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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

John 3:16 Book Review: Sassy Pants Learns About Strange Creatures (A Sassy Pants Learns Story) (Volume 3) (Paperback)

Sassy Pants Learns About Strange Creatures, by Carol A. Brown

Reviewed by Lorilyn Roberts

I too always seem to learn things the hard way, like Sassy Pants. Isn't it like God to use a cute pig in a kid's story to teach me about life. If you are young or young at heart, Sassy Pants will make you laugh a little more and live a little better. I can't wait for the next book in the series!

Available on Amazon here.

Available on Barnes and Noble in Print Copy here.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Young Readers Delaware Detectives mystery from Dana Rongione


Delaware Detectives
All My Fears Relieved
Dana Rongione

$2.99 eBook
$7.95 Print
ISBN-13: 978-1517527990

About the series:
It all began with a pocket knife which led to a mysterious inscription which led to a wolf. But there are no wolves in Delaware...or are there? It's up to the Delaware Detectives to find out.

In book one, Abby and Jamie, along with their friends Scott and Phyllis, followed a trail of tantalizing clues to uncover a hidden fortune.

In book two, the curious siblings embarked on a nearly-impossible mission to find a missing man.

Book three thrusts the detective team into a new mystery they are determined to solve no matter where the clues may lead. But are the kids prepared to discover what's really lurking in the woods of Beaver Valley?

While this book is appropriate for readers of all ages, gender and educational status, it was designed with the homeschool student in mind. To that end, the book contains a Glossary of Terms that can be used in the subject of Spelling and Vocabulary. The author has also included a Science Center, a History Hideout and a special Art Academy--all of which provide valuable insight and activities based on information from within the story itself. 

Lisa's Review
Cute addition to the series

Dedicated detectives spending the summer with their grandfather, Abby and her younger brother Jamie, along with Pop-pop’s neighbors who have returned from vacation, try to uncover the secret behind the mysterious howling at the Beaver Valley Cave. The wooden knife Jamie had found in the last adventure has some kind of writing on it that Abby eventually interprets. Does the warning mean danger? Could this have anything to do with the potential commercialization of once beautiful land?

Join the Delaware Detectives to find out. Abby narrates the quickly paced story as the four adventurers peel away each clue. The author discretely footnotes vocabulary words and includes local native history as an added bonus.

About the Author:

Dana Rongione is a full-time Christian author and speaker, fulfilling her call to share God's message of hope and comfort through her books, lessons, podcasts and blog posts. Though her passion lies in writing adult devotional books, Dana has also authored Christian books for children, including her middle-grade mystery series, The Delaware Detectives. Beyond her roles as author and speaker, Dana works to balance her duties as wife, homemaker, church pianist, Sunday School teacher (Bible Baptist Church, Pickens, SC) and "mommy" to her two rotten dogs. She resides in Greenville, SC with her husband, Jason and her canine companions, Tippy and Mitchell. In her spare time, Dana enjoys reading, hiking and daydreaming. To find out more, visit her site at and be sure to sign up to receive her daily blogs.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Wakulla Book Review: The Newspaper Code by Lisa J. Lickel

The Newspaper Code is the third book of the Buried Treasures Mystery Series. And once again, there are many treasures buried in the story waiting for the reader to discover. The story centers around a statue and some gold that’s missing from the town treasury since the 1860s.

While looking for the gold, we find many more valuable treasures along the way. The people in the story learn about friendships and being friendly. They learn to trust, to listen, and to be patient. Ms. Lickel is able to help us to see our own flaws in a humorous light. Every reader should be able to connect with at least one of the characters!!

What we fine as we read this is the most important and valuable treasure of all—Jesus! Through the flawed and bumbling cast, it is easy to see our imperfections, our limitations and our deep need for a savior to forgive us and cleanse us. In the end, it is healing and restoring relationships that matter most, especially over a relationship with God. Excellent book.

Wakulla Book Review by Loren


I want to personally thank all the men who are reviewing the books written by JOHN 3:16 AUTHORS. I am thankful that we are able to bless them and appreciate the encouragement given to us by their reviews. 

Each WEEK (usually on Tuesday), we are posting reviews from 
Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. 

Inmates are loving the new books from John 3:16 authors. 
Chaplain Steve Fox is adding the new books to the prison library in this initiative to "change lives to ensure a safer Florida."

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wakulla Book Review: Lilting Laments of a Looney Lass by Dana Rongione

A very, very good devotional book.  Yes, it was very humorous at times.  But for every time you smiled at what you were reading, there was another big wham coming at you.  And you didn't even see it coming.  Our Lord gave Ms. Rongione plenty of help to go with the elements of the book. 

If one should take the time to read the table of contents by itself, you could sit and think about another story from your own life that would fit right into the scheme of things that she wrote about.
A good smattering of saucy humor.  The major problem here is that I personally can totally understand the stories that she wrote about.  And that really scares me.
I was raised on a farm in upstate New York in the 40's and 50's.  There were a lot of the things that she said in the book that were right out there in the open.  Including the God part of the book.
An excellent undertaking.

Wakulla Book Review by Bob L.


I want to personally thank all the men who are reviewing the books written by JOHN 3:16 AUTHORS. I am thankful that we are able to bless them and appreciate the encouragement given to us by their reviews. 

Each WEEK (usually on Tuesday), we are posting reviews from 
Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. 

Inmates are loving the new books from John 3:16 authors. 
Chaplain Steve Fox is adding the new books to the prison library in this initiative to "change lives to ensure a safer Florida."