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Showing posts with label Lorilyn Roberts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lorilyn Roberts. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2019

Five Star Readers' Favorite Book Review of the New Release "Seventh Dimension - The Howling" by Christian Fantasy Author Lorilyn Roberts

Reviewed By Ray Simmons for Readers’ Favorite

Some of the greatest stories you will ever read can be found in the Bible. From beginning to end, that’s mostly what the Bible is, a collection of great stories. But there are always a few people who read those stories and think they can tell them better and can adapt them to a tone more suited to a modern reader. Usually, they can’t but sometimes they can. When they get it right, it is a thing of true beauty. That’s what you have in The Howling, Book 6 in the Seventh Dimension series. Lorilyn Roberts has taken parts from all over the Bible and woven them into something new, beautiful, and true to the spirit of the original. I like that it is written for a Young Adult audience. So many of the spiritual books seem to be targeted at older people. I don’t think that’s fair. Young people need spiritual works targeted specifically for them sometimes.

The Howling is the last book in the series and though I did not read any of the other books in this series, I have read other books based on this material, so I enjoyed The Howling as a stand-alone story. Having said that, I am probably going to go back and read the series from the beginning and in order. This is what Lorilyn Roberts suggests in the introduction. She assures us that though we get the main story, there is some back story and building blocks that might make a difference. I believe her, though I went ahead and finished this book. The characters were too engaging and the plot too intriguing for me to stop once I picked it up. I love this type of story and I loved this book. I think everyone will but especially those with a Christian background.

Seventh Dimension - The Howling will be released on June 1st and is available now at a special price of $2.99 across all e-book platforms. After June 1, the price will go up to $4.99. 

Daniel Sperling enters the Seventh Dimension shortly before the return of the Messiah. As one of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists called by Yeshua, the horrors of the Day of the Lord take center stage. Discernment in the seen—and faith in the unseen—can mean the difference between life and death as God teaches perseverance. Daniel’s love for Shale and Shira grows amid revelations concerning the future and the fate of his father. As the Kingdom of God draws near, a new world order, built on a matrix of deception, makes Daniel’s calling more perilous and deadly. His race to the finish, where time is an illusion until God’s appointed times, is heroism at its finest—and demonstrates God’s profound love in the heart of all of those who seek Him.

Here are links to get your copy of the final book in the Seventh Dimension Series for 40% off.

Order from Kobo

Quotable Quote from The Howling

As my eyes became heavy, the strange conversation in the chariot haunted me. Those voices—I’d heard them another time also, arguing over my future. God had kept the vision from me until now—but why? When I closed my eyes, I remembered it, but this time, I knew the dream was slightly altered.

Someone called my name. “Daniel G. Sperling.” I looked and saw a very tall creature wearing a black robe. He held a large book in his hand. 

Another well-built supernatural creature dressed in a shimmering white robe appeared, blocking the other’s path so he couldn’t reach me. “You can’t have him. His name is in the book now.”

The supernatural being gritted his teeth. “He’s mine.”

The authoritative voice raised his voice. “Your power is diminishing, Lucifer.”

“I’m still the prince of the air, Michael.”

“His soul has been purchased, and you can’t have him.”

“Michael, his death is imminent.” 

“His time has not yet come, you fallen one, and you are not all-knowing.”

The two argued back and forth.

The man in the white robe held up his hands. “The race is not over, Lucifer.”  Michael turned his eyes to me. “Finish your journey, Daniel. Know you are highly esteemed, and keep seeking the truth.”


The Seventh Dimension Series has won over thirty book awards. This is Lorilyn's eleventh book. To learn more, visit

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Book Review by Lorilyn Roberts - Meow Mistletoe by Lisa Liskel

Meow Mistletoe by Lisa Lickel is a delightful, light-hearted yarn that entertains to the very last page. Filled with Christmas mirth and stoked with charming wit, the reader with be swooped off into the eccentric world of cat lovers, romantic comedy, and small-town sleuths hunting down small-town crooks. Being a cat lady myself, I found myself wanting to attend that Christmas party with all my cats in tow—I’d fit right in and so would my four-legged friends!


If you enjoy wholesome, good-old fashion entertainment with a few laughs, a few surprises, and a few twists and turns, stoked by cats that are just being cats, read this creative charm. I have to admit, I’d never read a cat book before, but with Meow Mistletoe, I’ve discovered a new genre. Whoever knew that romantic cat sleuth stories could be so entertaining?


I highly recommend getting away from stress and enjoying a little light-hearted humor and mystery. Allow yourself to unwind. Grab a cup of coffee, sit by a warm fire, and read Meow Mistletoe. If you’re like me, you may even want to read it more than once. I loved it that much!

Only 99c for a limited time.

To learn more about Lisa Lickel visit her website at

Friday, November 16, 2018

Two John 3:16 Authors Are Readers' Favorite Award Winners - SUSAN MIURA and LORILYN ROBERTS

Religious Fiction for Young Adults

Reviewed by Gail Kamer for Readers' Favorite
“Inside my head, I see his broken parts. Inside my head, I feel his pain.” Those words hooked me immediately. Healer by Susan Miura shares the story of a young girl named Shilo coming to terms with the gift of healing. She’s different. Why? Is she a freak? 
Shilo struggles with her spiritual powers. When to use them? How to keep the world from using them and using her? Should she keep them secret? How to just be a normal person? Will her boyfriend understand? In addition, Shilo becomes involved when a drug gang’s transaction places loved ones in danger. A favorite aunt has cancer but Shilo can’t heal her. What good is the gift if she can’t heal someone she loves? In addition to that, Shilo can’t mend her own broken heart.

Healer by Susan Miura is one of the best Christian young adult books I have ever read. Ms. Miura keeps the reader guessing what will happen next and how in the world the main character will solve the problem. 
The pace is fast. The writing is active. The story line is amazing. She’s made connections with today’s young adult world. Healer is a wonderful story to restore your belief in God’s good in the world and would make a great book club read for young adults. The reader bonds with the characters and, of course, wants more. That’s good since this is volume I. Hurry, Ms. Miura and get volume II out. I’m ready to see what happens next.
To learn more about Susan Miura visit her website at 



    Religious Fiction for Young Adults


    Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

Seventh Dimension - The Prescience: A Young Adult Fantasy by Lorilyn Roberts is the fifth book in the Seventh Dimension series that has a very unique take on time travel. Daniel and Shale, a recently engaged (betrothed) couple, found a lost orphan girl in Jerusalem and try to save her from the devastated city. From there, they embark on God’s plan and return to the first century and search for Daniel’s father who has gone missing. Finding his father could be the first step in unraveling the mystery of a tragedy that is waiting to happen. 
However, it is proving to be more dangerous and difficult than both of them ever thought. There are far too many enemies and dangers awaiting them, and all they can do is fight them together. But can they? 

With religious themes mixed with coming of age, the novel is definitely very different and the author seems to be in her element here. I enjoyed the time travel, how the two main characters fought the odds together and came out victorious at the end. Although I have not read the previous novels in the series, I still enjoyed it and caught up with the story really quickly. The story was fast paced and entertaining. 
Right from the beginning, the story gripped my attention. The chemistry between Shale and Daniel was perfect; they respected each other with an intensity and worked together as a team. The element of time travel was spot on; the author ensured that the characters, the dialogues and even the environment were time appropriate. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the novel! A really entertaining coming of age story.
To learn more about Lorilyn Roberts, visit her website at 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

And He Was Given a Mouth Speaking Great Things and Blasphemies

I am extremely concerned about the role the American media is playing in the political arena. I fully expect this video to be deleted at some point in the future from Youtube, so I'm going to describe it. 

Basically, Lisa Haven is giving clips on the backlash against Trump, and it's crossed the line, folks. I believe a Civil War is coming to America. The liberals cannot accept the fact Trump won the election. 

We are a nation of laws. If this continues - the proclivity to violence and the attempt to undermine our President's authority - can our democracy survive? 

As I continue to work on my book, Seventh Dimension - The Howling, I came across this passage from Revelation 13:4-7:  

So they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If anyone has an ear, let him hear.

I've worked as a broadcast captioner for about twenty years, and before that as a court reporter for twenty years. The last forty years of my life I have been paid to write down the spoken word, to put those words onto the written page. Let me tell you, when Revelation says, "He [Antichrist] was given a mouth," that means he was given a platform, he was given a microphone, he was given a captive audience, to get his word out. 

The media gives people a mouthpiece so their voice can be heard. You've heard the expression, "fifteen minutes of fame." 

The Antichrist will have all the fame he needs because the media will give it to him. They will be his mouthpiece. They will be his voice. They will be his captive audience. Revelation 13:4-7 as quoted above tells us so.

For anyone who thinks Trump is the Antichrist, think again. He's too hated to be the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be loved by the media. He will be given a voice through their microphones, their pens, their websites, their blogs, their editorials - on TV, on the Internet, on Twitter, on Facebook, famous celebs and occultists. I don't need to tell you who they are. 

If you are a liberal bashing Trump, please stop. Think before you speak. He is our President. Do you want his presidency to succeed? Or do you want it to fail? If he fails, our country fails. 

Are you a true American? If you are, then support him. Stand by him. If you can't do that, then be silent and vote him out of office in the next election. 

Satan wants to cause division and strife in our country. His greatest weapon is deception. If he can use the media to present a partial truth, he'll do it, and, in the process, destroy the uninformed masses, those who don't question what they hear and don't know what's really going on. Don't be part of that. Satan is setting the stage for a future world leader who will be the Antichrist. He will use the media as his mouthpiece. 

Trump wants to make America great again. That goes against the New World Order and the agenda set by those who are bent on world domination and globalization. Don't fall for it. The only one who can rule this world effectively is Jesus Christ. 

Don't give the devil a voice. Question what you hear in the American news. And that includes the immigration issue. What you hear has been twisted to use children as human shields and evoke sympathy from those who don't realize the truth. 

Many of those children are being brought over for nefarious purposes by people who are not their parents. How many caring parents would risk their children's safety by entering a country illegally? Many of those children are being trafficked. 

The children need our prayers. They are the victims. One solution is rather simple:  Perform a genetic test to see if the children and the parents' DNA match. It takes less than twenty-four to get the results. Those that don't match have no business being here. And maybe those children really do need to be separated from those "potential predators."

Unfortunately, there is a bigger issue involved here, and it goes back to Trump. The media, the left, the elitists, and the New World Order are using this tragic situation to put forth their own agenda, one of which is to destroy Trump's presidency. I could say more, but my point is for you, the reader, to think. Don't take my word for it. Remember, II Thessalonians 2:11: For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

Again, I say, question. Don't believe it's true just because the media says it's so. Don't fall for the lie. Be a thinker. Question more.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Follow Authors For a Chance to Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card

Follow a few authors (or more) on Bookbub and Amazon to win a $50 Amazon gift card. You can follow Lorilyn Roberts in the fantasy category and help her build up her followers.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Book Review by Carol A. Brown of Seventh Dimension - The Prescience, Hang on for the Read

I have read and enjoyed each book in this series as they have been released and I have to say that this one is the best of the series! Roberts has hit her stride as an author. Each story builds on the one before. Although each can be read as a stand-alone, the reader could experience some confusion due to not having details from preceding stories. In this story, we get to know Daniel, who has played more of a supporting role in other books. It takes us ever closer to the end of time. It is clearly a Christian take on how history will end.

Daniel and Shale are in Jerusalem in their quest to find Daniel’s father who is somehow connected with the "portals" that make time travel possible. Bombs falling everywhere. They become guardians of an orphan girl. Daniel’s mother dies. While betrothed, Shale longs to be married but events keep happening that prevent even the planning of a wedding. Daniel comes to understand his calling—one of 144,000 witnesses who will die by martyrdom! Perhaps we will find in the next in the series how that works out for Shale? Fast-paced action—a 21st-century man chariot racing?—keeps the reader engaged from the first page.

Writing craft—Author, Roberts, has done her homework.

• The information of the culture (social and religious) at the time of Christ is very well researched, very thorough.
• Well edited. The reader is not distracted by technical errors.
• Excellent and intricate plotting. I can only imagine what the author’s office looked like during this process! No “slow” places in the story.
• Excellent weaving of multiple genres.
• Characters have grown and matured as individuals. Excellent development of the series.

I appreciated how Roberts has been able to extract a storyline from the plethora of details in the body of work on eschatology. The sheer volume overwhelms me.

Highly recommend this book. Although written for the YA audience, anyone who enjoys a fast-paced story with a bent for the supernatural, and just the right amount of romance, would enjoy this story regardless of age.

To purchase or learn more, visit

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Book Review of Seventh Dimension - The Door: A Young Adult Fantasy, Book 1 - FREE on Amazon Kindle

I found this review of my book Seventh Dimension - The Door by a book reviewer/blogger, and I loved his review, so I'm sharing it here on my blog. 

Glenn Haggerty's website is Christian Books for Tweens and Teens, and he reviews a lot of Christian books. You can check out his website for his favorites, and if you have a Christian YA book you would like for him to review, you can contact him on his website. 

At fourteen, Shale Snyder has a secret clinging to her like a gob of cotton candy. Someone is stalking her. Or is that in her head? After a run-in with her nemesis, Judd, and a suspension by school officials, her only friend, Rachel’s parents forbid them spending time together. Alone, she follows a strange puppy into the woods behind her apartment into a beautiful garden with talking animals. However, wicked underlings drive her from the garden into a land far away and long ago. There, she meets a boy, Daniel, a wicked stepmother from another dimension, and eventually her real father. Although Daniel is kind, an alter ego, also resides in her new home to torment her. As the adventures unfold, Shale must confront demons within and demons without, and find answers that are bound up with the mysterious personage that the animals call “The King.”
"The Door" is an account of a young girl coming of age, exploring romantic feelings, finding deliverance from bondage and spiritual enlightenment. This story has cuddly animals,
horrific creatures, and interesting characters woven into a transformational journey. Another fun read.

Friday, December 1, 2017

The Prescience YA Fantasy series continues with Lorilyn Roberts

Seventh Dimension - The Prescience: A Young Adult Fantasy (Seventh Dimension, #5).

FREE OFFER! - read the interview below to see terms.
The Prescience 
By Lorilyn Roberts
Inspirational Young Adult Fantasy

Print: $14.95
EBook: $.99
November, 2017

Buy on Amazon

About the book:
Seventh Dimension – The Prescience, A Young Adult Fantasy, is the fifth book in the Seventh Dimension Series that combines contemporary, historical, and fantasy elements into a Christian “coming-of-age” story. When bombs fall on Jerusalem, Shale and Daniel rescue an orphan and return to the first century. Amid supernatural tribulation, they hope to unravel the mysterious disappearance of Daniel’s father and the goal of the New World Order. When multiple realities collide, God reveals once again time is an illusion until the appointed times.

Lisa Lickel's review:
This is so far my favorite of the series. Although you do want to know what went before, it’s not necessary in order to immerse yourself in this story’s possibly real near future—the big one, where no one survives. The series takes a contemporary young lady, Shale, on journeys back in time, mostly to the biblical time of Christ where she experiences life in the first century AD. She meets and falls in love with a young man whose family is involved in the time portals responsible for these adventures. Shale and Daniel are on an ever-increasingly amazing rush toward the biblical end times.

Daniel knows he’s one of the special chosen, the 144,000 Jews of the book of Revelation, who will make the final stand against evil. He’s in love and wants to marry Shale. Problem, besides needing to find his father who may or may not be part of the events, is that the chosen are men who have not been with a woman—unmarried, or virgins. He needs to respect his calling, as well as Shale. This leads to a new phase in their relationship as they travel back to biblical times and other traumatic eras to unravel family secrets.

Temptation, more chariot racing, supernatural powers, good guys, bad guys, scary guys, and time dancing all make this thrilling next-to-last edition of The Seventh Dimension series a great inspirational read.

Told through multiple viewpoints, The Seventh Dimension series is geared for Young Adult readers, but anyone will enjoy the books. The Prescience is part of a series.

An interview with Lorilyn Roberts:
Question:  You’re near the end of the Seventh Dimension Series. Share with us some of the challenges and joys of writing a series.

Lorilyn:  The joys far outweigh the challenges. I’ve enjoyed spending the last five years with these characters talking to me in my head. The overarching story compelled me to search for answers to questions that arose as the series progressed. I wanted everything to be as historically accurate as possible. Many afternoons and evenings were spent reading the Bible and Christian nonfiction books, and I’ve watched dozens of YouTube videos about hard-to-understand topics like the Book of Revelation. Young people who read a lot have probably read scores of books about vampires, dragon slayers, and witches. I wanted to raise the bar. I wanted realism in my series, but I also wanted a taste of fantasy because that opens possibilities.

Writing the Seventh Dimension Series has allowed me to explore far more than could be covered in just one book. With only The Howling left to complete the six-book series, I’m looking especially forward to finishing it. I believe the ending will capture the reader’s heart, mind, and imagination. I never thought when I wrote the first book, Seventh Dimension – The Door, that I would end up writing six in the series. God kept showing me insights and great plotlines, so I just kept writing.

Probably the biggest challenge has been keeping track of what the two protagonists knew and when they learned it. Three books have been written from Shale’s POV and three will have been written from Daniel’s POV when the sixth book is finished. So they learned different things at different times and interpreted things differently from each other. So I’ve had to go back and re-read chapters along the way to make sure my memory was accurate. When I do that, I’ll find something that I think could have been written better. So I never quit editing my own work, even after the book is published, and that drives me crazy. I want my writing to be perfect, but there probably has never been a perfect book written except the Bible.

Question: Do you have a favorite scene in The Prescience?

Lorilyn:  I have one scene that’s particularly special to me. It’s a garden scene where Shale and Daniel are waiting in the train. The scene comes from something in my own life. When I was seven, my adoptive father wanted to take me on a train trip to see the fall colors in the North Georgia Mountains, but the train never left the station because of a broken coupler. Through the years, from time to time, I would think about that train trip that we never finished, wistfully longing that someday we would. Then, when I was thirty-seven, Gene was diagnosed with a brain tumor that we knew he wouldn’t survive. Through a series of events God orchestrated, we had the opportunity to make that train trip shortly before he went to heaven.

While the scene in the book has no direct correlation to that, the broken coupler happens in the story, and what Shale learns through waiting is something God has been trying to teach me my whole life. I’m just a slow learner. Because it’s such an unusual scene, I think readers will remember it long after they read the book. At least I hope so.

Question:  You’ve been through a life challenge while working on this story. Has your experience changed your writing style?

Lorilyn:  Absolutely. I wrote the first couple of chapters at the end of December 2016 and was diagnosed with breast cancer the first week in January. I wrote like crazy through January and February to get the first draft completed before my surgery on February 22. All I could think about was if I didn’t survive the surgery, I wanted the story to “live on.” I was still consumed with it after my surgery because I didn’t quite get the first draft completed, and then when I got to ninety thousand words, I realized I couldn’t complete the story in one book. It would have to be stretched into two. So I slowed down and began editing, editing, and editing—and finally relaxed. I began to realize God wasn’t in a hurry for me to complete it. He wanted me to make the most of each day, rest in His arms, so to speak, through my treatment, and give Him the glory for every trial I encountered along the way.

I remember many, many years ago, when I was about ten, I read a book that I’ve never forgotten. I can’t remember the title or the author, but the plotline was about a young girl who was in a hurry to grow up. She got her wish and grew up really, really fast, but she regretted it in the end because she missed out on so many things.

As I’ve gone through this last year, I found I couldn’t rush the treatments. I had to take each day as it came, and make the most of it. If I wasn’t up to writing, I didn’t feel guilty. If I couldn’t blog as much, which I definitely couldn’t, it was okay. So I’ve learned, I think, to be more patient, to take my time, not work as much, get more sleep, and spend more time with friends and family. I love to write, and it draws me near to God when I do, but God wants me to find my joy in Him completely. I can’t do that if I’m in a hurry all the time. That means taking the time and not living under compulsion to accomplish something every single minute of the day. Psalm 46:10 says: “Be still and know that I am God.” God made me slow down, and to be honest, I think it’s made me a better person. I have more defined boundaries.

Instead of captioning seven days a week, I now caption only five and a half. I’m on a daily reading schedule to read through the Bible in a year. I went to see a movie with my prayer group, the first one I’ve been to in at least five years. My daughters and I have gone to three theme parks in the last couple of months. I’m learning how to live again and not work all the time. How does that translate into writing? I think it makes me more productive when I do write. I’m not so tired and not so drained. It’s hard to be creative when you’re working night and day, seven days a week.

Question:  Can you share a hint about what we might expect for the next book in the Seventh Dimension Series?

Lorilyn:  The final book, Seventh Dimension – The Howling, is written from Daniel’s POV and takes place in the future. All the characters that have been introduced in the previous books will make an appearance, including the animals. The fate of all the main players will be revealed, and the reader will be left with much to ponder as he contemplates his own future. I also promise this:  The ending will be glorious!

Question:  What are you reading now?

Lorilyn:  Currently I’m reading Gone Missing from Emma Right’s Dead Dreams Series, and when I finish that, I want to read The Landlord by Cheryl Colwell. I’ve read books by both Indy authors and like their style of writing. If readers have authors they love who write suspense, mystery, or fantasy, I hope they will leave their recommendations in the comments section below. If I see one I decide to pick up on Amazon, I’ll send him or her a free coupon for a Kindle copy of Seventh Dimension - The Prescience as a thank you. 

About the author:
Lorilyn Roberts graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Alabama in 1993 with a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Humanities/Social Sciences. She won an award for "Outstanding Senior Project" upon graduation for her coursework that was done at the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem. Ms. Roberts received her Master of Arts in Creative Writing from Perelandra College and is a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature. Follow her Facebook Fan Page,, and visit her website,

Monday, December 19, 2016

"A Way Out of Hell," by Jim Baton - Book Review by Lorilyn Roberts

A Way Out of Hell by Jim Baton is the second book in the Peace Trilogy Series and picks up where Someone Has to Die left off.

As an American attempting to understand Islam, the series has helped me to understand a side of Islam that is often overlooked: Muslims are people just like me, trying to raise their families, pay their bills, and worship according to their beliefs. A Way Out of Hell shows that radical Islamic groups like ISIS are as much a threat to Muslim society as they are to Christians and Jews.

Can Christians and Muslims live side by side, respect each others' beliefs, share each others' hopes, and even pray together? Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

In a world where there is so little love, so little hope, and so little tolerance, maybe this series offers a glimpse of what is possible. I have many personal questions after reading the first two books. For example, can I love that much? 

In my heart, I want to show Muslims the love of Christ. Jesus Christ died for them too, but before we can expect Muslims to listen to us, or to me, we must love them first. Earn their friendship. I remind myself, Jesus loves Muslims more than I ever could because He loves perfectly. 

Our best ability to love will never be like Jesus Christ, but if we commit our minds and hearts to trying, will that not please our heavenly Father? John 13:35 says: By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

The Peace Trilogy Series has shown me some things that aren't always obvious at first. Perhaps one reason why Jesus Christ taught using parables is because stories teach us things we can't learn any other way. When we read stories, we develop an intimacy with the characters. We feel their emotions. 

The scholarship of a nonfiction book remains in the intellect. Stories reach the heart. Love, hate, hopelessness, and redemption, I felt all those emotions in the Peace Trilogy Series. I even felt pity for the antagonists who had become radicalizedThey were misled, perhaps demonically possessed in one instance, but they still had souls. They weren't beyond redemption.  

It only takes one person to make a difference, to bring peace to a village, a community, a school, or a country, and the Peace Trilogy Series provides an example of how reconciliation is possible. I look forward to reading the third and final book in the series, A Violent Light.


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