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Showing posts with label book marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book marketing. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2016

Should I Use KDP Select? Guest Post by Terri Main

Recently, Terri Main and I had a lively conversation via a marketing group about KDP Select. We have very different opinions on its current effectiveness, and I asked if I could post her email to me on this blog so she could share her thoughts and experience. I think, as she says, you need to figure out what works for you and go with it. Knowledge is always key when it comes to marketing.

I (Lorilyn Roberts) have taken all my books out of KDP Select and can't imagine using it again. Its effectiveness for me has been so minuscule the last couple of years that I prefer not to bother with it and instead have opted for greater exposure on other sites, including Smashwords, bookstores, audiobooks, and website marketing. Terri's points are valid, though,  for KDP Select, and because it's something all authors should try at least once, I wanted to share what she shared with me.

Here's Terri's Thoughts 

This is one we can go around and around about. I know, because I've been interacting with people for five years on this subject. I still see a big bump in sales after a well promoted free promotion. However, it is across my entire inventory.  I see significant increases. In fact the two or three days after a big free promotion are usually double my norm. Now, less well promoted ones it's more like a 20-25% increase. 


And this is the biggie. What works for one person may not work for another. You have to find what works for you. It's like the old joke about the economy. Ask five economists what's going to happen with the economy and you'll get five different answers. Six if one went to Harvard. 

Each of us have different audiences and genres. Free promos for my Bible studies do phenomenally well in the after promotion period. Usually within a week, I will get a bunch of people all in a one to two day period downloading the book. What happened? I can only speculate, but after 30 years in marketing and 64 in church I can make a good guess. Some teachers were out there doing a search of Bible studies. One or more ran across mine for free. They read it and liked it, then the next week or two they adopted it for the class and a bunch of students stated to download it or borrow it through Kindle unlimited. 

Now, with my Science Fiction/mystery novels, following a free promo, I'll get a bunch of downloads of other books in that series. 

However, I see very little effect for standalone fiction. And I suspect that standalone fiction for someone with only one or two books out will not do as well either. 

Plus, we all have different fans. 

The bottom line is you have to experiment. Test. Retest. Keep what works for you and throw out what doesn't. Listen to everyone, but test everything for yourself. 

I look at two top indie authors, for instance, Russell Blake and Hugh Howey. They are both very successful and very different in their approaches. Of course, they are also both very good writers. But they understand their individual markets and do what works for them. 


I hope some of you will leave a comments and tell us about your experience. Sharing of information is the best way to help all of us with marketing our books,  so please let us hear from you. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thoughts on the Flux of Self-Publishing versus Traditional Publishing and All the Stuff In Between

by Lorilyn Roberts.

In the future, I predict publishing books will take on the business model of commercially produced products:  The public will buy the books they like regardless of how they are published. As a popular commercial sums it up, it’s not complicated.

While many rules have changed, others are nonnegotiable. You better write a good book, hire a top-notch editor, and grace the front of your book with an outstanding cover. You will need a rocket full of energy to launch it and not enough hours in the day to promote it. Otherwise, your book may end up in the slush pile of broken dreams.

In spite of the challenges, the new norm is a win-win for both the producer and the consumer (the author and the reader). But for the uninformed, it has also created a void that needs to be filled. The biggest problem with this new norm is the lack of training for self-published authors. As the founder of a network of authors (John 3:16 Marketing Network), many of whom are frustrated, the lack of training in what it takes to market and the unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved is legend. I could give you many stories, including my own. While consumers will slap down a debit card for a Starbucks latte without a second thought (including me), ask someone to spend 99 cents on a book from you, an unknown author, and you will feel the parting of the Red Sea. You wonder if you have B.O. or bad breath.

As a self-published author, I have made my share of mistakes. One of my books had an amateurish book cover and a well-known author told me so. I quickly learned that I can’t sacrifice quality to save money. I grew up a lot that day—people notice the good, the bad and the ugly in books. If I am in this for the long haul, I better not be looking for a quick buck or I will be disappointed.

To that end, I would encourage writers and hopeful authors to think of writing as a business endeavor—approach it with that attitude. It’s not a hobby, it’s a job. Talent and willingness to learn will serve the serious writer well, along with some good business savvy.

The goal should be to build a platform and seek out readers who will fall in love with your book this year and come back and read future books—and share your books with friends and family. That mindset will serve those authors well who are serious about writing and marketing. It’s a business. The industry deserves that kind of quality.

Despite the challenges, I am glad the publishing world of the future won’t be controlled by a few highly successful companies. In the past, those publishers held a monopoly on the market. If I were a betting woman, I’d say they missed some real gems. What other answer is there for why some authors had so many rejections for excellent books? No wonder many writers gave up. The world will never know what books they didn’t get to enjoy. Not every wannabe author has the gumption to keep knocking on closed doors.

I can tell you that traditional publishers have never looked twice at me. I am too old for them to invest their cash in but too young (or stupid) to believe I can’t start another career. When I crawl into bed at 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. in the morning, after writing a few words on the computer following several hours of broadcast captioning, I sometimes wonder if I am insane. Still, I wouldn't trade what I’ve learned for any contract from any publisher.

Why? Because knowledge is power. While some information just doesn’t stick in this old brain of mine like I wish, that doesn’t mean I am going to give up. After all, we live in a world of information overload. I sometimes tell my daughters the C-drive in my brain is full. I need to delete something before I can take in any more information.

But with that power come opportunities. Today is a readers’ world in spite of television and computers and smartphones and tablets. In fact, it’s because of the plethora of these gadgets that more people are reading. Perhaps we make our hopes and dreams too small—too many rejection slips have convinced some they can’t make it at all. The journey is what it’s all about. And for me at least, I know the outcome is in God’s hands.


Lorilyn Roberts is a Christian author who writes children's picture books, adult nonfiction, memoirs, and a young adult Christian fantasy series, Seventh Dimension. The first in the series, The Door, was just published (October 2012).

Lorilyn graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Alabama, which included international study in Israel and England. She received her Masters in Creative Writing from Perelandra College and is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature.

Lorilyn is the founder of the John 316 Marketing Network, a network of Christian authors who are passionate about promoting books with a Christian worldview.

To learn more about Lorilyn, please visit her website at or blog at You can follow her on twitter at To connect with her personally, you can contact her by email at

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Steps to Hosting a Book Launch on the John 316 Marketing Network

  Dear Future and Current John 316 Marketing Network Members. Please take a few moments to read and digest this information.

1. You must be a member of the John 316 Network for 45 days before announcing a book launch or posting a launch date on the calendar. If you will be offering free e-gifts, you need to allow a minimum of one month to prepare for your book launch.

2. You must have a total of five reviews posted at and/or beta reader feedback before announcing a book launch. Reviews work best for books that are already published. Beta reader feedback works best for books that are not yet published. It is an opportunity for readers to sample your book and make suggestions before your book is published. Beta readers cannot be author members of the John 316 Marketing Network. The network is building a list of readers who can be beta readers, and the author should attempt to have several people read his book before publishing it. If you don’t use beta readers through the John 316 Marketing Network, make sure you find readers who are not immediate family members that will give you constructive criticism. Many pairs of eyes make books better.

3. Before a book is launched on the John 316 Marketing Network, the author is responsible for having his or her book professionally edited. Please DO NOT submit a book to be launched unless this requirement is met. No amount of marketing will salvage a book that is full of grammatical errors, poor sentence structure, disorganized thoughts, boring content, or nonfiction books that lack documentation. Remember, an author is writing to sell his next book, not the one he is currently writing. A reader might be fooled into buying one "bad" book by an author, but he won't buy a second one by that same author unless he is a fool.

4. While I never make a distinction about how authors are published, I must point this out because it seems some do not think they need an editor. An editor is an author's best friend. POD or self-published authors, please do not skimp on this step. It is not fair to our network's reputation or the good graces of our member authors to expect them to promote a book that has not been properly prepared for readers. No ifs, ands, or buts. Not having the money to pay for it is not an acceptable excuse. And please do not expect authors to edit your book for free. I hope to start a critique group within the network this year. Critique groups help authors to become better writers. But even a critique group is not sufficient. You need to "hire" someone to perform this service.

5. If you are new and want to do a book launch, you must first participate in another author's book launch and one showcase by a second author. Participation is more than just sending out tweets. It includes featuring a launching author on your blog, offering a free e-gift for an author's landing page, writing a review for a book launch, and other activities including Facebook, Twitter, and Good Reads promotions of an author's book.

6. There are certain words that are absolutely not allowed in a book hosted by the John 316 Marketing Network. These words include the "N" word, the "S" word and the "F" word. We also do not allow the Lord's name to be taken in vain. We do not want to launch a book that would be considered offensive, pornographic, or that promotes a lifestyle in conflict with Scripture. If your book contains "edgy" material, let me (Lorilyn Roberts) know and I will submit it to a panel of pastors within the network for one of them to review. We are a Christian network and some books may not be appropriate for us to launch. If for some reason your book is rejected by the panel for promotion by the network, please do not take offense. It won't mean your book is "bad" or not inspired by the Holy Spirit. It would just mean your book is too edgy. We may even come up with a rating system to promote "edgy" books down the road. Each book presented and considered "edgy" by the author will be approved or denied on a case-by-case basis. If you are in doubt, please check with me.

7. If you are planning on doing a book launch in the immediate future, say within 60 days, it is expected that you set up your emails so you can receive them individually or on a once-a-day basis (condensed). This makes you an “active” member of the network. A personal gripe of mine is to discover an author who wants to launch a book and he or she is not a participant on the forum and is only receiving "special notices" or "no emails." If you are only receiving special notices or no emails, you are a “non-active” member of the network and are not eligible to host a book launch with the John 316 Marketing Network. You will need to change your status to active and wait 45 days before announcing a launch on the forum or posting one on the calendar.
The reason why you must be an active member of the John 316 Marketing Network to host a book launch is this: Our network is built on relationships. If you have isolated yourself and do not want to be involved with others, please do not expect others to promote your book. Those who have reached best-seller status on book launches have been those who have actively participated on the forum and given of themselves, in many cases sacrificially. They have established relationships here.

8. Please re-read the book How to Launch a Christian Best-Seller Book before setting up your launch. The book is frequently updated and the information is very detailed. Some authors make key mistakes that could have been avoided if they had read the book more closely. I hate being the bad guy when I have to inform an author that he can't launch his book because he has no reviews. And usually, when there aren't any reviews, there are other issues that need to be addressed.

9. If you purchased the book through Smashwords, you can download the newest edition at any time. If you bought your copy through Amazon, let me know and I will provide you with a coupon to download it through Smashwords for free. If you received a "free" copy with a coupon, you may need to purchase a new copy. Right now How to Launch a Christian Best Seller is free on Smashwords and only 99 cents on Amazon. It was revised in December so now is a good time to get an updated copy.

10. Please remember we represent the King of the universe. He expects us to give our best. Please don't compromise. Write well; have your book edited by at least one professional, maybe even two; build relationships with others in the network; and read How to Launch a Christian Best-Seller. If you do these things, we will come alongside you and cheer you on. God gets the glory for a job well-done, and, just maybe, readers will buy your book and make you fabulously happy. Whatever the result, the outcome is in God's hands. And usually, when we give God our all, He gives us much more in return.

11. I also want to thank each one of you who have launched books with the network. We have never launched a book that I am aware of that did not meet the above requirements. As with any organization, though, we are going through growing pains. I want to lay a solid foundation for God to use the John 316 Marketing Network. The publishing world is in a state of flux, but our commitment to one another, marked with love, truth, and integrity, will help us to stay on the straight and narrow path of excellence. As I tell my kids, the world is full of mediocrity; don't be like the world. In everything you do, do it as if you are doing it unto the Lord, and then give Him the glory.

Lorilyn Roberts, Founder of the John 316 Marketing Network


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sell More Books!: Book Marketing and Publishing for Low Profile and Debut Authors

It’s All in the Name

Book Review by Lorilyn Roberts

When I read the title, Sell More Books! I couldn’t imagine anything that would help ME to sell more books.  After all, I had done nearly everything that had been suggested by marketing gurus and experts. What else was there that I hadn’t already tried?

Originally my marketing plan consisted of a little bit of this and a little bit of that, hoping something might work. I was so afraid that if I didn’t try everything, the one thing I didn’t do would be the difference maker. Why I took this approach, I don’t know, except to acknowledge that marketing is far more overwhelming and complicated than writing a book. 

Oftentimes we are bombarded with a zillion suggestions from well-meaning marketing folks, and being the newbie that I was, I tried most of them. What I found, however, is that many of those highly touted things didn’t work (and don’t work for most new or low-profile authors). Do you really need a publicist, for instance? What about all those press releases that cost a lot of money? And drawing up a marketing plan? What would that consist of, anyway? Sell More Books! will help.

Once I began reading Sell More Books! I realized what I needed were not new methods or ideas but a strategy to help me evaluate what I had already done. And Sell More Books! did not disappoint. I never thought about incorporating what had worked into a marketing plan that would fit my needs and budget into the future. I think it’s just human nature, like a cow, to think the grass on the other side of the fence is greener. Whatever we haven’t done is what we think we need to do because somebody somewhere says so—and we think they know more than we do.

Sell More Books! made me realize I was not alone, but by following some common sense, inexpensive suggestions, I could resurrect my lagging sales and achieve better results. Simply put, I needed to look at those things that had worked and continue to pursue them. And lastly, but also very important, I was challenged not to sit on those ideas but to put them to good use. When you become discouraged, oftentimes the hardest part is just getting started again. And because Sell More Books! helped me to see the mistakes I had made, I felt I could trust Steve Miller on other aspects of marketing I wasn’t as sure about.

Not everybody sells tons of books from TV and radio appearances—really? I thought I was the only one. What worked for me, I found myself asking? What about all of those wonderful book reviews I have posted on Amazon and other websites? Why not get some more? After all, you can’t have too many.

These are just two ways to market out of dozens outlined in Sell More Books. The suggestions run the gamut for every type of book in print and every type of person. Yes, we are all different. Go with what works for you and throw out the rest. Don’t feel like your book is a failure if something worked for someone else but doesn’t work for you.

In addition, Steve Miller shares many stories from authors he has talked to first-hand regarding marketing—and has concluded, as I did, that many things are a waste of money. I wish I had read Sell More Books two years ago. I could have made better choices in marketing Children of Dreams, saving myself a lot of time, money, and discouragement.

Sell More Books is the best marketing book I have read. Buy yours today and don’t repeat the mistakes others have made. You will be encouraged to keep on keeping on in the difficult world of marketing.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

John 3:16 Marketing Manual, How to Launch a Christian Best Seller Book


Get your copy of the John 3:16 Marketing Manual, How to Launch a Christian Best Seller Book, at this link:

You will need this book to tell you all about the concept, how the Network works, how to set up your forum settings, links to all parts of the Network, how to use Amazon to market your book, and how to launch a best-seller book.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Why Should I Join the John 316 Marketing Network?


Why Should I Join the John 316 Marketing Network?
Part Five of Six
John 3:16 Marketing Network

By Lorilyn Roberts

I am the president of the local Word Weavers Critique Group in Gainesville, Florida, and I have encouraged my fellow critiquers who are serious writers to join the John 3:16 Marketing Network. Many are making great strides in their writing and working towards publication.

But most of them are not interested in joining. The main reason: "I want to concentrate on my writing."

Doing both IS hard, but it is essential for writers to begin marketing themselves long before they finish their book.

Why? Marketing is more time-consuming and more all-encompassing than writing. If you start early, you will be better prepared when your book hits Amazon and/or bookstores; and if you are a serious writer, that day will come.

Don't wait. Take some time and start making those connections TODAY-on Facebook Twitter, and other social networking websites.

The John 3:16 Marketing Network combines all those assets that social networking offers with many added bonuses, including:

  1. We help you to launch your book to best-seller status on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. It is within reach for an unknown author to achieve best-seller status in one or more categories for a twenty-four period with some old fashion hard work and the help of the John 3:16 authors.
  2. The forum provides encouragement and camaraderie in the Spirit of Christ.
  3. A lot of information is shared by authors in the network-what has worked, what hasn't work, pitfalls to avoid, and ways to do things better.
  4. We have several marketing gurus in the network who often give free help/advice on our forum.
  5. Members feature other members on guest blogs. We've had interviews of authors on blog talk radio and other offers of various types involving social networking adventures. Creativity reigns supreme in the network.
  6.  Because we are a cohesive group, we are in a position to test-drive new marketing products for authors before they are released to the public. There is "power" in numbers!
  7. Your publisher will be thrilled when you tell him you have a large network of authors ready to Facebook/tweet/blog/announce your book on a book launch, and you have the opportunity to be featured on multiple websites as you promote your book. It is possible to reach thousands of people in a twenty-four period.
  8. You will make lifelong friendships as you pour your heart/dreams/hopes and life into sharing your book and participating in helping others. As part of the Body of Christ with similar giftedness, there is nothing else like it on the web-at least that I am aware of. If there was, I would have joined it rather than starting one.
  9. We are free-how many things in marketing cost money and give little back in return. You don't risk anything and have everything to gain.

Until Tuesday, May 24th, we are hosting a membership drive and featuring some of our members. Our Facebook event will be on Tuesday, May 24, 8-9pm EST, when you will have an opportunity to win up to nine free books. During that hour, we will have many members online to answer questions. We will be offering technical tips on how to do things that will help authors. These tutorials/tips will include: how to upload a .jpeg to Facebook/blog, how to resize a .jpeg and load it Facebook/blog, how to copy and paste widgets on websites, and how to set up a twitter account.

Knowing how to do these things will help you in your marketing efforts.

For information on the John 3:16 Marketing Network and to submit an application to join, please visit on TUESDAY, May 24. If you submit an application on Tuesday, May 24, you will be able download free e-books from some of our member authors.

As part of the membership drive, our member authors are hosting a blog tour featuring eight of our John 3:16 Network authors.

Today I am pleased to introduce you to Lynn Dove. Lynn has been a delight to get to know through the John 3:16 Marketing Network and I know you will enjoy meeting her, too.


Lynn is a graduate of the University of Calgary, where she earned her Bachelor of Education degree in 1981. She has spent the last thirty years teaching children in the private and public school settings. In 2007, she earned a Masters of Religious Education degree from the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada.

Heal.jpegThe Author Jeopardy Question to win Lynn's book Shoot the Wounded during the Facebook Event on Tuesday, May 24, 8-9pm, will come from this short interview:

Question: Tell us about your two books, Heal the Wounded and Shoot the Wounded.

Lynn Dove:  Shoot the Wounded, the first book in the "Wounded Trilogy," is written for youth and young adults, and addresses how lies and gossip destroy a person's spirit. It speaks to the heart of relevant themes such as bullying, teen pregnancy and family violence all the while pointing the characters, and ultimately the reader, to hope in Jesus Christ.                                                                        
Heal the Wounded  is the much-anticipated sequel to Shoot the Wounded. After the death of their friend, Ronnie (in Shoot the Wounded), Leigh and Jake try to come to terms with their loss. As their love grows for one another, Leigh and Jake must face a series of devastating, life-changing events that will challenge their love and their relationship with God.

Question: In your books you deal with topics that can be sensitive and disturbing for Young Adults - bullying, cutting, and teen pregnancy, among others.

Do you draw on personal experience at some level for your characters, or do you create your characters from scratch?

Lynn Dove:  I have worked with teenagers for over thirty years as a teacher/church youth leader. In that time I have seen the devastating results of children being victimized by bullying. My eldest daughter was bullied in middle school and I was bullied in high school so I do draw from personal experience to a large extent.
Question: Do you have any publishing and/or marketing advice for new writers? 
Lynn Dove: One thing I would tell new authors is to not feel shy about purposefully promoting yourself in the marketplace. I think that was one of the hardest things for me to do initially. As Christians, we value a humble attitude, but as authors the louder and bolder we are in promoting ourselves to our readers, the more books they will buy and read. Some self-published or POD (print on demand) authors are quite content to write for a select audience, family and friends, but for those of us who want to reach a larger, more world-wide audience, we need to be prepared to create a "buzz" about the book. The only way to do that is to get people talking about it. Word of mouth is huge! 
That said, I think it is also important to ask yourself the questions ahead of time about what your personal goals are with publishing a book. I applaud my publisher, Word Alive Press, for asking some pointed questions up front in their publishing questionnaire. One question in particular prompted me to prayerfully consider my personal goals: "What is the one thing, (the most important thing) you would like to accomplish with your manuscript (book)?"  I remember I wrote, "My hope is that teenagers and young adults who read this book will be touched by the message in the story, and ultimately that this book and any others I write will bring Glory to God."
Tomorrow on Tuesday, our big launch day for new members, we will be featuring Why Should I Stay A Member of the John 3:16 Marketing Network After I have Launched My Book? Part Six of Six, from the John 3:16 Marketing Network. Our guest authors will beLorilyn RobertsDeborah McCarragher, and JD Holiday, hosted by Amanda Stephan (on her website).

If you have missed any of the previous postings for this blog tour, they are listed below:

Wednesday, May 18
Location: Lorilyn Roberts Featured AuthorJay Miller
Featured Book: Sal and Sally
Featured Author: Sherrill Cannon
Featured Book:  The Magic Word
Featured Article: Are There Secret Formulas or Short Cuts for Making the Best-Seller List on Amazon-Part One of Six on the John 3:16 Marketing Network

Thursday, May 19
Location: Paulette Harper
Featured Author: Dr. Ray W. Lincoln
Featured Book: InnerkineticsTMFeatured Article: What it Takes to Have a Winning Team - Part Two of Six, John 3:16 Marketing Network

Friday, May 20
Location: JD Holiday 
Featured Author: Dr. Robert McGinnis
Featured Book: Paradise is Where You Find itFeatured Article: Roaches That Eat Your Best-Seller Dreams - Part Three of Six on the John 3:16 Marketing Network 

Saturday, May 21
Location Lorilyn Roberts
Featured Author:  Elaine Marie Cooper
Featured Book: The Road to Deer Run
Featured Article: What is a Book Launch Anyway-and Slowly, Please, I am New at All of This - Part Four on the John 3:16 Marketing Network

You can also find all the articles at

What is a Book Launch Anyway-and Slowly, Please, I am New at All of This, Part 4 of 6, John 3:16 Marketing Network

Part Four
John 3:16 Marketing Network
By Lorilyn Roberts

A few years ago at the Florida Christian Writers Conference, I took Randy Ingermanson's marketing class. If you ever have an opportunity to do so, take advantage of it because he is thorough, honest, and entertaining. Now that's not something you can say about most physicists! At the time he was working on one of his many books and made the comment that his goal was to hit number one on Amazon when it was released.

Of course, being the newbie that I was, I didn't know exactly what he meant, but it sure sounded impressive. I had no idea how one would even begin to accomplish such a feat.

I have found many authors are pretty much like me when I took that marketing class. And while they may be on Facebook, they don't know how to use it very well (or how to make a fan page). Most groan when you mention Twitter, struggle with uploading a .jpeg, don't know how to resize one (you've seen those monstrosities that take up a whole blog page), don't know how to use widgets-the first time I heard the word, I thought it was a wizard-or make a video, use an URL shortener, or follow someone's blog (where is the button), or the importance of even having followers.

Authors know how to do one thing-they know how to write. That is what they are passionate about. I would also rather write than do marketing. I would pay someone to do it-except I am too poor. But I don't want to take my baby (my book) that I gave birth to and present it to another writer's conference and have no one look at it.

When an agent and an editor told me to "Come back and see me when you have a thousand on your opt-in list (I had twenty-six at the time), my thought was, you just wait. I was challenged to do something that two people at the conference made me feel like I couldn't do, and I wanted to prove them wrong.

I set about doing all the things writers do to begin marketing when they don't know what they are doing-except I had just taken Randy's marketing class, which ran for four days, and I learned A LOT.

And then the reality set in. Have you ever tried to get a thousand followers on an email opt-in list? Even though it's easier now than before with the growth of Facebook and Twitter, it still takes time and effort.

Recently I went into the hospital to have an outpatient procedure done (one of those rites of passage when you turn fifty). The pre-op stuff was a lot less fun than the actual procedure itself, but unless I did the pre-op, the doctor wouldn't have been able to see what he was looking for. It's the same with a book launch. You must do all the steps I have talked about up to this point in order to have a successful launch.

One of my goals with the John 3:16 Marketing Network has been to help authors who come into the network who can't do the above things. I am surprised at the number of authors who join who are still using a 54K dial-up modem. An author will be at a huge disadvantage if she doesn't upgrade to something faster. I can't imagine being handicapped to that degree and being successful at marketing, though anything is possible. But I would recommend a person have a cable modem or a fast connection, much faster than dial-up.

I was told when I took a class, "How to Launch a Best-Seller," that people would be more than willing to help. That has not been true for me. Most people never respond to my emails unless they know me personally. Getting reviews is not always easy (many don't know how when you ask them or are too intimidated to post anything on Amazon). Getting someone to read my book is hard (authors who like to read books and write reviews are already overcommitted, including myself). I have sent several copies of my book to people and never heard back from them. Sometimes I think those are the books that show up later  on Amazon for a bargain price that you don't get a cut of. I found it to be a lot harder to get partners than I ever thought it would be.

That is when the idea of the John 3:16 Marketing Network was born. If we had authors who were willing to come together and help each other, who understood the process and cared about others in the network, it would be a dream come true not only for me but for others as well. There are far too many authors like me with good books waiting to be read and no way to effectively market them.

Out of my need for a way, God laid it on my heart to form the John 3:16 Marketing Network for Christian authors. I thought about what impact we could have, changing the landscape of book marketing and publishing with sheer numbers and personal commitment, pushing Christian books higher in sales to best-seller status, and impacting what kids and adults read with a Christian worldview.

That leads to the question, "What is a book launch anyway?" A book launch is a 24-hour event. You tell everybody in your little world (or big world) about your incredible, awesome, one-of-a-kind book, and then you get all of those people to tell everybody in their little world (or big world) about your incredible, awesome, one-of-a-kind book-and, as a result of the amazing world of mass media, everybody will hear about your book, and able to receive all the unique, one-time free e-gifts that will be offered if  he buys your book on "launch day." The other key factor is all the sales must go to one specific location; i.e., Amazon. The book sales over that period will surge, enabling you to hit best-seller status in one or more categories. Again, to incentivize people to buy your book on your launch day, you offer free e-gifts that are immediately downloadable; but only on launch day. Then the e-gifts go away.

We have over 125 authors as of this writing in the John 3:16 Marketing Network. Some are beginners and some are pros, but we are all Christians. We are individuals blessed with the passion for writing.  We help each other with book launches, blog postings, book reviews, following each other on social networking sites, and on and on.

I am reminded of Hebrews 12:1 from the New Testament in the Bible: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the AUTHOR and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

One of our members, Amanda Stephan, is preparing some tutorials for the John 3:16 Marketing Network which will be available Tuesday night during the Facebook Event to be held on the John 3:16 Marketing Network page, 8-9pm EST (the tutorials are listed toward the end of this article).

We have marketing gurus who offer free advice on the forum. And I guarantee you, if there is some marketing opportunity out there that you have a question about; i.e., is it worth the money? Is this a good publishing company to use? Is this business venture a waste of my time? With the numbers we have now, somebody will know the answer, and the best answer is usually from someone who personally knows or has experience dealing with whatever it is you are asking about.

When the big day arrives, what happens? Your partners will send out Facebook and Twitter announcements. Those with big opt-in lists will announce your book to their subscribers. Some of your partners (friends) will feature you on their blog, host an interview by you or post some of your articles. Hopefully glowing reviews on Amazon and other sites will entice the public to push that "buy" button; and, you will have some fabulous bonus gifts for your buyers-free downloadable e-gifts available right after the buyer receives his confirmation email-available nowhere else!

What is a good launch? At the John 3:16 Marketing Network, we look at rankings. If we hit best-seller status in a category, we are thrilled. If our rankings get pretty low in terms of book sales, we are happy.

It's important to note. Whether you reach best-seller status or not, you are gaining exposure. Others are tweeting, Facebooking, and sharing your book with their social networking contacts. It's all about exposure. Oftentimes, people have to hear a name many times before it starts to register, "I need to watch that movie," or "I need to buy that book." We tell our authors not to get discouraged if you don't sell as many books as you had hoped. Remember, it's all about process, not outcome.

From Wednesday, May 18th through Tuesday, May 24th, we are hosting a membership launch featuring some of our members in a blog tour. Our Facebook party will include many events which you won't want to miss. Mark your calendar-Tuesday, May 24, 8-9pm EST, when you will have an opportunity to win eight free books. During that hour, we will have members online to answer your questions, and we will be offering tutorials on how to do some technical operations for internet marketing. These tutorials/tips will include:

  • 1. How to upload a .jpeg to Facebook/blog
  • 2. How to resize a .jpeg and load it Facebook/blog
  • 3. How to copy and paste widgets on websites
  • 4. How to set up a twitter account.

The information will be useful whether you apply to the John 3:16 Marketing Network or not.

In addition to an opportunity to win a minimum of eight free books, on Tuesday, May 24th, if you submit an application to join the John 3:16 Marketing Network , you will be able to download free e-gifts

For more information on the John 3:16 Marketing Network and to submit an application, please visit my website at Lorilyn Roberts.

Again, Tuesday, May 24, will be the membership launch day. If you summit your application on Tuesday, May 24th, you will be able to download free e-gifts offered by some of our authors.

Today on our Blog Tour we will meet Elaine Marie Cooper.

Elaine Marie Cooper grew up in Massachusetts but now lives in the Midwest with her husband Steve, her three dogs and one cat. She has two married sons and triplet grandbabies, who are often referred to (by her) as "the most beautiful grandbabies in the world." Elaine's only daughter Bethany passed away in 2003 from a brain tumor.
A retired registered nurse, Elaine has been a magazine freelance writer for many years, and is a regular contributor to a blog on the Midwest called The Barn Door ( and a blog on Christian living called Reflections In Hindsight  ( 

She is also the author of "The Road to Deer Run" and has just completed the sequel "The Promise of Deer Run" which should be available by fall.


Elaine's debut book, The Road to Deer Run, received the following awards:
Honorable Mention in the Romance category at the 2011 Los Angeles Book Festival Awards

Finalist in the Religious Fiction category at the 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Awards

Winner "Best Romantic Moment" in the Clash of the Titles contest, February 2011


The Author Jeopardy Question to win Elaine's book, The Road to Deer Run  during the Facebook Party on Tuesday, May 24, 8-9pm EST, will come from our discussion below:

Question: Who has been the most influential person in helping you to achieve your dream as a successful author?

I would have to say my husband Steve has most influenced me as a writer. I have been interested in writing since I was a child, penning poems and prose and lyrics for songs. When I was a stay-at-home Mom with three little ones, I began creating poems about the craziness of motherhood.

Steve worked at a newspaper at the time and decided to ask if one of the sketch artists could illustrate the four-liners. One of the editors there saw my writing and asked Steve if I'd be interested in trying some feature freelancing. I was thrilled beyond words! Steve coached me on a few key points and once I got the drift, I took off writing. Soon I was given two feature columns a week. Just to prove I could do more on my own, I went to another newspaper and offered to freelance for them as well. I was soon interviewing, arranging for photo shoots, and typing my fingers off.

When we moved for Steve's job to Iowa, most of my writing went on hiatus. I worked at a hospital part time and went to nursing school to get my RN. For several years my pen lay dormant, until I went part time as a nurse and started freelancing again, this time for magazines.

Steve really became my cheerleader when I decided to write my first novel. Even after a long day at work, he would come home and edit my chapters as I went. He has been my supporter, coach, and wonderful friend through many hours of editing. While I give God the credit for any talent I may have, my mentor in technique has been my husband and I count him as my greatest earthly blessing.

Don't forget, during our Author Jeopardy Game, you will have an opportunity to win Tuesday night, The Road to Deer Run, May 24, 8-9pm EST during our Facebook party at

Monday we will be featuring, Why Should I join the John 3:16 Marketing Network, Part Five, from the John 3:16 Marketing Network. Our guest author will be Lynn Dove  hosted by Elisa Maria Crites (on her website).

Wednesday, May 18
Location: Lorilyn Roberts Featured AuthorJay Miller
Featured Book: Sal and Sally
Featured Author: Sherrill Cannon
Featured Book:  The Magic Word
Featured Article: Are There Secret Formulas or Short Cuts for Making the Best-Seller List on Amazon-Part One of Six on the John 3:16 Marketing Network

Thursday, May 19
Location: Paulette Harper
Featured Author: Dr. Ray W. Lincoln
Featured Book: InnerkineticsTMFeatured Article: What it Takes to Have a Winning Team - Part Two of Six, John 3:16 Marketing Network

Friday, May 20
Location: JD Holiday 
Featured Author: Dr. Robert McGinnis
Featured Book: Paradise is Where You Find it
Featured Article: Roaches That Eat Your Best-Seller Dreams - Part Three of Six on the John 3:16 Marketing Network 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Wounded Spirits
By April W. Gardner
Tuesday, December  7

Forbidden love during war! Historical setting!
“The characters will grip your heart; the story will seize your mind...”

Rosanna White
Christian Review of Books

Lives molded by the course of history, can these Wounded Spirits learn to rely on God's grace during one of the bloodiest conflicts in the South?


Every buyer receives a PDF of the first chapter of the sequel Warring Spirits PLUS a signed book plate mailed straight to you.

April Gardner has been a military brat, missionary's kid, and military spouse. After 21 years in various countries overseas, April happily resides in Georgia with her USAF husband. A homeschool mom, she fills her mornings talking fractions and phonics with her two sweet kiddos. In her free time, April enjoys reading, gardening, and DIY. In no particular order, she dreams of owning a horse, visiting all the national parks, and speaking Italian.

Librarian, reviewer, and avid reader, April adores anything books. She writes a weekly column for the joint blog, Reflections in Hindsight, and is the founder and senior editor of the website, Clash of the Titles.

April loves to hear from her readers at:


“This is a solid debut from Ms. Gardner, one that demonstrates not only her skill with words, but her insight into the human condition. The characters will grip your heart, the story will seize your mind, and the hope at the end will leave you with the surety that your God is bigger than any human troubles.”
Rosanna White
Christian Review of Books

"Historical fiction, if done right, has the ability to slip a reader into another time and another place. In Wounded Spirits, April Gardner has skillfully blended research with fiction to create a story that entertains and educates. Main character Adela McGirth finds herself straddling two worlds—one as a dutiful daughter, the other as a woman in love with the man who saved her life—a Native American. Wounded Spirits has something for everyone: forbidden love and romance, brutal war scenes, sacrificial love, history of the 19th century, and a faith that triumphs over adversity. This is a debut novel to remember.”
Suzanne Woods Fisher
Bestselling Author of The Choice


1. Faith and Temperaments by author Ray Lincoln. Pdf adapted and expanded from Ray W. Lincoln’s next book, The Real You -- Your Blueprint to Excellence.

2. The Donkey and the King, an eBook by author Lorilyn Roberts. A Christian redemption story where a donkey named Baruch longs for an easier life beyond the stable. He dreams of a life with no heavy burdens and no one to tell him what to do. Children will love looking for the hidden word “good” on every page!

3. Two Small Fish children’s greeting cards. Set of nine.

All these gifts (and much more!) will be yours by purchasing Wounded Spirits on Tuesday, December 7, from More details to follow.

Monday, November 15, 2010



Holiday Membership Drive
FREE Christmas Gift Basket of Books
VALUE $100!
November 16 to December 13 ONLY

(see picture below)



The John 3:16 Marketing Network is hosting its first
Christmas Basket of Books Membership Drawing

What do I do to enter?

Check out the John 3:16 Marketing Network blog TODAY. Anyone who FOLLOWS us at
 will be entered in a drawing for THREE FREE BOOKS displayed in a uniquely-made, hand-crafted basket!
If you are only following us and not joining us, please email me your name after following us at I want to make sure I receive your name to enter you into the drawing. If you JOIN, please also follow us so you can be entered twice.

 “What do I have to do to become a member?”

The Only Requirements Are:

You believe in John 3:16
You have a blog or website
You read the John 3:16 Marketing Network information at


The John 3:16 Marketing Network currently has over seventy members and we expect to hit two hundred when word gets out about our success. We have revolutionized an old marketing strategy and given it a Christian spin.


Don’t have an author platform? We can help. Want to be called a best-selling author on Amazon? No problem. Prefer Barnes & Noble. We’ve got you covered. Want your book blasted on dozens of social networking sites? We do that. Want your book advertised on Twitter and Facebook dozens of times? That’s easy. Want an interview of yourself discussing your book—featured on multiple guest blogs? Just let us know. Want your book quickly reviewed and reviews posted on Amazon and other websites? We love doing that. Want your book announced via email to hundreds? Want to see your rankings soar? Want your book exposed to thousands of potential buyers? Want to give your potential buyer a reason to buy your book TODAY and not tomorrow or never? Want to be able to give free e-gifts with your book for added value? Want to share your excitement with other authors? You have come to the right place. The secret to launching best-selling books—we know how to make it happen!



How much do you think you would pay to get all of this exposure on your own? THOUSANDS! How much does it cost if you are a member of the John 3:16 Marketing Network? Absolutely nothing! What does it cost to join? Zilch!

Have questions? Don’t believe me?

But Wait! There is More! And It’s FREE!



Baskets by Monica has donated the wooden, hand-made specialty basket to beautifully display our author books for the drawing. Visit
to see Christmas gift baskets extravaganza! Have an unusual idea for that special person in your life – Baskets by Monica creates unique, one-of-a-kind baskets that can’t be found anywhere else!


Select Books For Our First Free Gift Basket

Paradise Grows, by Dr. Robert E. McGinnis
Enjoy Your Money, by J. Steve Miller
Children of Dreams, by Lorilyn Roberts


Dr. Robert E. McGinnis
Paradise Grows
Kids read so much garbage these days, how about a YA book with clean language, no sex, or extreme violence. This book has adventures galore, and teaches values for life. The newest series that both parents and kids will love! Joy Roberts calls Dr. McGinnis’ Books “Fun and Thrilling to Read!”
Don't miss this chance to get your free copy in our
Christmas Gift Basket Drawing!

J. Steve Miller
Enjoy Your Money!
Learn about famous people and how they succeeded or failed with their careers and money, such as the manager for LED ZEPPELIN, MARK TWAIN, THOMAS JEFFERSON, SAM WALTON, and football coach JOE GIBBS!
Don't miss this chance to get your free copy in our
Christmas Gift Basket Drawing!

Lorilyn Roberts
Children of Dreams
Part confession, part adventure, and part memoir, Lorilyn weaves a masterful story of love and forgiveness. If you want inspiration, Children of Dreams will not disappoint.
Don't miss this chance to get your free copy in our
Christmas Gift Basket Drawing!


Last chance to join until next membership drive in April of next year!