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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Steps to Hosting a Book Launch on the John 316 Marketing Network

  Dear Future and Current John 316 Marketing Network Members. Please take a few moments to read and digest this information.

1. You must be a member of the John 316 Network for 45 days before announcing a book launch or posting a launch date on the calendar. If you will be offering free e-gifts, you need to allow a minimum of one month to prepare for your book launch.

2. You must have a total of five reviews posted at and/or beta reader feedback before announcing a book launch. Reviews work best for books that are already published. Beta reader feedback works best for books that are not yet published. It is an opportunity for readers to sample your book and make suggestions before your book is published. Beta readers cannot be author members of the John 316 Marketing Network. The network is building a list of readers who can be beta readers, and the author should attempt to have several people read his book before publishing it. If you don’t use beta readers through the John 316 Marketing Network, make sure you find readers who are not immediate family members that will give you constructive criticism. Many pairs of eyes make books better.

3. Before a book is launched on the John 316 Marketing Network, the author is responsible for having his or her book professionally edited. Please DO NOT submit a book to be launched unless this requirement is met. No amount of marketing will salvage a book that is full of grammatical errors, poor sentence structure, disorganized thoughts, boring content, or nonfiction books that lack documentation. Remember, an author is writing to sell his next book, not the one he is currently writing. A reader might be fooled into buying one "bad" book by an author, but he won't buy a second one by that same author unless he is a fool.

4. While I never make a distinction about how authors are published, I must point this out because it seems some do not think they need an editor. An editor is an author's best friend. POD or self-published authors, please do not skimp on this step. It is not fair to our network's reputation or the good graces of our member authors to expect them to promote a book that has not been properly prepared for readers. No ifs, ands, or buts. Not having the money to pay for it is not an acceptable excuse. And please do not expect authors to edit your book for free. I hope to start a critique group within the network this year. Critique groups help authors to become better writers. But even a critique group is not sufficient. You need to "hire" someone to perform this service.

5. If you are new and want to do a book launch, you must first participate in another author's book launch and one showcase by a second author. Participation is more than just sending out tweets. It includes featuring a launching author on your blog, offering a free e-gift for an author's landing page, writing a review for a book launch, and other activities including Facebook, Twitter, and Good Reads promotions of an author's book.

6. There are certain words that are absolutely not allowed in a book hosted by the John 316 Marketing Network. These words include the "N" word, the "S" word and the "F" word. We also do not allow the Lord's name to be taken in vain. We do not want to launch a book that would be considered offensive, pornographic, or that promotes a lifestyle in conflict with Scripture. If your book contains "edgy" material, let me (Lorilyn Roberts) know and I will submit it to a panel of pastors within the network for one of them to review. We are a Christian network and some books may not be appropriate for us to launch. If for some reason your book is rejected by the panel for promotion by the network, please do not take offense. It won't mean your book is "bad" or not inspired by the Holy Spirit. It would just mean your book is too edgy. We may even come up with a rating system to promote "edgy" books down the road. Each book presented and considered "edgy" by the author will be approved or denied on a case-by-case basis. If you are in doubt, please check with me.

7. If you are planning on doing a book launch in the immediate future, say within 60 days, it is expected that you set up your emails so you can receive them individually or on a once-a-day basis (condensed). This makes you an “active” member of the network. A personal gripe of mine is to discover an author who wants to launch a book and he or she is not a participant on the forum and is only receiving "special notices" or "no emails." If you are only receiving special notices or no emails, you are a “non-active” member of the network and are not eligible to host a book launch with the John 316 Marketing Network. You will need to change your status to active and wait 45 days before announcing a launch on the forum or posting one on the calendar.
The reason why you must be an active member of the John 316 Marketing Network to host a book launch is this: Our network is built on relationships. If you have isolated yourself and do not want to be involved with others, please do not expect others to promote your book. Those who have reached best-seller status on book launches have been those who have actively participated on the forum and given of themselves, in many cases sacrificially. They have established relationships here.

8. Please re-read the book How to Launch a Christian Best-Seller Book before setting up your launch. The book is frequently updated and the information is very detailed. Some authors make key mistakes that could have been avoided if they had read the book more closely. I hate being the bad guy when I have to inform an author that he can't launch his book because he has no reviews. And usually, when there aren't any reviews, there are other issues that need to be addressed.

9. If you purchased the book through Smashwords, you can download the newest edition at any time. If you bought your copy through Amazon, let me know and I will provide you with a coupon to download it through Smashwords for free. If you received a "free" copy with a coupon, you may need to purchase a new copy. Right now How to Launch a Christian Best Seller is free on Smashwords and only 99 cents on Amazon. It was revised in December so now is a good time to get an updated copy.

10. Please remember we represent the King of the universe. He expects us to give our best. Please don't compromise. Write well; have your book edited by at least one professional, maybe even two; build relationships with others in the network; and read How to Launch a Christian Best-Seller. If you do these things, we will come alongside you and cheer you on. God gets the glory for a job well-done, and, just maybe, readers will buy your book and make you fabulously happy. Whatever the result, the outcome is in God's hands. And usually, when we give God our all, He gives us much more in return.

11. I also want to thank each one of you who have launched books with the network. We have never launched a book that I am aware of that did not meet the above requirements. As with any organization, though, we are going through growing pains. I want to lay a solid foundation for God to use the John 316 Marketing Network. The publishing world is in a state of flux, but our commitment to one another, marked with love, truth, and integrity, will help us to stay on the straight and narrow path of excellence. As I tell my kids, the world is full of mediocrity; don't be like the world. In everything you do, do it as if you are doing it unto the Lord, and then give Him the glory.

Lorilyn Roberts, Founder of the John 316 Marketing Network


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Help Others Connect to God with New Book, "Finding God"

Finding God: Biblical Answers to Questions about Our Maker, a new ebook to help people build a relationship with God, has been released at New Christian Books Online Store and The ebook by Cheryl Rogers deals with important issues like who is God, who is Jesus and what does God expect from us. It also includes information on how to find God and accept the gift of salvation.

"I ran across some literature online that made me realize how vulnerable people are without a relationship with God," says Cheryl. "This ebook is an attempt to help them establish a relationship with God so they won't be prey to lies."

Finding God: Biblical Answers to Questions about Our Maker, is available in multiple ebook formats through the New Christian Books Online Store and

The book retails for $1.99, but is available free for limited time at New Christian Books Online Store.

"God asks us to seek him and this book will help readers do just that," Cheryl says. "It lays out the biblical answers we all need to believe in a God we cannot see."

Cheryl came to know the Lord later in life through a serious immune disorder, so she identifies with those who don't know God - even though they pray and attend church.

"I needed God very desperately when I surrendered my life to him," Cheryl recalls. "It is the desire of my heart to spare others grief by helping them find God early, before the problems of life catch up with them."

After Cheryl succumbed to Environmental Illness in late 1993, she spent three years praying and seeking medical treatments. In late 1996, she surrendered her life to God and he began healing her.

"It was a dreadful period in my life, but I did learn God was real and on my side," Cheryl says. "He has healed me and transformed my life."

Finding God: Biblical Answers to Questions About Our Maker is designed to help those 10 and older who attend church but don't feel their prayers are heard, those who don't attend church because they find it empty and meaningless, those who want to believe in God but see no reason to and those who question God's existence. It also is suitable as a gift from believers who want to share their faith in God with others.

Cheryl Rogers publishes New Christian Books Online Magazine, a publication featuring new book announcements, book excerpts, author marketing news, a Bible-based living column and other features of interest to Christian readers and writers. She has authored several books sharing her faith with toddlers through adults, including Fast Track to Victory, A Christian Guidebook, a 40-lesson devotions book aimed at new and young believers, and Just Like Jonah Wail Tales, a short story collection teaching pre-teens and teens there is a price to pay when you disobey God.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Finding God, A New Book by Cheryl Rogers, Slated for Release

John 3:16 Marketing Network member Cheryl Rogers is planning the release of a book which lays out the biblical path to salvation. Called Finding God: Biblical Answers to Questions about Our Maker, the book targets those who question God's existence, who pray and feel their prayers are unanswered, and those who find church empty and meaningless.

"I went to church for many years without knowing God," Cheryl says, "and so I understand firsthand how alone and desperate we can feel without a relationship with God. This book is intended to help people connect with God and build that relationship."

The book was inspired when Cheryl read some literature online and recognized how vulnerable people are to lies about God. "It was pretty convincing stuff. But having a relationship with God makes all the difference. He protects us from becoming prey to the devil's lies."

Finding God: Biblical Answers to Questions about Our Maker answers critical questions about God including: Is God real, who is God, what does God expect of us, where can we find God, and how to accept the gift of salvation. It is slated for release in late January in multiple ebook formats.

"I am looking for partners who will help me reach those who can be blessed by this book," Cheryl says, "specifically those who will run press releases, pray for the success of this book, and spread the word in whatever way they can."

Cheryl came to know the Lord later in life through a severe immune disorder, Environmental Illness. When she was truly able to surrender her life to God, he healed her and changed her life. A former newspaper reporter and desktop publisher, Cheryl is now dedicated to sharing the knowledge of God in whatever way she can, through fiction and non-fiction books for readers of all ages, through her original Scripture posters, cards, mugs, mousepads, and tees; and through Scripture songs God has given her.

Among her other books are Fast Track to Victory, A Christian Guidebook, a 40-lesson devotions book aimed at new and young Christians; Just Like Jonah Wail Tales, a short story collection for preteens and teens; and Making Choices: Life is Like Acorns, a Bible study for 5 to 10-year-olds.

Cheryl publishes New Christian Books Online Magazine which helps authors promote their writing through book announcements, excerpts, and feature articles. The magazine includes a storefront open to author submissions and an affiliate program offering 15 percent commission.

"It is my goal to provide a medium for writers called by God who may be having trouble publishing their work, connecting with readers, and selling their books," says Cheryl. "Often this requires an extensive investment. And so article posting and digital/print product submission at New Christian Books are free."

New Christian Books gets 35 percent of the actual sale price goes to New Christian Books; 15 percent goes to the sales affiliate who brought the customer.

Visit the magazine at Contact Cheryl at