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Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2017

Tooth For Tooth by Kimberley Payne Review

Tooth for Tooth 
Kimberley Payne
Inspirational Fiction
Tooth for Tooth
About the Book:
Dumped into single parenthood, Heather Williams has found a part-time job as a dental receptionist and a cozy apartment with her four-year-old daughter. Life finally looks safe and secure until her daughter reveals a terrifying secret that she's been molested by her own father. While struggling with her feelings towards her new boss, Heather tries to get the help her daughter needs, navigate the court system, and protect the child from further harm.

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Lisa's Review:
Much more than a revenge story, Payne’s fictional account of child abuse is a frightening tale for any parent or guardian. So realistically told, I hoped the author hadn’t gone through such a devastating event. Well told from the mother’s point of view. Tooth for Tooth is a cautionary drama for contemporary suspicious society but with love and hope for a full and healthy future, both physically and emotionally.

When a nightmare comes to light, single mom Heather must face all the repercussions of the medical and court system when she decides to bring charges against her former husband, who challenges the accusation. Although surrounded by a good support system of close family and friends, Heather is still bewildered by the legalities of what she must put her young daughter through in order to prove the abuse. Worse yet, Heather is reminded of an episode two years earlier, before divorce proceedings, in which she believes Caitlyn tried to tell her she was hurt.

The story is ultimately about recognizing that no one on earth can protect us from the bad things that happen, that we can’t blame ourselves when we’re trying our best, but mostly that the only place we can run to for love, for comfort, for peace of mind and heart is our Savior, Christ Jesus, the Father who ultimately forgives all, and the Spirit who entwines us and teaches, or enables, us to forgive others. Heather learns that while she may not be able to control much of anything, the One who is in control has her back and everything will be okay.

Nicely written with the nuances of what it must feel like to be in Heather’s position. But it’s not for the faint of heart readers who prefer sweet and light rosy family stories.

About the Author:
Kimberley is a half-cup-full optimist who’s been blessed with a short memory. She is happily married and lives with her husband in a village east of Toronto, Canada where she hikes and bikes. Visit her website.

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