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Showing posts with label John 3:16 Marketing Network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John 3:16 Marketing Network. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our Newest Feature to Help Authors Write Good Books - Beta Readers



I hope you will find the experience of working with beta readers an invaluable part of your publishing adventure. My success with beta readers has been worth the expense and time I allowed for it and I will always use them in the future.

We have streamlined the process to make it easy for you and time effective for me.

I will send you two articles I wrote about how to use beta readers effectively and what I need from you to proceed with the process. When you send me back the letter, “first letter to beta readers,” and include a payment via PayPal for $75, I will submit the letter to our list of readers.

The $75 is used in the following way. Each beta reader, upon reading your book and submitting his or her feedback, will be sent a $5 Amazon gift card via email from me. You don’t have to worry about that part of the process. I will select seven beta readers from those who respond. They will be chosen in the following way:  Those who have given the best feedback on previous books will be chosen first to read your book.

From experience, I know that some people will say they are going to read your book and then not follow through. Percentage-wise, if I choose seven, it’s safe to predict five will follow through and give you good feedback. If you get all seven to respond, pat yourself on the pat and take it as a sign you’ve got a great book.

All the readers who provide feedback will be sent a $5 Amazon gift card. If you get five, that’s good. If you get less than five, I will resubmit your request out (at no additional cost) until you get five completed responses back on your book. I will know what the status is because the process will go through me – that way it will cut down on the time involved and communication – et cetera.

The remainder of the money, $50,  compensates me for my time. I figure I will spend anywhere between an hour and two hours coordinating and helping you. The price might be adjusted up or down in the future, depending on how the process goes.

Let me know if you have any questions.

If you would like to proceed, let me know, and I will send you the “first letter to beta readers” to get you started. My email for payment through Paypal is

Saturday, April 20, 2013

How to Launch a Best-Selling Christian Book Free Saturday April 20, 2013 on Amazon

It is an exciting time to publish a new book. I have published four, and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing our brand-new book in print or e-book, whether it’s our first, second, or fifth. When we go to Amazon, Barnes, & Noble, and other websites, we want to see our rankings validate the long hours we’ve put into writing our book.

The John 3:16 Marketing Network is designed for Christian authors to receive more exposure on book launches. As difficult and challenging as the writing process is, marketing is even harder. The John 3:16 Marketing Network does exactly what the name implies: It networks Christian authors so they can help each other with book launches on social networking sites via email, twitter and Facebook.

In March we added an official launch page for the John3:16 Marketing Network at Launches last from the 1st to the 16th of every month now and are treated more like book showcases or book promotions. This allows time for a book to receive maximum exposure through the network and hopefully rank in the top 100 best-selling books for its category over two weeks.

I want to encourage all Christian authors to help one another in marketing. I hope to add about thirty new members and have lowered the joining fee to $10 until we achieve that goal. The only requirements to join are that you believe in John 3:16 and have a website or blog. For more information, visit

Please check us out and spread the word. We are on Facebook, have a blog, and private forum channel. The more writers who are involved, the more impact we can have on the world with Christian literature.

Through the John 3:16 Marketing Network, I have “met” many wonderful Christian authors whom I would not have known otherwise. Those friendships and relationships are priceless. You never know who will end up where down the road, and if love is the motivating factor, I believe we can become a dynamic force and new model for Christian publishing.

Because of recent changes in how we launch books, I have updated the book How to Launch a Best-Selling Christian Book. It will be free on Amazon Saturday, April 21. The link is: Even if you have no desire to join the network, there is a lot of helpful information about building a platform, particularly on Amazon.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Just Two More Days to Win a Kindle and Other Prizes - Book Launch is Saturday March 16, 2013


John 3:16 Marketing Network Christian Book Launches 16th of Every Month
Mark Your Calendar for 
Saturday, March 16, 2013 
Final Day to Purchase Your Book
Drawing for Free Prizes

John 316 Banner

Celebrate With Us!

New Books
John 3:16 Marketing Network Authors!

Each month from the 1st through the 16th, the John 3:16 Marketing Network of Christian Authors will host a book launch featuring three to six authors. 

You will have an opportunity to win prizes as well as  download FREE BOOKS!

Make sure you enter our raffle (many times) for the drawing on the 16th! 

Help make our first launch a success by visiting our new launch page at  

Meet our talented, showcased John 3:16 authors and learn more about their books.   

The authors for March are:

Matthew R. Horn 
Joseph Young
Lorilyn Roberts

Again, be sure to enter the drawing -the Rafflecopter - that runs from the 1st through the 16th of every month. You might win a Kindle ($69 value), a $25 Amazon gift card, or a $10 Starbucks card. 

Click here to learn more.

Enjoy also checking out the free books available throughout the month!

There is Corn in Egypt

Showcased book for March 16, 2013

Seventh Dimension - The Door

Showcased book for March 16, 2013

Nothing Good is Free

Showcased book for March 16, 2013


John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Free Book On Smashwords!, use Coupon Code: HD49M Free Book on Smashwords!  
Coupon Code:


John 3:16 Author Membership 25% off with this coupon 
Code: Constant Contact List
$10 off regular membership rate of $40

Offer Expires 03-17-2013.  Go to for membership information

Lorilyn Roberts Gainesville, Florida 32606
   Twitter   LinkedIn  Pinterest

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Jamaican Author Yvonne Pat Wright Writes Gold Medal Winning Book Spice to Eternity – Help Her Bolt It to the Best-Seller List on August 21 on Amazon!

From “Spice to Eternity” is one of the most fascinating books I have read in a long time. The subtitle, Discovering the Main Ingredient to a Life of Fulfillment and Purpose, is aptly titled. One of the senses less often thought about in our relationship with Jesus and the heavenly Father is taste. In Spice to Eternity—part memoir, part inspirational, part cooking, and part educational—Yvonne Pat Wright captures this ingredient in an enjoyable journey through her life of cooking and spiritual enlightenment.

How much do you know about spices? You won’t look at cinnamon and cumin and dozens more spices the same way again!

Here is a “taste” of From Spice to Eternity about Vanilla from chapter one “Incomparable Love”:

“Vanilla: What a flavor! It is probably the most exotic of all the spices, and this is no wonder, as the vanilla beans are the pods of the tropical orchid plant Vanilla Planifolia. Vanilla is called ‘The spice of love.’…like the long process of curing vanilla, love affairs –especially those that endure—develop over a long time, the longer the process, the more precious the love that ensues.”

Chapter titles include “Joy Fulfilled,” “Fiery Trials” (guess what spice is highlighted in this chapter), “Made Brand New,” and “He Gave His Life.”

Have you ever wondered what spice would symbolize honor? It’s in one of the chapters I listed above.

I can’t say enough good things about this book.  On Tuesday, August 21, Yvonne Pat Wright will be launching Spice to Eternity on Amazon. If you purchase her book on that day, you will receive many free eBooks/gifts. The books are a secret, but I will share one now— the John 3:16’s highly touted Taste and See book featuring over 60 authors (533 pages). Check back here on Tuesday for the link.

About Yvonne Pat Wright

Yvonne Pat Wright, in happy retirement, enjoys reading, in several genres, but finds it hard to accept obscenity and accept it as standard author’s license.  A devout Christian she teaches in church and is a trained lay preacher. Born in Kingston, Jamaica she has spent equal number of years living alternatively in Jamaica and the United Kingdom. She’s won the hearts of daughters, grandsons and nieces and several ‘adopteds’ with her hearty home cooked meals, delicately spiced and served up with healthy doses of the value of Christian living. She is particularly pleased to have been ‘mother’ to a very famous singing family, the Jackson Five.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Amazon Creates Another Way for Authors To Make Money Selling eBooks - What’s the Hype About Kindle Direct Publishing

By Lorilyn Roberts

The first time I read about Kindle Direct Publishing, also known as KDP, I couldn’t see the value of it. Why would I want to give away a Kindle book for up to five days every three months and be forced to yank it off all other distribution sites, including Smashwords? 

I had three ebooks at that time being sold through Smashwords, and with their premium distribution, my books were available to Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and other websites I learned about later. I didn’t understand the fine print about the KDP Loan Option, which sounded like a lot of hype about nothing, and I didn’t know anyone who was enrolled. I wrote off  KDP thinking it was too much trouble to implement and I would be wasting my time.

For those who don’t know me, I lead the John 3:16 Marketing Network, a network of over two hundred Christian authors. Our chief focus is to help Christian authors launch their books when published on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. One of the most valuable aspects of belonging to the network is the sharing of information. In January  2012, we had a new member, Bob Saffrin, who emailed me about his success with a Kindle book, Moses –Steps to a Life of Faith, in the KDP Select Program. After offering it for one day free, he had almost four thousand ebooks “sold” and topped the charts in all the nonfiction subcategories.

In over of year of launching books, we had never had anywhere close to that number of books sold in one day—and we are a network that launches books. Of course, Mr. Saffrin’s ebook was free, so my next question was, besides the great exposure he had received—four thousand books loaded on Kindles in the United States and Canada and even other countries sounded awesome—would those downloads translate into royalties? Or was if a fluke? Many people had bought Kindles for Christmas and were looking for cheap ebooks to load on their new “toy.”

I started paying attention to KDP Select through other authors in the John 3:16 Marketing Network. Some were willing to share their numbers. Martin Roth, an Australian author of international thrillers, emailed me about his success with Kindle Direct Publishing. He, too, had “sold” thousands of ebooks with KDP. Now I had validation that it wasn’t just nonfiction books that were doing well with KDP but fiction books also; and it couldn’t have been just  an after-Christmas rush to upload new ebooks on new Kindles. This was for real.

I decided to give KDP a try—which required a lot of effort on my part. Mr. Roth warned me that it was important to make sure you removed your ebook from all distribution sites except Amazon. Your book had to be exclusive to Amazon. My first thought was, how would they know anyway?

Don’t be fooled—Amazon will find your ebook on other websites and contact you to remove it. They are serious about this. When Amazon says exclusivity, they mean it. I waited a couple of months before enrolling my book in the program to ensure it was removed from all the websites I knew about, and Amazon found more later and alerted me.

My book Children of Dreams is an adoption memoir, and that was the first book I put into the Kindle Direct Publishing Program. In the meantime, some of our John 3:16 Authors had compiled a list of FREE websites where you could promote or advertise your ebook the days it was free on Amazon. I went through that list to maximize my book’s exposure.

For two days, over Mother’s Day weekend, I offered Children of Dreams for free on Kindle. By the end of the weekend, I had almost 17,000 ebooks downloaded and it hit number eleven out of all free books on Amazon.

I was ecstatic to have that many books downloaded on Kindles all over the world. In comparison to the number of ebooks I had sold previously, it was astounding. The question then became, how can I make money with this?

Since that weekend, I have offered my other ebooks for free through Kindle Direct Publishing. For the month of July, I received a royalty payment from Amazon for $350. Another author in the John 3:16 Marketing Network made $4,000 last month through Kindle Direct Publishing. The numbers vary widely, but you can make money using KDP. I am delighted that even I can make a few dollars to pay a bill, and the most important thing is, I didn’t spend a dime hiring a publicist or a marketing firm—and, to be honest, they will soon exhaust anyone’s financial resources and may not sell you a single book. I am speaking from personal experience.

Is KDP Select for you? To learn more about the specific details, go to There are also step-by-step instructions on how to enroll your book in the program.

What about the exclusivity requirement? That means my book can’t be sold anywhere else.

Here are my thoughts: If it bothers you, then don’t do it. Amazon has come up with a marketing method that works. It’s a win-win for Amazon and the author. You have a choice, and as long as authors have that choice, I see nothing wrong with it. Amazon is in business and they are good at it. Looking at their growth and market share, they are probably the best. The challenge is for another company to come up with a better “KDP Select Program” than Amazon’s.

Here are some suggestions for anyone who is listening:  Implement a similar program that doesn’t require exclusivity. Challenge Amazon. Become a bigger player by offering authors more. What about an 80 percent royalty instead of 75 on books priced at $2.99 or more? What about a 50 percent royalty on books that are only 99 cents? What about allowing us to make our books free whenever we want—ten days a month instead of five?

Just like a lover woos his mistress, you’ve got to convince me to give up KDP Select in its current form and prove that you can offer me something better.

The royalty payments I have received from Smashwords pale in comparison to what I have earned with Amazon, even with Smashwords’ premium distribution. In fact, the $65 in my Smashwords account isn’t enough to deposit into my bank account based on their minimum requirement for direct deposit.

Until another company convinces me otherwise, I will stick with Kindle Direct Publishing, despite its exclusivity. Amazon needs more competition from other companies to entice them to adjust their paradigm. As long as KDP continues to put more money in authors’ pockets, including Smashwords, Amazon won't have any inclination to “rock the boat” and change it.

In a couple of months, I will be releasing my new YA novel, Seventh Dimension – The Door, and I plan on enrolling it into the KDP Select Program. One thing I want to stress, however, is you still need to promote your book. Laziness in promotion won’t sell books. KDP Select will require effort in terms of letting websites and others know when your Kindle book is free. Then you have the opportunity to make some money after the free promotion is over. It’s the uptake in sales following the free promotions that rings up that royalty check. Amazon also pays every month through direct deposit into authors’ bank accounts if it’s set up that way. My question is, why would anyone not want to do it?

For information on how to join the John 3:16 Marketing Network, go to:


Saturday, July 16, 2011

John 3:16 Marketing Manual, How to Launch a Christian Best Seller Book


Get your copy of the John 3:16 Marketing Manual, How to Launch a Christian Best Seller Book, at this link:

You will need this book to tell you all about the concept, how the Network works, how to set up your forum settings, links to all parts of the Network, how to use Amazon to market your book, and how to launch a best-seller book.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

John 316 Blog Tour and Membership Drive -- Free books and egifts

If you are interested in the John 3:16 Marketing Network, the free e-gifts that
will be given away (some haven't been revealed), the more than eight books to be
given away next Tuesday night on the Facebook Event, the John 3:16 Blog Tour
featuring nine different authors, and a host of marketing information, check out
this link for the details:

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Finest Example of Launching Christian Books in the World

The John 3:16 Marketing Network

The Finest Example of Launching Christian Books in the World

Q&A with Lorilyn Roberts


I started the John 3:16 Network last summer and am excited about what God is doing. I will share some Q&A here to help your readers learn more about the network and answer some questions that I have addressed at various times.

Question: What is the John 3:16 Marketing Network?

Answer:  The John 3:16 Marketing Network is a network of Christian authors from all over the world who have united for a common purpose: To help Christian authors launch books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The launches last for twenty-four hours, and during that time, authors in the network post tweets and Facebook announcements, host interviews of the launching author, post blogs about the upcoming book, and send emails to opt-in lists.

Oftentimes there are free e-gifts available to those who buy the book on launch day. We’ve had several authors to reach best-seller status at Amazon, and even those who didn’t still received a lot of publicity and exposure for their book.

Question:  I don’t have a blog/website, don’t use Twitter, and don’t care for Facebook, but can I still be in the network? I have a book coming out that I need help promoting.

Answer:  You must have an active blog or website to be a member of the John 3:16 Marketing Network. The reasons relate to the type of social marketing and network promotion we do for Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
You will need a blog/website to help others if you wish to be a blog host for a launch.

It shows you have enough knowledge to do very basic internet marketing.
The John 3:16 Marketing Network is not designed to do the hard work of marketing your book for you. Those who have enjoyed the network the most and have achieved best-seller status made the most of the internet for promoting their book on launch day. We have around eighty-five authors now, and if even half of the authors help on a launch, I would imagine we are reaching close to five hundred thousand people. As we grow, I look forward to reaching a million people on launches and boosting rankings even higher in subcategories. An author can also use sources outside the network to launch a book, increasing his exposure.

Question: Does everybody who submits their name to join the John 3:16 Marketing Network get accepted into the network?

Answer:  Even assuming a person meets all the criteria as listed on the submission page, no. As time has passed, I have become more selective. For instance, early on, if someone didn’t leave all his information, which is basically, his name, website/blog, and email, if I had his email, I would follow up in an email and ask him for his full name or blog.

I don’t do that anymore. If an applicant can’t follow the directions on how to apply, I would rather he not join. The rules are specific about how to launch a book to best-seller status, and if an author can’t follow the rules about how to join, he won’t be able to follow the rules for hosting a launch.

Before I approve a person on the John 3:16 Marketing Network, I always check out his or her blog/website. If I see something that raises a question mark in my mind, I don’t go any further in the application process. I also only let in about three or four authors per week. It is very time consuming because there are several steps in the process, and since I am doing this at no charge, I only have a limited amount of time each week to devote to new members.

Question: What is the John 3:16 Marketing Network like on a day-to-day basis?

We have a Facebook page that is used basically to announce books on launch day and as publicity for the network. People find us there and become a fan, but that does not make a person a member of the network. The Facebook page is only a tiny fragment of the big picture.

We have a blog for launching books, a page where many of the books written by our authors are listed for purchase, an introduction page for new members, and we are fixing to launch a resource page of available services offered by authors within the network.

The most important part of the network is our Yahoo Forum, which is by invite only. You can’t be a member of the forum unless you are in the John 3:16 Marketing Network. We have a very verbose group on the forum. It is not unusual to have between fifty and one hundred email postings each day.

Question: What is my role (Lorilyn Roberts) in the John 3:16 Marketing Network?

I admit everybody into the network. I verify all the launch dates and launches to make sure each author is ready/prepared to launch and is not in conflict with anyone else’s launch. I provide an important document explaining how to host a professional launch based on the Peggy McColl Best-Seller Program. (We also have made some modifications to that program to suit our network). I answer a lot of individual emails from members and oversee the general running of the network. It is a labor of love.

I had no idea when I began this network, which I felt led by God to form, that it would be so successful. I have touched a felt-need in the Christian arena of authors and marketing. We have a connectedness and sharing among like-minded individuals. We make no distinction between self-published, POD published, or mainline published. It doesn’t come up in conversation on the forum, as I have seen on other forums, because nobody cares.

There is a camaraderie and feeling of good will that must be akin to what existed in the early church. We truly have something special here. As with any group, however, it is not for everyone. You must have at least some familiarity with how to post on Facebook, twitter, blog, et cetera, or be willing to learn without complaining; you must be willing to follow the instructions on how to launch a best-seller and be willing to be edified—we want everyone to succeed; and you must be willing to give of yourself to help others on launches or give an e-gift for those who have landing pages. The landing pages have been fabulously successful in helping authors to achieve best-seller status. You will learn what that is when you join the John 3:16 Marketing Network.

As far as I know, we have done something that has never been done—united Christian authors from all over the world in one network representing every way a book can be published. On book launches, we all join together and cheer each other on through announcements of various kinds, helping each author to achieve that coveted best-seller status. We share our thoughts, insights, knowledge, blogs, successes, prayer requests, and dreams. What started out as a way for authors to launch books has become so much more. I am not sure where God will take it, but I am trusting Him for the future. As I love to say, the best is yet to come!

To visit our information page and submit an application go to:

This has been reprinted from the Reflections in Hindsight blog from Monday, April, 11, 2011.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Get "I Called Him Dancer" on Tuesday and Receive Free E-Gifts!

When people see a breathtaking performance, it looks like natural, raw talent. The truth is, behind the performer is a long road filled with struggle, pain, and hardship. In front of every winner is a mountain of failure they must first climb and conquer. The greater the mountain, the sweeter the taste of success. Michael Camp was an award winning dancer.

For a moment, Michael danced on top of the world, but one bad choice turned his life upside down. The once promising Broadway star now washes windows for tips and lives among the homeless. When his former dance partner recognizes him behind the fray of whiskers, shame drives him away from her. Angry at God and the world, the Dancer refuses to allow anyone into his life.

Beyond his short-lived success, stands a valley of despair with terrain so rugged, his very life will hang in the balances. If he survives, the mountain awaits. It has been said, unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it cannot blossom into life. Can Michael Camp trust enough to die, when life seems out of reach?

When everything is stripped away, three things remain: faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love. I Called Him Dancer is a story about how one woman’s enduring faith and unconditional love drives her to reach out to a homeless man who has given up on life.

What readers are saying:
This book is a page turner from cover to cover, Eddie makes you feel like you actually know the characters in his book. - B. Tillman, OR.

Almost too good to put into words.'ll find yourself saying, "Just one more chapter". K. McNabney, IL

This book is a must read. Through this book the reader will learn about true love and the power it holds.  T. Franklin, TX

I loved this book from cover to cover, the author makes you feel like you actually
know the characters in his book. T. Webster, VA

Visit for freebies and giveaways.