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Showing posts with label free Kindles and other gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free Kindles and other gifts. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2012

John 3:16 Marketing Network Giveaway-Blog-Hop May 7-May 14, 2012


Welcome to the 1st John 3:16 Giveaway Blog Hop! As one of the members of this great network of Christian Authors, I am excited to participate in this event! We have come together this week to showcase our books and to give you, our readers, a chance to win some great prizes as you "hop" from blog to blog. 

A different prize is offered at each blog site (no purchase necessary). 

However, if you want to win one of two Kindles that the network is giving away, the only requirement is that you sign up for the John 3:16 ezine newsletter (Located at the top right side column of this site, the John 3:16 blog site).

At the other blogs, authors may require that you leave a comment (and a valid email address) so they may contact you if you win a prize offered on their blog site. 

May I also suggest that you show your love and appreciation to each blog host by either following them on Twitter, or "liking" them on Facebook or even subscribing to their blog (or joining). It won't help your odds of winning a prize but I know each author would be thrilled and very encouraged! 

In addition to signing up for the John 3:16 Ezine, by clicking on the book cover for Taste and See (below), you can receive the FREE Kindle book. Taste and See is an anthology of first chapters by over sixty of our authors.

Notice on the upper right-hand column, we have a mobile app for the blog hop. Download the app on your Smartphone and you can hop from blog to blog via your iPhone or Android! 


Sunday and Monday, May 13 and May 14.
Click here to download your free copy

Tell your friends about the John 3:16 Giveaway Blog Hop!

I want to personally thank our Kindle Sponsors for making it possible to offer two free Kindles as part of our Blog Hop. They are:

It's going to be a great week of fun! Just click on the links below to go from blog to blog! Happy hoppin'! Blog Hop Participants:

  1. Lorilyn Roberts (John 3:16 Network Blog)
  2. Lynn DoveWord Salt (Host blog) -
  3. Laura J. Davis -
  4. Paulette Harper -
  5. Carol A. Brown -
  6. April Gardner -
  7. Sue Russell
  8. Thomas Blubaugh -
  9. Susan F. Craft
  10. Heather Bixler
  11. Joy Hannabass
  12. Deborah Bateman -
  13. Kimberley Payne -
  14. Rose McCauley
  15. Lisa Lickel -
  16. Alice J. Wisler -
  17. Amanda Stephan -
  18. Saundra Dalton
  19. Tracy Krauss -
  20. Ashley Wintters -
  21. Deborah McCarragher -
  22. Lorilyn Roberts -
  23. Anita Estes -
  24. Martin Roth
  25. Janet Perez Eckles -
  26. Kenneth Winters
  27. Eddie Snipes
  28. Diane Tatum -
  29. Janalyn Voigt -
  30. Alberta Sequeira
  31. Tammy Hill –
  32. Marcia Laycock
  33. Julie Saffrin -
  34. Nike Chillemi -
  35. Elaine Marie Cooper
  36. Sidney W. Frost
  37. Jairus B. King
  38. Bill Burt -
  39. Kathy Eberly -
  40. Bob Saffrin -
  41. Theresa Franklin -
  42. Ray Lincoln -
  43. Lilly Maytree -
  44. Yvonne Pat Wright 
  45. Pauline Creeden -
  46. Katherine Harms -
  47. Brenda Wood -
  48. Deborah Malone -
  49. Melissa Main
  50. Kevin Main -
  51. Sandy Humphrey -
  52. Felice Gerwitz -
  53. Hallee Bridgeman -
  54. Lisa Mills -

Now that you have visited all 55 author blogs, please leave a comment below. Tell us what you think! And check back on May 13 for another freebie on this site (it's a surprise)!

Friday, May 4, 2012

John 316 Marketing Network Bloghop, 55 Authors

Dear Prospective Blog Hopper:
John 316 BannerDon't miss out on this unique opportunity between May 7 and May 14.

Visit all fifty- five author/blogger blogs, follow your favorites, and check out the free gifts at each site.

May 7 through May 14 ONLY!

PLUS, If you sign up for the John 3:16 Ezine between May 7 and May 14, you will be entered into a drawing for two free Kindles. Share with  your contacts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites!
Learn More
Kindle Wi-Fi, 6
Wi-Fi, 6" E Ink Display
Visit over 50 blogs and win prizes including TWO FREE KINDLES!

Meet Our Sponsors!

John 316 BannerMeet Our Blog Hop Hosts

1.Lorilyn Roberts (John 3:16 Marketing Network Blog)
.Lynn Dove - Word Salt (Host blog)

Meet Our Blog Hop Participants

3. Laura J. Davis
4. Paulette Harper
5. Carol A. Brown
6. April Gardner
7. Sue Russell
8. Thomas Blubaugh
9. Susan F. Craft
10. Heather Bixler
11. Joy Hannabass
12. Deborah Bateman
13. Kimberley Payne
14. Rose Mccauley
15. Lisa Lickel
16. Alice J. Wisler
17. Amanda Stephan
18. Saundra Dalton
19. Tracy Krauss
20. Ashley Wintters
21. Deborah McCarragher
22. Lorilyn Roberts
23. Anita Estes
24. Martin Roth
25. Janet Perez Eckles
26. Kenneth Winters
27. Eddie Snipes
28. Diane Tatum
29. Janalyn Voight
30. Alberta Sequeira
31. Tammy Hill
32. Marcia Laycock
33. Julie Saffrin
34. Nike Chillemi
35. Elaine Marie Cooper
36. Sidney W. Frost
37. Jairus B. King
38. Bill Burt
39. Kathy Eberly
40. Bob Saffrin
41. Theresa Franklin
42. Ray Lincoln
43. Lilly Maytree
44. Valerie King
45. Yvonne Pat Wright
46. Pauline Creeden
47. Katherine Harms
48. Brenda Wood
49. Deborah Malone
50. Melissa Main
51. Kevin Main
52. Sandy Humphrey
53. Felice Gerwitz
54. Hallee Bridgeman
55. Lisa Mills

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Blog Hop by John 316 Authors May 7 through May 14

Guest Post by Lynn Dove 

Don't Miss Our Blog Hop by John 316 Authors 

May 7 through May 14 

Lots of free gifts, including two Kindles!

The John 3:16 Marketing Network

For the past couple of years, I have had the privilege of being one of many authors in the John 3:16 Marketing Network.  When I was a ”newbie” marketing my books I struggled…”floundered” is a better word, in getting the word out there about my books.  I STILL do!  But praise God for the John 3:16 Network of authors.  From the moment I became a member I have been whole-heartedly encouraged by a great group of Christian authors who share the common goal to reach others for Christ through our books.  The thing is for us to reach that goal, people actually need to pick up  our books and read them, and that’s where the John 3:16 Marketing Network comes in.  It’s authors helping authors through the use of online social networking to help with book launches and promotion.
But it goes beyond that.  We are offered techniques and tips to help us achieve “Best Seller” status on  Achieving “Best Seller” status is not only incredibly encouraging to an author, but it elicits even more public interest in the book.  In my case, with the help of the Network,  I not only achieved best seller status on with my second book, Heal the Wounded on the day of its launch, but I garnered renewed interest in my debut novel, Shoot the Wounded, so it climbed to #1 on !

I can’t tell you how excited I was to see that!  More recently the Network has been looking at other ways of promoting the authors and their books.  Lorilyn Roberts, founder of the John 3:16 Marketing Network with the help of a few others put together a great promotional book: Taste and See, A Sampling of First Chapters by John 316 Marketing Network
  As one of the contributors I was delighted to participate in this innovative project.
May 7 – 14, the John 3:16 authors will be hosting a Giveaway Blog Hop where our readers can go from blog to blog and win some great book prizes and more.  We’re also going to offer a chance for subscribers to our blogs to win one of  TWO Kindles!  More details to follow as we get closer to the date.