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Friday, December 18, 2015

John 3:16 Book Review: Lisa Lickel reviews "Sassy Pants" by Carole Brown

Sassy Pants learns about Strange Creatures, third in the series
By Carol Brown

November 2015
Summer Island Press, Alaska

ISBN 978-0996495356
Children’s lit
Price paperback $11.99
Buy on Amazon US
Amazon Canada

From the Publisher:
Strange creatures are popping up all over the place on Farmer White's farm! What is a little pig supposed to do? Does she have to be polite? Should she just ignore them? And what if they're scary? How can you tell the difference between dangerous, or just different? That's what Sassy Pants has to learn when she wanders off by herself in places she isn't supposed to. But sometimes she learns the easy way, and sometimes the hard way. Which one will it be this time? And will she learn what's right in time to stay safe? Follow along with Sassy Pants and Friends, as they try to figure things out.

Lisa's review:
Delightful addition to the Sassy Pants middle grade readers. Sassy Pants is a little pig, a runt raised by the farm family and then returned to the pigpen where she has a lot to learn. In this tale, Sassy Pants learns from Old Clyde the horse that a strange new creature has come to Farmer White’s farm. He’s a llama with a big long name, but Sassy Pants calls him Mister One. None of the other animals want to disturb Mister One with his terrible nightmares and strange spitting ways, but Sassy Pants is determined to help the llama. She learns how when another strange creature shows up—an English bulldog and his captain, come for a visit. While none of the other animals want to even get close to the stinky bulldog, Sassy Pants persists and learns a valuable lesson about not just getting along, but helping each other even when we make mistakes.

Lovingly crafted illustrations and humor will add to the enjoyment of the these stories told by Sassy Pants herself.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wakulla Book Review: Children of Dreams by Lorilyn Roberts

Winston Churchill's famous quote of World War II "We will never give up" appears to be the standard of how Ms. Roberts lives her life. 

Children of Dreams is a book of nonfiction that follows the author's dream of becoming a mother. What she has to go through to fulfill her dreams is an inspiring story of courage, determination, and faith when confronted with the many obstacles along this journey. 

We get a glimpse into the author's past and her struggles to come to terms with divorce, being unable to bare children, and herself. During this time of searching, she turns to risk‑taking activities, such as traveling to areas of the world known for unrest and extreme sports ‑ downhill skiing and scuba diving, calculated dangers, yes, but still risk is involved. 

The uncertainty of traveling by yourself to Nepal, man or woman ‑ this time the risk was worth it. To become a mother to give another human in need a fresh start in life. With all the adventures, the Western world has to offer. 

So much we take for granted, clean water, education, toilet paper [read the book], three meals a day, and much more. 

It's not enough she does this once. She does it a second time with a new set of obstacles to overcome. Again, she is guided by her faith in God. It's a lesson we can all learn from. I know I did. 

Wakulla Book Review by Christopher.


I want to personally thank all the men who are reviewing the books written by JOHN 3:16 AUTHORS. I am thankful that we are able to bless them and appreciate the encouragement given to us by their reviews. 

Each WEEK (usually on Tuesday), we are posting reviews from 
Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. 

Inmates are loving the new books from John 3:16 authors. 
Chaplain Steve Fox is adding the new books to the prison library in this initiative to "change lives to ensure a safer Florida."

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Win a Kindle for Christmas in a Raffle Drawing - Review Seventh Dimension - The King on Amazon

Win a Kindle for Christmas. All you have to do is post a review of Seventh Dimension - The King on Amazon by 12-24 and you will be entered into a raffle. Here is the link for a free copy and the code is ZM78A.

Here is a list of all the awards The King has won: Won gold in the 2014 Literary Classics Book Awards for faith-based YA fiction, finalist in the 2014 USA Book Awards for religious fiction, winner in the 9th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards for spirituality, silver winner in the 2015 Readers' Favorite Book Awards for YA Coming of Age, finalist in the 2015 Best Indie Book Award for YA fiction, and finalist in the visionary category for the 2015 International Book Awards.