In the fourth installment of Stacy Padula’s Gripped Book Series, the stakes are higher as Taylor Dunkin struggles to save himself and protect the ones he loves. He never knew that a slippery slope could cause him to fall into such a pit of despair. As he tries to pull himself out, however, he begins to realize that he may not be able to escape the mess of his own creation.
Taylor’s two younger brothers, Jordan and Marc have been at odds for years, but they are drawn together to try to decipher the mysterious clues Taylor is leaving for his whereabouts. As secrets are revealed, the relationships between the Dunkin boys may change forever, and their town of Montgomery Lake along with them.
Stacy Padula’s masterful control of a bifurcated storyline keeps the reader intrigued in two chronologies of events. The characters grow richer with each passing novel, and the depth of the relationship between them approaches reality.
five-star review for Gripped 4: Smoke and Mirrors.
- Mackenzie Wells,
University of Georgia
To purchase a Smoke & Mirrors from Amazon, click here.
To learn more about Stacy Padula, visit her Amazon Page by clicking here