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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Wakulla Book Review: Seventh Dimension - The King, Book 2, by Lorilyn Roberts

Seventh Dimension Series, The King, Book 2 – A Young Adult Fantasy

Wakulla Book Review

I wanted to share one of my favorite reviews by a reader who “got it.” My belief is that God opens the eyes of readers who are open to receiving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into their hearts and minds. In fact, God gives us the ability to perceive spiritual things that without His Spirit working within us, we would not be able to see. 


Wakulla Book Review by Ronald

Summary:  Where Book 1, “The Door” was offered from the perspective of a teenage girl with no particular religious upbringing or background, “The King” is derived from that of a teenage boy of modern Jewish origin.

Daniel, the story's protagonist, is neither devout nor hardhearted toward God, taking a more contemporary, “he must be somewhere else doing other things” outlook. Throughout, God is calling and showing Himself to Daniel by sending angels to aid him, messages to tell him, and miracles to convince him, all pointing to Jesus of Nazareth and Passover. Aided by actual Biblical figures, sayings, and events, this is an informative look at the unfortunate, contemporary attitude of Israel and God’s never ending love for them and desire that they return again to Him (reminiscent of the parable of the lost sheep).

Purpose:  With an admittedly Jewish slant, Roberts reaches out to Jews and everybody with a Biblical portrayal of Jesus as the Messiah, in obvious agreement with the apostle Paul in Romans 10:1: Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved (King James Edition).

Theme:  That God is ultimately in control of everything; our lives, our futures. and our destinies. That the only satisfaction we can have is when we acknowledge Him and submit ourselves to His will for our lives.

Thesis:  That the world’s Messiah—Jewish and Gentile—has come in the person of Jesus/Yeshua of Nazareth.

Controversial issues:  Worship‑that the world offers gold, fame, respect, and adoration to those foolish enough to fall for its temptations. Romance‑that we are God's temple and are to remain pure and undefiled by casual sexual relations. That God wants us to save ourselves for marriage. Ambition‑that pursuing personal desires and goals that do not consider Him first actually regulate Him to second in our lives, and that to our detriment. Salvation‑that God offers the only way to be saved.

Enjoyed the book: Yes, particularly after Daniel left Shale and took Nathan to his father. From that point on it was an intense tale of the struggle that takes place in our lives as God draws us to Himself. Yes. It caused me to re-examine those pursuits in my own life and whether they are Godly or self-fulfilling.


To purchase a copy of  “Seventh Dimension – The King, Book 2,” from Amazon, please visit for the print version and for the Kindle version.


Florida Department of Corrections, Wakulla, Florida

Our Vision: "Changing Lives to Ensure a Safer Florida"

This is the first blog post in a series of posts featuring reviews by Wakulla Correctional inmates of John 3:16 books. I hope you will visit our blog next week to enjoy more reviews and discover new Christian books by John 3:16 authors.

Friday, January 9, 2015

How Should I Market My Book in 2015? by Lorilyn Roberts

If you are lucky and have some extra bucks to spend as an indy author, use your money sparingly for marketing right now. Instead, invest your money in hiring at least one, preferably two, good book editors and an excellent book cover designer. If you need suggestions, visit our page here:

Do not compromise on a book editor and book cover designer. 

What should you do for marketing since I am telling you not to spend a lot of dollars on marketing?  Here is what I recommend.

Build up your platform. How? Here is what I recommend:

1. Have an active blog or website, meaning you post a couple of times each week.

2. Open a Twitter account and build up your following. Tweet Adder 4 helps.

3. All your blog posts should be shared on Google Plus. Just post to Google Plus so you get your blog out there on the web.

4. Connect with other authors. How? Offer to review their books. Host them on your blog.

5. Write your next book.

6. Make all your books available in ebook format. Upload to Amazon and Smashwords for extended distribution.

7. Learn how to write press releases using Sandra Beckwith's information, available on her website for about $22.

8. Make your book available in audible book format and upload to Recite it yourself. If you have a computer you can do it for free.

9. Make your own videos using There is a free version.

10. Start an opt-in list. I use Constant Contact. You want your own list that you can send announcements to when you have a new book release or other author news.

11. Pray for God's direction and do not look for miracles. You might receive one, but probably it will be a process of developing your platform and your following. But at least you aren't spending thousands of dollars for people promising the impossible and delivering little.

Lastly, I have written a book you might find helpful, How to Launch a Best-Selling Christian Book on Amazon. It's 99 cents on Kindle. Some of the information I would change if I wrote the same book today, and some of it is specific to the John 3:16 Marketing Network, but there is a lot of good information about marketing you might find helpful.

I am keeping my eyes and ears open to new ideas and ways to market for 2015. If you have found something that has worked for you, please share with us in the comments below.