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Showing posts with label heather Radford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heather Radford. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wakulla Book Review: The Asquinn Twins: Where the Trail Forks, Book 2, by Heather Radford

Book Title: The Asquinn Twins: Where the Trail Forks, Book 2

Author: Heather Radford 

Summary: The Asquinn and Turehue children are grown up now. Ken Asquinn and Bradan Turehue have turned away from God. They have started to drink, smoke, curse, and disrespect their parents. There is still the promise for to marry, Ken and Sherry, and Martha to Bradan.
Even seeing the changes in their lives from following God to skeptics, the two sixteen year old girls still marry the two nineteen year old men. This starts the turmoil of being married to a backslidden Christian.

1/ To show readers how faithful followers of God can backslide into sin.
2/To show the tragedy of a family torn by one family member’s sin.

1/Falling from God.
2/Turmoil of the Christian family when one member backslides.
3/ Intercessory prayer.

Wakulla Book Review

Reviewed by: Booker T.


I want to personally thank all the men who are reviewing the books written by JOHN 3:16 AUTHORS. I am thankful that we are able to bless them and appreciate the encouragement given to us by their reviews. 

Each WEEK (usually on Tuesday), we are posting reviews from 
Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. 

Inmates are loving the new books from John 3:16 authors. 
Chaplain Steve Fox is adding the new books to the prison library in this initiative to "change lives to ensure a safer Florida."