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Showing posts with label Smashwords. Show all posts

Monday, May 20, 2013

Excerpt From "The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success" by Mark Coker

How to Reach More Readers with Your Words

Copyright 2013 Mark Coker
Published by Mark Coker at Smashwords

Reprinted with permission

Indie Authors Rewrite the Rules of Publishing

Back in the old days of publishing (four or five years ago), many writers viewed self-publishing as the option of last resort. Self-pubbed authors were the black sheep of the writing community. They were considered failed authors because they couldn’t find an agent or sell their book to a big publisher. They were ridiculed as "vanity" authors. Sadly, much of the most vitriolic criticism came from fellow writers.

We don’t hear much of that anymore. Self-publishing is finally earning the respect it deserves. High profile indie author successes – utilizing the best practices contained herein – are climbing the bestseller charts. Their commercial success is changing perceptions about self-publishing one reader at a time.

Look no further than the bestseller lists at major retailers to see how the indie insurgents are scaling the lists. Many Smashwords authors have landed in the top 10 bestseller lists of major ebook retailers, and many more have topped genre-specific lists at #1. A few have even landed in the New York Times ebook bestseller list. Indie bestsellers are destined to become the norm in the months and years ahead.

Don’t misunderstand, I’m not implying it’s easy to become a bestseller. It’s difficult, and rare. To get there you’ll need talent, smart decision-making, hard work, patience, and luck. Even authors previously published by big New York publishers are starting to go independent. These authors are questioning what Big Publishers can do for them that the author cannot do for themselves.

It’s only a matter of time before authors begin speaking of the stigma of traditional publishing. Indie authors have the ability to publish faster, distribute more broadly, price lower, sell more books at higher royalty levels, reach more readers and earn more income than they can by surrendering their rights to a traditional publisher.
f the indie author movement was a person, 2011 was the year the movement entered adolescence and 2013 will be the year the movement reaches adulthood. These newly-minted indie ebook authors (old timers are the ones with three or four years of experience with self-publishing) are experimenting with abandon. Through trial and error, experimentation, and rapid information exchange with fellow authors, indie authors are discovering the secrets of successful modern day publishing.

We're witnessing the rise of the indie author collective. The collective – warts and all – gives rise to an intelligence and sophistication that will redefine publishing for the better.

In The Secrets of Successful Ebook Publishing, I attempt to capture and distill the proven best practices of authors who are reaching the most readers with their books.

My hope is that these secrets will spark your imagination as you work to become a more professional, more successful indie author.

Five Big Trends Facing the Future of Publishing

The publishing world is in flux as multiple trends converge to challenge old rules and
create new ones.

Here are the five most important trends facing publishing today:

1. Bookselling is moving online as brick and mortar bookstores disappear.
2. Reading is moving to screens as ebooks replace print books.
3. New publishing and distribution tools empower authors to become professional publishers while eroding the monopolistic edge once held by large publishers.
4. Digital distribution enables authors and publishers to efficiently reach a global Market.
5. An over-supply of books and alternative media content will place downward pressure on ebook prices. These trends create an environment where indie authors and small publishers can out-publish and out-compete the larger New York publishers. A mere four or five years ago, publishers controlled the printing press and access to retail distribution. Today, thanks to free ebook publishing and distribution tools such as Smashwords, the ebook printing press is free and available to any author. Distribution has become democratized, and global, thanks to the foresight of retailers such as the Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Diesel, and Amazon. These retailers are hungry to carry the ebooks of indie authors. They want indie ebooks because these books satisfy their customers and sell well. Retailers also understand that readers couldn’t care less about the name of the publisher on the book’s virtual spine. Readers simply want great books.

The implications of this revolution are profound. Writers are now in charge. Readers are the new curators. You, the writer, decide when your manuscript graduates to published book. You are your own gatekeeper. You will bypass the traditional industry gatekeepers and publish directly to your readers around the globe.

Along with this power shift also comes the responsibility of authors to honor the best practices of the best traditional publishers. You must publish a quality, professional book that is as good as, or better than, what’s published by traditional publishers.

Readers have little tolerance for anything less, which is how it should be. We live in an age of media abundance. Consumers have unlimited access to myriad high quality sources of entertainment and knowledge. Much of this content is available for free. Yet despite the prevalence of free content options, readers will still purchase your book because your book is unique. Darwin is in charge. This is a game of survival of the fittest. Writers who honor readers by publishing great books will reach the most readers.
The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success will help you up your game, even if you’re already a successful author.

Before we get started, a simple reminder: It’s tough to sell any book, even a great book. Keep your sales expectations low, then work to exceed them. Focus on the long term. Successful indie authors must do many things well while avoiding mistakes that can undermine their opportunity.


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

John 3:16 Network to Release Taste and See First Chapters Book Soon

A new book by the John 3:16 Marketing Network will showcase the work of 58 authors who have banded together to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through their writing talents. Slated for release in early December, Taste and See, a Sampling of First Chapters by John 3:16 Marketing Network Authors, will be available in various ebook formats.

"I am excited to offer this book completely free through the Christmas holidays," says Lorilyn Roberts, the network's founder, who is editing the book. "I had no idea initially if anyone would be interested or if publishers would let us reprint a first chapter, but the response has been overwhelmingly positive."

"After the first of the year, people will need to sign up for the John 3:16 ezine to get Taste and See for free, but until January 1, everyone can download as many copies as they want from Smashwords and other distribution sites, including Apple, Kindle, Nook, and Sony with a coupon."

Lorilyn started the John 3:16 Marketing Network, which is free to join, as a means of collaborating on book launches and other marketing endeavors. As of this writing, the network has grown to 150-plus members. In addition to launching books, the network offers book showcases, reciprocal blogging, monthly prayer meetings via teleconferences, a bulletin board, an active Facebook page, a site to post book reviews, and tutorials for some of the more technical aspects of marketing. Lorilyn has also written a book, How to Launch a Christian Best-Seller Book, to help authors reach best-seller status on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. A storefront is run in affiliation with the New Christian Books Magazine, operated by network member Cheryl Rogers.

Taste and See, a Sampling of First Chapters, features fiction and non-fiction aimed at readers of all ages, plus a few surprises," says Lorilyn.

The John 3:16 Marketing Network plans to publish the Taste and See book annually to enable readers to enjoy new authors' books. "We write and publish a lot of books each year," Lorilyn adds. "I am sure we will have many new books to include in another sampling next year."

Again, the sample book will be free through the holidays; sales links to the full works are included. Taste and See will retail for $3.99 at after the holiday promotion. It will continue to be free after the new year if you sign up for the John 3:16 ezine.

Distribution is planned through and its retail network, the John 3:16 Marketing Network website and blog, New Christian Books Online Store, and network member blogs and websites.

The book's cover features mini book covers submitted by authors, in a collage format. "My goal was to showcase all the authors and their books in a visually pleasing way," says Rogers, who designed the cover and assisted with the book's formatting. Rogers, who has authored a number of books aimed at Christians of all ages, publishes New Christian Books Online Magazine as a free service to Christian readers and writers.