montgomery Lake High Series.

Although I am way past my teenage years, I enjoyed reminiscing about those days long ago, and I would have enjoyed reading this as a young adult. I would have learned some things early on rather than the hard way later, and it would have reassured me that many of my insecurities were natural and common, especially when it came to dating.

Author Stacy Padula does a great job understanding the difficulties that teenagers face, and I particularly liked the upbeat ending of The Right Person. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the Montgomery Lake High Series.
