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Showing posts with label passion. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Another Opportunity to Share My Passion for the John 316 Network

0 of 4 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars
How to self publish, April 20, 2012 
By A. Domanska "Coffee Addict" (Port Stephens, Australia) 
This review is from: How to Launch a Christian Best-Seller Book, The John 316 Marketing Network Manual (Kindle Edition) 

"If being successful using the print on demand medium and a network of enablers is your goal, you may get something out of this book."

Here is my response: 

Please note that most of the authors in our network are not published by Print on Demand but are traditionally published.
My books are published by Print on Demand, but I am in the minority rather than the majority. I chose to publish this way for a variety of reasons. But we don't make a distinction. The question I asked myself when I started the Network is does God really care how books are published? I mean, publishing is a man-made invention. Scripture was written by hand in letters to people, to churches, and others. Oftentimes, it becomes a source of pride if an author isn't careful. Again, we deliberately don't make a distinction.

Enablers -- yes we are definitely enablers. We are enabling the reader to have choices.
They are the gatekeepers now of what they want to read rather than it being determined by an overworked, oftentimes underpaid editor sitting at a slush pile. There is always gold in those slush piles, some gems that probably in the past missed being discovered. Limitations put on the editor by a publishing house and economics in the past dictated many of those decisions.

We are enabling Christian worldview books to have greater exposure.
We are enabling all Christian authors to help each other get their books rated higher as they compete against books that do not present a Christian worldview. One of the best ways to do that is through social networking and "enabling" Christian authors to connect. In so doing, we are spreading the Gospel to the reading world on many different levels, just as the church preaches it from the pulpit, just as missionaries share the Gospel on the missionary field. We do it with our "pen."

 As is stated in the Bible, "They will know we are Christians by our love." We fight a spiritual war and the best way to win that battle is through love. Thanks for your review. I always look at the lowest review of any book as it tends sometimes to say more about the value of a book and the reviewer than any of the five-star reviews. You have given me another opportunity to share my passion for the John 316 Marketing Network.