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Monday, January 7, 2013

The Treasure Seeker: Finding Love and Value In The Arms of Your Loving Heavenly Father


One of the toughest women's issues is that many women, even the most outwardly self-assured ones, wrestle with feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness. Though women want to believe they have value, messages bombard them daily, telling them that if they don’t look a certain way, dress a certain way, drive a certain car, weigh a certain weight, or work in a certain type of career, they have little value..

Stewart casts God in the role of a heavenly Treasure Seeker who knows every woman’s true value and will stop at nothing to recover her, His cherished one. He longs to come into a close, loving relationship so that she can not only feel cherished but also cherish Him, the greatest treasure of all.
Through practical truth this Christian Living book will draw women closer to the Treasure Seeker who takes on the role of Master Jeweler and lovingly shapes, refines, polishes, even incorporating her flaws, to transform her into a jewel of stunning beauty. He will help her find her remarkable true worth so that she becomes the dazzling gemstone she was meant to be.

Unique accompaniments: 
  • Intriguing treasure stories
  • A study of the "Lost" parables including the lost coin, the lost sheep, the prodigal son, the treasure hidden in a field, and the pearl of great price
  • Points to ponder at the end of each chapter for reflection and discussion
  • A chapter highlighting gemstone attributes allowing readers to determine which gemstone they are most like
  • A Treasure Seeker Jewelry line created by author/artist Teena Stewart available at a discount through her website when you purchase the book

Chapter 5
Viewed Through Expert Eyes

Let us cling to him and never stop trusting him [Jesus]. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testing we do, yet he did not sin. (Hebrews 4:14–15 NLT)

            God acts in the role of Treasure Seeker while searching us out, but He also is a gemologist and master jeweler. Gemologists primarily concern themselves with a gemstone’s characteristics. In what condition has the stone been found? What are its attributes and inclusions? A gemologist also may sell gemstones and provide appraisal services. Jewelers, on the other hand, focus primarily on the settings and design in which a gemstone is placed. Some jewelers also study gemology to become familiar with the properties of the gemstones they handle.
            A jeweler typically serves in an apprenticeship while learning the craft. The Jewelers of America require jeweler apprentices to pass written and “bench” tests on four levels, with certification being obtained on each level. The fourth level of certification is the Certified Master Bench Jeweler (CMBJ).1 The master jeweler is a skilled artisan who is an expert in his or her field. He or she appraises, sets or resets, cleans, designs settings for unset stones, redesigns old settings, sizes, and even custom designs pieces upon request.
            An artist has a trained eye to see space, color, texture, and groupings to know what is aesthetically pleasing. A woodworker values the grain and characteristics of the wood and knows how to shape, turn, and join the wood together to make a beautiful piece. So it is with the Master Jeweler. God delights in our makeup, much as a master jeweler appreciates the gemstones and jewelry with which he works.

God Releases Our Radiance
            Just as a master jeweler holds a stone under his scope to see its clarity and beauty, our Master Jeweler can look into our hearts and see our true nature. When we first come to Him, it is of a dark and cloudy composition. But when we enter into a relationship with Him, the murkiness is replaced with brilliance and clarity.
Our gemstone nature is much like a mirror. A mirror cannot create its own light source; rather, it bounces back light reflected into it. God designed us to reflect God’s glory. When we do, sin is no longer obscuring the beauty God instilled in us.
One of the best examples of God’s glory literally being reflected is the story of Moses on Mt. Sinai. He had been on the top of the mountain in God’s presence while the Ten Commandments were being transcribed. How anyone even could bear to be in the presence of such divinity and majesty and live to tell about it still baffles me. Surely the Lord had to hold back His true essence in order for Moses to be able to withstand it.
When Moses descended the mountain, his face still reflected God’s holiness. His countenance shown so brightly that the Israelites were afraid to come near Him. The Scriptures describe his face as “radiant” (Ex. 34:29). The word used here for “radiant” is the Hebrew word qaran2, which means to shine or send out rays. If you ever have tried to look at a bright sky with unprotected eyes, you know how painful it can be. You can’t stand to do it for long. Moses’ face shone like the sun.
David recognized the amazing transformation that comes from abiding in God’s presence. He wrote, “Those who look to him are radiant. Their faces are never covered with shame” (Psalm 34:5). In the King James translation, the word is “lightened.” It comes from the Hebrew word nahar3. Who better to understand transformation than a humble shepherd boy who had been made into a great king? God had raised David up from a humble status and made him a brilliant jewel to shine before Israel.
Though David made mistakes, he never lost his sense of awe regarding God, and David felt humbled by how God covered up David’s shortcomings. One could turn to God without shame, illuminated by knowing that He is a compassionate, loving, and forgiving God.
            Paul, in Hebrews 1:3, wrote about Jesus’ radiance: “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purifications for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” In this case, the word “radiance,” which is listed as “brightness” in the King James, is the Greek word apaugasma4, which means reflected brightness. It can also mean shining forth as rays shine forth from a light source.
            Phillip W. Keller, in his book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, talks about radiance, which should shine forth from Christians’ inner light. He says, “Almost every day I am literally rubbing shoulders with men and women ‘on the other side of the fence.’ What is my impact on them? Is my life so serene, so satisfying, so radiant because I walk and talk and live with God, that they become envious? Do they see in me the benefits of being under Christ’s control? Do they see something of Himself reflected in my conduct and character? Does my life and conversation lead them to Him—and thus into life everlasting?”5
            Just as Jesus is an exact representation of his Father, reflecting His radiance, we become an exact representation of Christ when we commit to a relationship with Him. When we allow the Master Jeweler to take us into His hands and begin transforming us, we take on His nature. The more we imitate our heavenly Father, the source of this light, the more radiant we become.
             Matthew 5:14 speaks about this light, calling us the light of the world and a city on a hill. Our radiance hurts the eyes of a darkened world. It draws some people to the beauty they see. Others can’t tolerate its presence and seek to snuff it out.

He is Captivated by Our Beauty
            My love for books began when I was a young child. My father, whose formal education went no further than high school, was a self-educated man who loved to read. His books and children’s books lined our enclosed back porch. I grew up in the era of Dr. Suess and P. D. Eastman.
I fondly remember my older sister, Vicki’s, and my excitement when a new children’s book would arrive in the mail. My mother, never one to be extravagant with money, had for some reason determined this particular splurge to be a good investment, and for that I always will be grateful. I recall one particular children’s book series we had on our shelves. These rather thick books contained fairytales, fables, and children’s stories. Countless times I thumbed through them, reading and rereading favorites from these beloved stories.
            One of my favorites was The Plain Princess by Phillis McGinley. The king and queen spoiled and pampered their only child, Esmeralda, the story’s main character. She had everything a royal child possibly could want: a beautiful palace to live in and charming dresses and toys. As Esmeralda grew older, her parents struck an agreement that she should marry a certain prince. But the prince took little interest in the princess because she lacked one thing a princess should surely have—beauty.
Physicians and wizards attempted a variety of remedies to improve her looks, but none of those with whom their royal majesties consulted were able to change the princess’s appearance. In desperation, the king and queen placed an ad in the paper, offering a generous reward to anyone who could help.
A widowed mother with five children answered this ad and brought Esmeralda home to live in her house. She soon put the princess to work, having her help clean the house and care for the children. The more the princess learned to take the focus off of herself, the more attractive she became. By the end of the story, Esmeralda had been transformed from plain to beautiful. The transformation was not merely a surface alteration, but one that came from the inside out. She learned to care for others besides herself.
By the time Esmerelda returned to the castle, she was a lovely, changed woman. The obvious moral of the story—beauty comes from within.
Exterior beauty doesn’t impress God; it is what is on the inside that matters. Like the Master Jeweler who sees the exceptional beauty of a stone, He is enraptured by us. He wants to have an intimate relationship with us. Like a lover captivated by his beloved’s beauty, He can’t take His eyes from us.
The issue of whether Song of Solomon, written by King Solomon to the Shulamite woman, is merely a sensual love poem or something much deeper, describing the intimate and exciting relationship the Father longs to have with us, has long been debated. I believe that the book, like many other Scripture passages, holds a two-fold message. First, it details the very intimate relationship between two lovers, and second, it details the intimate we relationship God desires to have with us.
Chapter 4, verse 1 reads, “How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Mount Gilead.” Much like Solomon and the Shulamite, our beauty so captivates our lover that we take His breath away.
In the movie Shallow Hal, the male lead character played by Jack Black falls madly in love with a woman played by Gwyneth Paltrow. He is smitten with her and, like the writer in Song of Solomon, gushes to his friends about this woman’s beauty and lovely attributes. His friends can’t make him see that the woman is actually grossly obese, and their judgment, which is based on external appearances, causes them to view her as both ugly and worthless.
Some days I’m rumpled and bone-tired, with dark circles beneath my eyes. My face is lined with age and fatigue. At my age, the beauty that once may have been there now has faded considerably. And yet Jeff still will call me “pretty lady.” Sometimes I think he needs to see an optometrist because I don’t think he’s seeing all too clearly. He looks at me through rosy lenses.
True love is like that, looking into the heart and holding the other person as dear and lovely. This is the type of remarkable relationship the Father has with us.

He Recognizes Our Elegance defines “elegance” as an elegant quality or a refinement. People who exemplify elegance are in a class all their own. Culture, sophistication, beauty, and charm together culminate into a unique aura called elegance. Women like Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Princess Diana come to mind.
On the other hand, I can think of many famous, beautiful women who do not embody elegance. Some women, despite their looks and wealth, are actually very crass. We read about their often-embarrassing exploits in the papers. Proverbs 11:22 cautions us, “Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.”
Stanley Marcus, in his book Quest for the Best, defines elegance in this manner: “Elegance, to me, is a summary word denoting the ultimate in beauty, craftsmanship, and quality—all put together with taste. Elegance suggests selectivity, fitness, and authority—whether in decoration, personal adornment, or manners.”5
Master Jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé is renowned for designing elegant, golden jeweled eggs for the household of Czar Nicholas of Russia. Each egg is an incredible work of art in itself. The eggs’ beautiful, ornate exteriors are covered with precious metals and enamel and are encrusted with priceless gemstones. Inside of each egg is a surprise, often a masterpiece in miniature. Fabergé and his team of craftsmen carefully designed and selected precisely the right gemstones to adorn each unique egg. Each had to be fit for royalty. The care, craftsmanship, and selectiveness Fabergé used when crafting each egg made his name synonymous with luxury and elegance befitting royalty.
The Master Jeweler sees in us exquisite elegance. He carefully hand-selected us, His gemstones, as an adornment befitting a palace, and the king’s palace is precisely where we will remain, a shining tribute to Him, magnifying His glory for all eternity. Let us remember, then, while we remain in these fragile, earthly vessels, always to conduct ourselves with restraint and refinement so that others will be captivated by our unique aura of elegance and be drawn to Him.

He is Convinced of Our Quality
 “Your friend in the diamond business,” reads the slogan for the Shane Company, a national jewelry chain. For a number of years, the company’s slow-talking owner has appeared in radio ads promoting the business’s quality and service. The company set itself apart from the average jewelry store by claiming to avoid gimmicks, coupons, and sales. Instead, they touted excellent everyday prices, quality, and service. Today, the Shane Company has successfully branded itself as a trustworthy jeweler, a name synonymous with superior gemstones.
John Ruskin wrote: “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. It is the will to produce a superior thing.”6 Quality results from intentional, carefully-thought-out production and design.
During the building of Solomon’s temple, King Solomon (1 Kings 5:17) decreed that only the most costly stones were to be used for the temple’s foundation. The Hebrew word yaqar7, which is used in the passage, means costly. By dictating that only the most expensive stones be used, Solomon knew he ensured that the selected stones would be the best of the best. Every item that went into making the temple of the Lord was to be of superior quality, making the structure of the temple itself an act of worship to the heavenly king.
Like the retail buyer who hand selects the fabrics and merchandise to be carried in his chain of stores or the jeweler who insists on only purchasing the superior grade of gemstones, God hand selected us and chose us from thousands of others. He is confident that He has made an excellent choice, and well He should be, for He is the one who designed and ordained our purpose from the onset.
Unfortunately, many of us have difficulty believing we are indeed a quality gemstone. It is one thing to be told we are an exceptional product and another entirely to actually to believe it. Many women suffer from poor self-esteem. It only takes one callous word or one seemingly insignificant incident for us to descend into self-abasement. When we fall into these depressed patterns of thinking, we really are lying to ourselves.
Self-loathing grieves God, who wants only the best for us. Instead of self-abasement and self-loathing, He envisions affirmation and joy. Our challenge, then, is to remember that it’s not within God’s nature to make junk; therefore, we cannot be what we often think we are.
Just as God has instilled in us the best of the best, He also expects only the best from us. First Corinthians 3:13 says, “His work will be shown for what it is, because the day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.” Does our work and our walk reflect the Master Jeweler’s fineness? We should never forget to continue striving for excellence.

He Sees Beyond Our Flaws
            The Master Jeweler examines us with the eye of an expert. He clearly sees all of the lovely attributes that make us so desirable: our radiance, beauty, elegance, and quality. But He wouldn’t be an expert unless He also saw our weaknesses, including our flaws.
Though the words “oversight” and “overlook” seem to hold nearly identical meanings, they differ considerably. “Oversight” is when someone examines something but misses a key factor. The person might have been distracted or careless when doing the initial examination.
An excellent example of this is the clearance rack at your local clothing store. Many of us love a bargain, and you can’t beat the end-of-season clearance deals. But you also have to be very careful when selecting clearance items. For instance, you might find gads of one specific style and color in a blouse. (What? You mean you don’t want that chartreuse size three blouse?) Or mixed in with quality merchandise are sometimes irregular or damaged items. There have been times when I’ve thought I’ve found a great bargain, only to arrive home to find a pulled thread or missing button. Those instances were oversights on my part. Great sale prices temporarily blinded me enough to make me overlook the flaws.
But God actually sees our flaws, and He purposely overlooks them. We’ll talk more about this in a later chapter, but I think it bears merit here, so we will examine why God overlooks them—why the one who is without flaws is willing to overlook ours (Psalm 19:12).
First, God overlooks our flaws because He doesn’t want our shortcomings to stand in the way of our having a deep relationship with Him. Second, He knows that many of these flaws have come about because of tough knocks we have been through in life. They are a part of what makes us who we are.
J. B. Yeats wrote, “Personality is born out of pain. It is the fire shut up in the flint.”8 God knows our tough life experiences have an integral part of our formation. They add to our beauty and can be used to glorify God. He does not demand that they be eliminated because He knows doing so will cause irreparable damage. Instead, He wants us to trust His gentle touch and expertise as He works to make us into the treasure He knows we can be.

{Call-out Box:
Treasure and Gemstone Trivia
England passed a law in 1283 that made it legal for only those of noble birth to wear jewels.9}

Points to Ponder
1. How does it make you feel to consider God as a Master Jeweler?
2. Can you think of any other scriptural examples of God’s glory and radiance being revealed?
3. Have you ever met someone who reflects God’s radiance?
4. How does it make you feel to know that God sees us as beautiful no matter what we look like on the inside or outside?
5. What are some examples of Jesus reflecting His Father’s radiance?
6. It is not in God’s nature to make anything lacking in quality. How does knowing God made you make you feel? 

Don't miss the launch of The Treasure Seeker on Tuesday by Teena Stewart. If you purchase The Treasure Seeker  on January 8, you can win lots of additional books and/or prizes. Visit for complete details: 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fearless Friday - Meet Jill Richardson!


About Jill
Jill has been a high school teacher, pastor, editor, and writer, and the field is still wide open for future options. She writes in a variety of genres, having published hundreds of magazine articles, one novel, one book of plays, and two non-fiction books.

Currently, she is marketing a young adult novel involving one very unwilling heroine and her questionably legal friend. She is about to sign a contract for a teen devotional/youth group guide based on Tolkein characters. She is writing a book on her most-requested speaking topic, “How Come I Was So Nice before I Had Kids?”

Jill has a BA in English and Education from Washington University in St. Louis and an MDiv in theology from Bethel University, St. Paul. She speaks in Chicago and surrounding areas. She serves as Pastor of Discipleship at Resolution Church.

Connect with Jill


About the Book:
Think mission trips are only for teenagers and adults-no-kids? Think again. Do you long to: --See your kids understand other cultures and levels of privilege? --Help them realize they can be ministers at any age? --Inject compassion and generosity into your daily life and their future? --Do something meaningful for others now? Don't let fears that your kids are too young, you don't have the money or the time, or anything else stop you. Start planning that life-changing experience now! Detailed, step-by-step instructions to make it happen fill this book. Pack the kids--and go!

Buy the Book on Amazon
$8.00 paperback, $3.99 Kindle
ISBN-10: 0615581188
ISBN-13: 978-0615581187

What is your unique talent: Seriously, my talent is to see what people really need and relate my speaking to it in a way that communicates God's grace and applies. Not so seriously, it's to police grammar and to sing the really high notes in our theater productions.

Share something not many people know about you: I had to take weapons away from students when I student taught in a tough neighborhood. All 5'2” 115 pounds of me (back then).

Are you a “pet person” or prefer no pets? Um, would telling you we once had 23 animals in our house answer that question? We're now down to 3 cats and 2 tree frogs, however.
Would you rather travel or stay at home? I love to travel! I want to go everywhere, but right now most especially New Zealand, Tasmania, Iceland, Scotland, and the Galapagos Islands.

Do you read more or write more? I've read more recently, but they take turns.

Prefer cake or pie? Pie.

Would, or do, ride a motorcycle or prefer to ride/drive a car? A car. Too scared of motorcycles. Could be all the years my husband worked in the ER. Mostly, I'd prefer to be on a train or boat and let someone else do it.

Bus or taxi or walk? Walk.

Are you part of a big church congregation or a small church? Small. I serve in a church plant. It's the best experience ever.

Do you like to telephone people or prefer to use e-mail? I hate phone calls. Much rather email.

Are you happy or joyful? Joyful. I'm a pretty even keel person who doesn't show a ton of emotion. It's just in there deep. You won't see me jumping around much, but I'm very full of joy.

Do you eat at home or eat out? If I can avoid cooking, I will. But can't really afford that all the time!

Listen to music or prefer quiet? When working, I must have quiet.

Prefer sunrises or sunsets? I used to prefer sunsets, but I think I've changed my mind. Maybe it's just because I never used to get up early enough to see sunrises. There's something about the subtlety of a sunrise that is so peaceful, slow, and full of promise. Truly beautiful.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Show Books « - Seventh Dimension - The Door - Fantasy Best Indie Books

Enjoy this interview of Lorilyn about her new fantasy book, Seventh Dimension - The Door.

Show Books « - Seventh Dimension - The Door - Fantasy Best Indie Books: Seventh Dimension - The Door is free through the weekend (Dec 28 and 29)

While on a sojourn similar to Christian in "Pilgrim's Progress," Shale discovers talking animals and a handsome young man with whom she falls in love. Her journey is one of self-discovery as she battles personal demons, fam...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fearless Friday! - Meet Kimberly Rae

Kimberly Rae
Author, Speaker, Former Brave Girl


Kimberly Rae has lived in Bangladesh, Uganda, Kosovo and Indonesia. She has been published over 200 times and has work in 6 languages. Her Amazon bestselling Stolen Series on international human trafficking (see has led to another series for younger teen girls. Kimberly is always contracted for a series on living with chronic health problems. Having returned to the US due to health problems, Rae now lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children.


ISBN-10: 1461068932
ISBN-13: 978-1461068938

Human Trafficking…Asha knew nothing about it before meeting 16-year-old Rani, stolen from her home and forced into prostitution in Kolkata, India. Asha must help this girl escape, but Mark, a third-generation missionary, keeps warning her away from the red-light district and its workers. Will she ever discover why? And will they ever stop their intense arguments long enough to admit their even more intense feelings for one another? When Asha sneaks out one last time in a desperate attempt to rescue her friend, someone follows her through the night. Is freedom possible? Or will she, too, become one of the stolen?

Available at, kindle,

Your unique talent: I sing and play the piano, and I painted a huge mural of Thomas the Tank Engine on our basement wall for our kids. =)

Share something not many people know about you: I'm afraid of flying (which is ironic, seeing how God has sent me on 18-hour flights with no stops, and to 20 countries!).

Getting to Know You:

Are you a “pet person” or prefer no pets? No pets-I have asthma.

Would you rather travel or stay at home? Love to travel (at least I did before I got sick)

Do you read more or write more? These days I write more because with 2 young kids I don't have time to do both! But I used to definitely read more.

Prefer cake or pie? Cake--CHOCOLATE!!!

Would, or do, ride a motorcycle or prefer to ride/drive a car? Car. I rode the back of a motorcycle side-saddle once in Thailand. That was enough for me!

Bus or taxi or walk? Bus, unless it's a short walk.

Are you part of a big church congregation or a small church? Small church

Do you like to telephone people or prefer to use e-mail? Definitely e-mail.

Are you happy or joyful? I like to be both!

Do you eat at home or eat out? Both, but if I had more money, I'd eat out more. =)

Listen to music or prefer quiet? Music, definitely.
Prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Shop 'Til You Drop, 40 FREE Kindle Books, After-Christmas Sale

I’m totally excited about the Shop ‘Til You Drop Books and More sale going on over at Body and Soul Publishing. Partly because my four Kindle books, Seventh Dimension – The Door, Children of Dreams, The Donkey and the King,  and How to Launch a Best-Selling Christian Book are all included in this free sale. Sale starts on December 26. I am one of forty authors participating, and the sale runs through December 28th, 2012. Readers can score over 40 FREE Christian books – AND one lucky reader will walk away with a $25 Amazon gift card.

Besides my books, bestselling authors such as Shelley Hitz, Staci Stallings, Heather Bixler, Krystal Kuehn, Marcia Laycock, William Burt, Amanda Stephan, Bob Saffrin, Grant Carroll, Carol Round, Martin Roth, Deborah H. Bateman, Roberto Ornan Roche, Carol Brown, Deborah McCarragher Pauline Creeden, Krystal Kuehn and Janet Perez Eckles are just a few of the names that readers will see on the books that are included in this sale. 

The books range from Christian romance to  fantasy novels, to international thrillers, to Bible study, to book marketing, and even children’s books. Readers can rack up savings of over of $140 on books during this sale. Make sure you check it out, especially if you received a new Kindle for Christmas at: 

While you’re there, don’t forget to enter to win the $25 gift card.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Fearless Friday! Meet Hallee Bridgeman

Hallee Bridgeman lives with her husband and their three children in small town Kentucky. When she's not writing Christian romance novels, she blogs about all things cooking and homemaking at Hallee the Homemaker.

Hallee started writing when her oldest child and only daughter was a baby, but a busy professional career and being the wife of a deployed soldier had her shelve her books for another time. Two more children, a cross country move, and God's perfect timing brought the books back to be dusted off and presented to you now.

Hallee loves coffee, campy action movies, and regular date nights with her husband. Above all else, she loves God with all of her heart, soul, mind, and strength; has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; and relies on the presence of the Holy Spirit.

She prays her books are a blessing to you and would love to hear back from you.

Connect with Hallee:

Hallee Bridgeman
Sapphire Ice, Emerald Fire , Topaz Heat
Find Hallee's books:
Amazon,Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Goodreads
Find Hallee online:
Her Blog -- Facebook -- Twitter -- Google+-- Manic Readers

Purchase Sapphire Ice

ISBN: 9781452416526
Short description
The men in Robin's life have never been anything but pushers and users. Tony's intrusion into her exhausted world both infuriates her and intrigues her. Does Tony have a chance to break through the wall of ice Robin built around her heart? Extended description To Robin Bartlett, men were nothing more than violentusers. After a hair-raising childhood, Robin and her two younger half sistersbattled simply to survive. Determined to give her sisters a very different lifefrom that of their mother; to never have to rely on a man for anything, sheworked two jobs and put them both through college, while accepting help from noone. Her heart had turned to ice and she had no use for men or God.Antonio “Tony” Viscolli had grown up on the streets, homeless. At seventeen, heentered a downtown church with the intent of casing it, but found himself onhis knees at the altar. After being fostered by the youth minister, Tonyfollowed God’s leading and eventually became a very successful and powerfulbusinessman. In a fallen world, he was a gem.When Tony bought the restaurant where Robin bartended, she immediately resentedhis intrusion into her well ordered, but exhausting, life. She suspected hisoffering her special attention and constant kindness was merely his way ofexpecting something from her in return, something she wasn’t willing to give.Tony knew God had led him to Robin. Would she ever allow herself to trust him?Could she ever allow herself to trust God? Or would the winter of their tragicyouth rise from the shadows of the past and freeze any chance at happiness?
ISBN: 9781452449715
Short description Beautiful and vivacious Maxine Bartlett finally finds a love that will release her from the prison of her terrifying past. But, will her new husband's mistrust of God stand in the way of their happily ever after?

Extended description
A terrifying past imprisoned Maxine Bartlett all her adult life, shackling her with fear anytime a man even touched her.

In a spontaneous weekend, she unintentionally elopes with an unlikely groom. After a magical wedding night filled with love and passion, "Maxi" finally discards her dreadful chains.
She doesn't know that her new husband has turned his back on God. Worried over how the world might see the completely unexpected – and some would certainly say inappropriate – marriage, in his pride he promises Maxine a quiet annulment.

Unwilling to let their marriage disappear as if it never happened, Maxine refuses to cooperate. Seeking God's will, she moves in with him and informs him that when he decides to act like her husband again, he will find his loving wife waiting for him right there in their home. As the days stretch into weeks, the newlyweds slowly begin to trust and even love each other.

Then, just as they begin to live the "happily ever after" love story that neither of them ever dreamed could come true, a sudden and nightmarish catastrophe strikes that could wreck everything. Will her husband realize that he must trust God once more? Can he find peace and strength enough to carry them through the flames?

Purchase Topaz Heat

ISBN: 9781452471600
Short description
From the moment Derrick meets Sarah he knows there is no one else for him. Derek is a poor tough street kid made into a billionaire's protégé and groomed for wealth and success. Sarah sees only an unshaven tough kid covered with tattoos. She shuts down every advance. A decade later, will Sarah finally set aside her prejudices and open her heart to true love?

Extended description:
The very moment Derrick meets Sarah, he realizes he has a reason to live. Sarah sees only an unshaven tough kid covered with tattoos and shuts down every advance.

Sarah Thomas has no memory of her broken young life leading up to the tragic murder of her mother. Her memory begins the morning she wakes in the home of her loving adoptive parents. She doesn't even know her sisters exist until her 15th year. She learns to love her siblings, but always feels a little out of place in their presence.

A benevolent billionaire offers Derrick DiNunzio a home and an education. Fresh off the streets and rescued from a criminal future, Derrick sheds his old life. He trades his ripped leather jacket for silk suits; dealing drugs for mentoring "at risk" youth; lock picking and back door jobs for the rigors of mountain climbing and hotel management.

Sarah cannot seem to see beyond the past Derrick left behind … until one day she does. When they finally come together, an indictment threatens their future. Now the heat is on. Will Sarah finally set aside her prejudices and open her heart to true love or will the long forgotten past tear them apart forever?

Hallee, share your unique talent:

I can cook anything. Reading cookbooks is a way for me to relax. I cook whole, fresh foods from scratch -- so far from scratch that I actually grind my own wheat to make flour. If my family consumes it, chances are good that I made it -- from bread to pasta to yogurt.

Share something not many people know about you:

I know that I will eventually work in ministry in Africa. It calls to my heart. I don't ever talk about it, because when I do, I feel like I'm making excuses for not already doing it. I have always been drawn there, and will be ready to go when God says, "Go!"

Getting to Know You:

Are you a “pet person” or prefer no pets? I have a dog and a cat, but often think about how much simpler life would be if I didn't have them. My family loves them, though, so we will likely have one dog and one cat always.

Would you rather travel or stay at home? I LOVE to travel. I like being home and don't like having to leave to run errands and such, but a couple times a year, we travel.

Do you read more or write more? I haven't read a piece of fiction in years. Any reading time I have is used for reading homemaking books, cook books, or faith-based books about parenting, marriage, or life in general.

Prefer cake or pie? Yes. Heh.

Would, or do, ride a motorcycle or prefer to ride/drive a car? I prefer to drive a car.

Bus or taxi or walk? I will walk first. I don't mind long walks.

Are you part of a big church congregation or a small church? My church is moderately sized -- about 200 on Sunday mornings.

Do you like to telephone people or prefer to use e-mail? I do not like to talk on the telephone. I much prefer electronic correspondence. I did learn while my husband was in Afghanistan that I like video conferencing - it's much easier than talking on the phone to me. I look forward to the day that video conferencing replacing telephones as a norm.

Are you happy or joyful? Joyful.

Do you eat at home or eat out? Food is very much a focus to our family. We have educated ourselves about the benefits and/or danger of food and try to eat naturally and fresh. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of restaurants who cater to that kind of eating where I live. So, the default is to eat at home. But, going out is a treat, because preparing a meal is an involved process for me. We have a few restaurants we cater occasionally.

Listen to music or prefer quiet? Much prefer quiet.

Prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunrises.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Book Launch of Journey to Terreldor, by Chris Hibbard

Enjoy the book trailer!

          I woke lying on my back and shivering. I saw rays of sunlight and patches of blue through pine boughs weighed down by snow. Though I was cold and stiff, I felt better than I had in days.

          Why am I outside? I remembered and my heart sank. It’s only a dream, I tried to convince myself. Yet that morning something seemed clearer, more real than the jumble of hallucinations and doubtful memories of the previous six days.

Focus, Mark, I told myself, focus on today. The past will sort itself out soon enough.

          I couldn't have been more wrong.

          Lying there, I heard the sounds of my older brother stirring. At least we’re together, I thought. My mind reeled as I again failed to sort out the foggy memories of the day before I’d found him.

Without warning, my mind latched onto a more recent memory. I lay back on a bed of pine needles and let my mind sink into the dream I’d had just before waking. I saw it so clearly, and yet I fought its sense of reality.

My brother David shook me gently, holding a cold hand over my mouth. I sputtered before I realized he meant to keep me quiet.

“Shhhh,” he whispered, removing his hand. “More trolls—they’re coming toward us.”

          Trolls?  My mind staggered as I fought growing panic. I held my breath and crawled on my knees to peer through prickly branches, trying not to disturb the snow weighing them down. I saw a nightmare’s collection of ghouls marching toward us—monsters too horrible to consider real, and yet too fearsome to ignore. They were eerily familiar, as if I recognized them from a dream. My breath caught in my chest as they approached.

None of them were shorter than a man, and some were much taller. Where their skin showed, I saw some were covered in splotches of green, and the others had skin in tones of mud and sand. They were shaped like men, but short, squattish men who had no business being so tall. Their jaws seemed to project from their skulls, and they gave me the unlikely impression their teeth were trying to escape from their lips. I could imagine them capable of nothing but violence.

          My panic didn’t last long. Before they took a dozen steps, they veered left and headed downhill, away from us. Still and breathless, my mind shouted silent wishes after them. Don’t hear me breathing. Don’t turn around.
“That was the second group,” David whispered. “I think they’re on patrol.”

          Chris M. Hibbard was born in the suburbs of New Jersey, the second of three brothers. His family soon moved to Alaska, where he grew up scrambling over the mountains and beaches of a remote village wedged between thickly wooded peaks and deep fjords. His childhood shaped in him an early love for family and the outdoors, and inspired such hobbies as wildlife photography, grafting fruit trees, and other horticulture.

          His first novel began as a collection of stories he invented to entertain his children. He, his wife and four children make their home in the Piney Woods of South Texas.

To see his other written works, visit

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Fearless Friday! Meet Kevin Smith

Meet Kevin Mark Smith, an evangelical criminal defense and family law attorney in Wichita, Kansas. Kevin graduated cum laude from Regent University School of Law in 1999 where he served as Issue Planning Editor for the Regent Law Review. He is a former Assistant District Attorney for Sedgwick County, Kansas. He has published several law journal articles and other nonfiction articles with publications such as The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

Broken: A story of hope and forgiveness
Find on Amazon

Broken follows the lives of Robert Allen Baxter and family as they try to understand how God could allow an innocent young man to suffer at the hands of a criminal.
 Ps 34:18 “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
This Scripture is prevalent throughout the story as each of the family’s members as well as periphery characters discover their own brokenness and realize that such horrific circumstances often usher in God’s healing grace.

Get to know Kevin!
Your unique talent: Evangelical Criminal Defense and Family Law Attorney

Share something not many people know about you:
I like to hunt. Deer, birds, whatever. We are stewards of this earth and harvesting the fruits of it is required by God.

Are you a “pet person” or prefer no pets?
I love dogs, but my wife won't let me have one. Instead, we have a cat.

Would you rather travel or stay at home?

Do you read more or write more?
Lately I write more. However, reading is my second favorite leisure activity.

Prefer cake or pie?

Would, or do, ride a motorcycle or prefer to ride/drive a car?

Bus or taxi or walk?

Are you part of a big church congregation or a small church?
Small, The Family Church

Do you like to telephone people or prefer to use e-mail?

Are you happy or joyful?

Do you eat at home or eat out?

Listen to music or prefer quiet?
Music, classical.

Prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets.
I prefer to sleep through sunrises unless I'm in a deer stand.