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Showing posts with label teen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teen. Show all posts

Monday, May 21, 2018

New Book Release, Tatum’s Teen Themes for Today, Topics and Resources for Youth Bible Study (Tatum's Teen Themes for Today Book 1)

How do I teach teenagers Bible truths and help them apply those truths to their lives?
This booklet is designed to help youth teachers create lesson plans as well as be a quick Bible study resource when the original teacher calls up an hour before class needing someone to do something with the teens.

This booklet contains resources to teach for Easter and Christmas and a Bible Study worksheet for any scripture, handouts for specific scriptures, devotionals, and pictures from/of famous places and things to spur conversation about Christianity and the development of the Bible.

Permission is granted to copy these pages for use in a Bible study class.

Sample Lesson Plan

On the next page is a Bible study worksheet to do an easy student-led Bible study.
1.     Determine the verses to be studied in the class period. Divide the scripture into short passages. Copy the worksheet and have at least 2 sheets for each passage.
2.     After your engagement activity, distribute worksheets to each student, creating as much variety with whom each student will work on step 3. Allow 5-10 minutes for each numbered question.
3.     Once students have completed the 4 steps, allow pairs with the same passages to read the scripture and share their insights into it. Add your own ideas from your own study as students share.
4.     What should students do as a result of this study? Ask students to consider how this Bible will impact their life this week.
