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Showing posts with label Pearl Nsiah-Kumi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearl Nsiah-Kumi. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Dangers of Making Assumptions

   by Pearl Nsiah-Kumi 

An assumption is defined as the acceptance that something is true, or is certain to happen, without proof. Needless to say, it’s risky when we assume and present false information as truth, based on what we think or feel. We need to be certain about the information we choose to believe and share, by first verifying our facts, and then being patient–not rushing to accuse, judge, or condemn people.

What is at risk if our assumptions turn out to be wrong? When we make assumptions, we falsely accuse others, which can destroy their reputations, even if only temporarily, jeopardizing our own in the process. In fact, if what we say turns out to be false, whatever we say in the future could be taken with a grain of salt.  

Click to Tweet: So, before we jump to conclusions and accuse others, let’s research our facts and have proof, and even then be very unhurried to speak.

The Bible teaches this lesson in the story of Job, who was described this way: “blameless, a man of complete integrity, feared God, and stayed away from evil” (see Job 1:1). 

If you are familiar with this story, you’ll remember that the devil was permitted to bring misfortune into Job’s life, to prove Job’s loyalty to God. He lost his ten children, property, and health; and, needless to say, he was heart-broken and in anguish. He tried to figure out why God would cause him such distress. As far as he knew, he had done nothing wrong to warrant that kind of punishment. Even his wife did not console him. She said to him: “Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die” (Job 2:9 NLT). Wow!

Job’s three friends, who knew nothing about the conversation that took place between God and the devil prior to Job’s troubles, chided him (see Job 4:3-6), and then jumped to conclude that Job’s suffering was the result of sin in his life. “Stop and think!” Eliphaz, the first friend, said, “Do the innocent die? When have the upright been destroyed? My experience shows that those who plant trouble and cultivate evil will harvest the same. A breath of God destroys them” (Job 4:7-9 NLT). Sadly, his conclusion was partially based on his personal experience. If we are honest, we’ll admit that we all do occasionally jump to conclusions about issues we know nothing, or very little, about. God help us.

Job’s second friend Bildad’s assessment of the situation was this: “Your children must have sinned against him, so their punishment was well deserved. But if you pray to God and seek the favor of the Almighty, and if you are pure and live with integrity, he will surely rise up and restore your happy home” (Job 8:4-6 NLT). “WELL DESERVED.” Really? Talk about jumping to conclusions. 

As Bildad continued to ramble on, he said, “The hopes of the godless evaporate. Their confidence hangs by a thread. … The godless seem like a lush plant growing in the sunshine, its branches spreading across the garden… But look, God will not reject a person of integrity, nor will he lend a hand to the wicked” (Job 8:13-20 NLT). Unbelievable. This was like adding insult to injury.

Zophar, friend number three, finally chimed in. “Listen. God is doubtless punishing you far less than you deserve!” Then he adds, “Get rid of your sins and leave all iniquity behind you. Then your face will brighten with innocence” (Job 11:6 and 14 NLT). Such boldness.

Elihu, another character, younger than Job and his three friends, finally responded. He rebuked all four men. He was angry with Job for insisting he was innocent, instead of admitting wrongdoing, and admitting God was just in punishing him. He was angry with the three friends for making God appear to be wrong by their inability to answer Job’s arguments. 

Elihu’s assessment of the situation, however, was just as bad. One of his many accusations was: “Be on guard. Turn back from evil, for God sent this suffering to keep you from a life of evil” (36:21). 

When Job tried to defend himself, these friends would have none of it; they were 100% sure Job’s troubles were the result of his sin. These were friends who had come to comfort one of their own. No wonder Job referred to them as “miserable comforters” (see Job 16:2). He told them, “If it were me, I would encourage you. I would try to take away your grief” (Job 16:5 NLT); “Have mercy on me, my friends, have mercy on me” (19:21 NLT).

God finally entered the conversation and challenged Job: “Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer me” (38:3). Then He rebuked Eliphaz: “I am angry with you and your two friends, for you have not spoken accurately about me as my servant Job has … My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf. I will not treat you as you deserve” (42:7-8 NLT).

Let’s not jump to conclusions! If we choose to offer our opinion, it should be clear to our listeners that it’s strictly an opinion and not necessarily facts. These four men really hurt Job with their ignorant statements, and by so doing displeased God. Let’s be careful, quick to hear, but slow to speak!


Monday, October 9, 2017

Book Review by Lorilyn Roberts of "Prepare to Meet Your Maker" by Pearl Nsuah-Kumi

If you are wondering how to become a Christian, "Prepare to Meet Your Maker" tells you exactly what you need to do to become one, as well as how to live the Christian life afterwards. I loved the succinctness of the book, all the Scripture references, and that every page is totally Biblical. There is a heaven and a hell, and every person who has ever lived will go to one of these two destinations. 

Points stressed include:  

The urgency of this decision - no one knows how long we have this side of eternity. 

Once you die, your decision is irreversible.

The love and holiness of Jesus.

God's judgment for those who don't turn to Jesus.

Free will.

It is pointless and needless to perish.

I highly recommend this book to unbelievers and believers alike. It can be read and one sitting, and is a great addition to your Kindle library.

To learn more about Prepare to Meet Your Maker or purchase, visit Amazon by clicking on this link.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Prepare to Meet Your Maker by Pearl Nsiah-Kumi

Prepare to Meet Your Maker by Pearl Nsiah-Kumi is a 48-page book of articles introducing people of all ages and both genders to the love of God through Jesus! 

All the articles, although titled differently, do the same thing—point to Jesus as the only way to a relationship with God. 

One doesn’t have to read the whole book to understand the gospel; each article does the same thing. Time is not on our side; let’s be diligent in sharing this message. Use this book as a tool to reach many for Jesus! Bless you!


As I (Lorilyn) think about what is happening in the world, I believe Pearl is right. Time is not on our side. How can we not be in the last days? As I think about what that means, all the people who are not believers in Jesus Christ are facing eternal damnation. 

Time is short to share our faith. Jesus died for everyone, the young and old, the rich and poor, the able-bodied and lame, and those who have sinned much and those who have sinned little (all have sinned). We all need a savior. Jesus is the ONLY Way, the ONLY Truth, and the ONLY door to heaven. All others lead to hell. Only Jesus can save you.

This is a short read, 48 pages, and it's only $1.99 on Amazon Kindle, less than a latte at Starbucks.  

Verified Purchase
The author gives a very thorough treatise on what each of us can do to have eternal life. She addresses four different groups of people to which everyone falls into one of them. Using the term "grace period," Nsiah-Kumi shares how God has given each person on earth a "grace period" to ask for forgiveness of their sins and seek to have a relationship with the only true God. Once we die, the grace period is over. "Each day that passes brings you closer to the end of your grace period." This is a great "short read" for you to learn how to have eternal life and make that decision today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wakulla Book Reviews: The Last Train at Sunset by Pearl Nsiah-Kumi

 Title - The Last Train at Sunset
 2 Reviews from Wakulla prison

This book explains in very easy to read and understand language. How you can receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? It quotes a lot of key Scriptures from the Holy Bible to further clearly the truth of what’s written.

The second half of the book tells you how to walk and grow as a believer in Christ. It uses Scriptures beautifully to walk a new believer through the foundational beliefs.

The author’s purpose is very clear. How to receive eternal life and how to grow in the faith.

I loved every page of this book. The topic is controversial to anyone who refuses to believe the truth of God’s holy Word that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one will enter heaven except through Him.

 The main thing I liked about how this book was written, was Pearl kept it simple, and used easy to understand words. Even a grade school child could pick up this book and be able to read and understand it, and maybe come to understand and accept Jesus Christ as their own Lord, God, King, and Savior.

 Thank you for writing this book.

                                                      Leon, (11-3-2014)

                                                      A brother in Christ.  


This book speaks the truth, the Word of God, Scriptures from the Bible. This book is pretty much for anyone, the unsaved, babes in Christ, even mature Christians.

It starts off with “the invitation” the way to receive salvation, and then there’s the “Christian walk” where a lot can be learned, especially if you search the Scriptures she puts in the book, and there are many.

As I read, I came across a lot of Scriptures that I forget to make active in my life. It would be a great devotional to read daily to remember where you stand if you can’t read the Bible every day. There are certain sections I would like to read and remind myself on how I should behave on a daily basis, because at times I can let it slide based on my emotions, or the day I am having, or some people in certain situations.

                                                      Keith (9-29-2014)

To purchase The Last Train at Sunset from Amazon, click here.


Pearl is a retired registered nurse, and a Christian author.  She came to the United States from Ghana, West Africa. She has lived in Maryland for over forty years. Pearl has three children, a son in-law, and four grandchildren. She loves to write poetry and short articles based on Scripture.  She has authored three books "Get On Board and Stay On Board," "The Last Train at Sunset," and "Time Is Running Out."  These books contain salvation messages, and messages about the Christian walk.  They are suitable for devotionals and also helpful in witnessing. 

They are all available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and also on her

Pearl is also a Volunteer Counselor at a local Crisis Pregnancy Clinic.


Each Tuesday, we are posting reviews from Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. 

The Wakulla Correctional Book Review Series is part of 
Our Vision: "Changing Lives to Ensure a Safer Florida"